Smart phones?


Well-Known Member
Are there any phone companies out there in the world that arent fucking smart phones? I hate hate hate them. All that touch screen/app bullshit makes me feel like a retard, plus the phones are really fucking expensive. to top it off, I have Metro PCS, and they're always behind the loop, but they're starting to catch up, and phase out all of their normal phones!!!


Well-Known Member
It's so they can track you and watch you. Everyone will have one, in Japan the phones are credit cards to. Their going to give us all "free" phones and internet if allmost everyone doesn't buy one and pay for it first. Welcome to the NWO.


Active Member
I don't know what you're talking about, but my android is pretty good for when I'm out and I wanna check facebook or something lol


Well-Known Member
i dont have the money to upgrade my plan so even if i did like smart phones, or found a phone i could use, it means we would have to change our plans


Well-Known Member
Are your fingers to big to work a smart phone? Maybe they will make versions for special needs people - have you tried using voice commands on it?


Well-Known Member
lol its not my fat fingers, i just dont have the patience to type things out on a touch screen. if it has buttons i can text faster.


Well-Known Member
lol its not my fat fingers, i just dont have the patience to type things out on a touch screen. if it has buttons i can text faster.
Just wait a couple years you will get a free phone with internet


Well-Known Member
Look harder urca. Every cell phone company in america has phones for sale that arent smart phones. You can still choose not to have a data plan. And you can also find plenty of basic cell phones from third party websites.


Well-Known Member
i dont have the money to upgrade my plan so even if i did like smart phones, or found a phone i could use, it means we would have to change our plans
metro got some nice phones with android for cheap


Well-Known Member
Look harder urca. Every cell phone company in america has phones for sale that arent smart phones. You can still choose not to have a data plan. And you can also find plenty of basic cell phones from third party websites.


Pickle Queen
Here's my phone ... it's about as smart as a rock. Mine is tan however, the old AT&T classic. cn
LMFAO my grandparents were given a new phone after they told the phone company that they could not dial out only answer when it rang , OMG the poor girl must have been young lmfao they only realised that the issue was the old rotary phone when a service tech arrived to check the lines, grammie said the guy was laughing so hard they were feeling insulted until the "young lad" went to the truck and brought them a new phone, apologized that he had laughed and explained that the company had sent a letter explaining the upgrades, priceless my grammies response " well i do use facebook!" lmfao

Anyways Urca don't they sell cheap disposable type phones in ur area, or buy an older phone that is not a smart phone, some pay as u go type shit. Damn i still have all my old cell phones, i use one as a non when i call places and want to keep myself anonymous. Either way i always turn off my GPS and shit, but then i think what if someone takes me and that shit could have saved my ass!!!


Well-Known Member
basically we have a family plan and if any of us get a smart phone the plan will go up. however i just found a really nice touch screen with a slide out keyboard for 70 bucks, so im getting that.


Well-Known Member
I got my iPhone handed down after my mother got it free on a heavily discounted contract. She upgraded to an iPhone 4, then my dad followed suit.

I love the iPhone. A friendly user interface, fast working, quirky apps and real music tools. I use Notes to email myself and record lecture notes, it's a voice recorder and dictaphone with text-to-speech software. It has handwriting recognition, I practice my Japanese on it. I use the calendar to keep track of my hospital appointments. I use the camera and photobucket app alot, and it's easy to email myself photos of work I need to print out for grading. I use google maps several times a week, the train timetable and route planner have saved my ass many a time. I can check facebook quickly, do online research as soon as the topic of interest comes to me instead of firing up the PC. My wifi signal is awful but my phone picks up the signal more consistently and stronger. Our teacher regularly sends us announcements and assignments via email or Dropbox, both of which I can access anywhere. So many times I've used my confirmation emails and QR on the iPhone to collect tickets when my printed Proof of Purchase didn't work. I have an app that can find me any establishent I specify (like a particular shop or the nearest toilet) I can shop online, like I bought my university equipment as they told us what to get on enrollment day. They're good for data tanager and reading your favorite books/articles on the bus or whatever.

It is a powerful tool that is a real help to me with my dyslexia/VPD and general constant navigation failures.