

Well-Known Member
so as i sit here smoking this honey oil, budder and hitting the vape... i start gapping out watching my aquariums and got to thinking... who else on here shares my sick affliction for fish keeping? post up pics of your tanks if youve got them!

heres my 220g tank

full tank shot

with the moonlights on

and a better look of the stand i built to put the tank on!

ill post up more if people take to this thread


Well-Known Member
I think there's been one or two people growing in their fishtanks here in the past...

I used to have fish when I was 8, until the black one ate the rest and promptly died.

Typical X3


Well-Known Member
Is that a fresh water tank? Either way very nice. I like that stand alot too. I had a really nice salt setup going not to long ago. I loved having a tank around. I could sit and watch my fish forever. It was a reef tank, with a ton of live rock. I had a couple clowns, a fox face, and a cowfish. Eventualy I'm gonna have another one. Already got a spot for it and all. Kinda wanna get this growing thing down to science first though.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats freshwater right now.... scared to go salt on a 220g tank... even fw... it was a few thousand to setup.... going to salt would push that past ten thou with ease
at one point i had a ~26" red tail cat x tigershovel nose catfish in my tank....

called him hoover as the son of a bitch ate everyone else in the tank, nearly took him out and shot him with a .45 acp... found someone who REALLY wanted the douche so i gave him away haha

(that fish probably cost me close to 750$ in livestock)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it would. A friend of mine's dad had a 200 something gallon salt set up. He had about 5 grand invested before he even thought about adding his first damsel. It was all professionally installed so it looked like something at a big aquarium. They added another tank (don't know what size) in the stand to help filter the big one.


Well-Known Member
people tend to add a tank about 1/2 the size of the main one in the stand as a sump filter, most dont even realize theres a 2nd tank in the stand thats just about as big as whats On the stand!


Well-Known Member
Very nice Oakley!! I too enjoy fish keeping. I have a 20g in the living room and a 10g in my office. As well as an ancient 1000g pond I restored here on my property. Acouple of the tanks from another thread.




Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine does coral... I love it, he's got a few small fish in there but mostly really neat looking and expensive coral.


Well-Known Member
hey nice tanks :)

that 220g makes me drooll (probably have abit of a boner too, but to stoned to notice :))

i´ve got 180l myself (think thats 40g or something, maybe 48?, forget) (want to get a 400l one:) thinking of building it, though then i might go bigger (if i ever do it, might just buy it lol)
guppies, bristlenose catfish and lots of plants, what i was told are 5 amano shrimps, these supposedly breed in the tank (amano cant do that succesfully without lots of help) and dont really look like amano, though might be a different kind of 2 applesnails (5 or 6 different kinds, red and whatnot)

just got most of the plants though, so its looking a bit lackluster, made a mistake with some crayfish lol. it looked really nice before they came along lol, now they are in some big plastic box lol, probably happier, lots more places to hide.

no pics sorry, dont even have a camera and win7 doesnt have drivers for my webcam :(


Well-Known Member
heres my SW...just baked, listening to music and looking at my fish
just put my picaso trigger back in the display tank, so I'll have to get a new video with the whole gang..


Well-Known Member
a video with cleaner glass...not much. I get so busy with other shit, I stopped being so anal about keeping the glass clean..SLACKIN! :(
also shows my crustations tank..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I love saltwater tanks. I don't want to commit murder, though. Sure as shit I'm going to end up killing everything in the tank.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot!

When the picaso is in there, it really brightens up the tank. Too bad he's such a dick to my niger triger..