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Expert Goes On Record: Bin Laden 9/11 Confession Is Bogus
Professor says there is no doubt infamous Bin Laden tape is fake, being used to deflect 9/11 "conspiracy theories"Steve Watson
Monday, February 19, 2007

A leading expert on Osama Bin Laden has officially gone on the record saying that he believes the so called "9/11 Confession" tape, released shortly after the attacks, is an outright fake that has been used by US intelligence agencies to deflect attention from

“conspiracy theories” about 9/11.
Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program, joined Kevin Barrett last Friday on his radio show (, 2/16/2007, first hour) in his first public interview since comments he made last year indicating that he believes Bin Laden may be dead and that many of the newer tapes are either fake or consist of old audio and video.
The "Confession" video, played ad infinitum in the wake of the attack on Afghanistan in December 2001, was magically found in a house in Jalalabad after anti-Taliban forces moved in. It featured a fat Osama laughing and joking about how he'd carried out 9/11. The video was also mistranslated in order to manipulate viewer opinion and featured "Bin Laden" praising two of the hijackers, only he got their names wrong. This Osama also uses the wrong hand to write with and wears gold rings, a practice totally in opposition to the Muslim faith.
Despite the fact that the man in the video looks nothing like Bin Laden, the CIA stood by the video whilst many, including Professor Lawrence now, have declared it an outright fake.

Lawrence is the author of a book entitled Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden, which translates Bin Laden's writing. In January 2006 he told ABC news that a newly released audio tape was missing several key elements and "was like a voice from the grave". The Professor had analyzed more than 20 complete speeches and interviews of the al Qaida leader for his book, and, while the CIA confirmed the voice on the tape as Bin Laden, Lawrence questioned when it was recorded and declared the timing of its release as politically convenient.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Friday Lawrence, citing informants in the US intelligence apparatus’s Bin Laden units, told Kevin Barrett that everyone knows the tape is fake, adding that the hoax has been kept alive because it is politically useful to those who wish to bolster the official 9/11 conspiracy that 19 hijackers directed by Bin Laden from a cave carried out the attacks.
We have previously covered the scores of times Osama Bin Laden has been used as a tool of fear and control as a tried and tested method whenever the going gets tough. Many tapes have been determined to be total fakes by voice analysis or simply re-hashes of old material.
Research led us to discover that the most recent "Al Qaeda" video releases featuring Bin Laden had already featured in a docudrama The Road to Guantanamo. The media tentatively even admitted that it was the government that released the tapes.
In a separate revelation, AP reported that an expert on Islamic extremism deemed the Al Qaeda footage as so out of character for al-Qa'ida it could have been taken by a security agency.
Bin Laden was created by US intelligence , worked with US intelligence in the late 70s and 80s, was used as a patsy by US intelligence before and after 911 and is now being used as a manipulative tool of fear by the criminal elite faction currently in power in the US.
In June 2006, Muckraker Report investigative reporter Ed Haas contacted the FBI to ask why 9/11 was not specifically mentioned on Bin Laden's wanted page on the FBI website.
“The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's most wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11," he was told Rex Tomb.
In Bin Laden's first interview after the 9/11 attacks he denied any involvement. This isn't like a kid caught thieving in a sweet shop - terrorists always claim responsibility for attacks they have perpetrated otherwise why bother killing people to send a political message?
Then came the now thoroughly debunked "Confession Tape".
The fact that the FBI does not consider the 'confession tape' as reliable evidence of involvement in 9/11 was subsequently completely dismissed by the Washington Post and others who still say the tape proves that Al-Qaeda have, "proudly taken responsibility for the hijackings


New Member
What about those french mercanaries that had osamah in their sights and were waiting for the order to shoot by the americans. They had him twice and both times the americans refused to give the order.


New Member
What about those french mercanaries that had osamah in their sights and were waiting for the order to shoot by the americans. They had him twice and both times the americans refused to give the order.
That was under the Clinton administration, I believe.



New Member
So, you're saying that Bush could have had bin Laden and just said "let him go?" If so, and if you don't mind, would you kindly post your sources for this information. Thanks ...



New Member
I told you it was all over our news. Maybe 2 weeks ago. Yes Bush let him go, or at least would not give the order to take him out.


New Member
OK, so it was all over your news. I don't doubt you. Would you please post a link to a news source in your country? This is important news that should be known to us Yanks. Thanks ...



New Member
OK, so it was all over your news. I don't doubt you. Would you please post a link to a news source in your country? This is important news that should be known to us Yanks. Thanks ...

Come on VI, you wouldn't believe it if God said it. I try and post news every day that should be known to us yanks and you just scoff at it. It does not surprise me in the least that Dubya and Bin Laden are Buddies. After 911, Bush made sure and fly all the Bin Ladens out of the country during the no-fly time period!


New Member
OK, so it was all over your news. I don't doubt you. Would you please post a link to a news source in your country? This is important news that should be known to us Yanks. Thanks ...

There were 2 events. Once in 2003, and once in 2004. It has also happened during the clinton administration. I don't know how to post links, nor do I really have the inclination to search for any. Whatever the news source, I'm sure there would be a way to discredit or not believe it somehow. So there is little point.

We are the bad guys on this planet. If this was a movie, we'd be on the side of Osamah.


New Member
There were 2 events. Once in 2003, and once in 2004. It has also happened during the clinton administration. I don't know how to post links, nor do I really have the inclination to search for any. Whatever the news source, I'm sure there would be a way to discredit or not believe it somehow. So there is little point.

We are the bad guys on this planet. If this was a movie, we'd be on the side of Osamah. It you look into Bushs' relations with the Bin Ladens, You would think we are already on his side. Read a book called "Bushwhacked", By Molly Ivins, you'll learn a lot about the crookedness of GW Bush, and what a collosal failure he would be without his daddy's friends. He failed in every business he tried and had to be bailed out by Harken and assoc., a Saudi funded conglomerate. It's a good read if you want to know the "man" (and I use that term loosely) behind the presidency.


Well-Known Member
why would they need specifc orders to kill him? if they found him it must have been their mission to find him, once located it would be time to send some lead down range and be heros...

this sounds like a french war story to me..


New Member
why would they need specifc orders to kill him? if they found him it must have been their mission to find him, once located it would be time to send some lead down range and be heros...

this sounds like a french war story to me..
Blame it on the French.


New Member
What about those french mercanaries that had osamah in their sights and were waiting for the order to shoot by the americans. They had him twice and both times the americans refused to give the order.
Yes, I read a story about those mercenaries too. They found Osama on the Moon hiding in one of the craters. Hey, I'd post the site where I read it, but I don't know how. Not only that ... but in spite of the fact that you guys have never read, seen or heard about the "Moon" thingie, doesn't mean its untrue. Not only did they find him on the Moon, but scientists have found evidence that Bush's footprints were all over that spot on the moon too! *lol*



New Member
okay vi', so I made it up. I also made up the fact that I don't sit on the internet all day so I don't know how to make/post links. Also, I didn't get this story off the web, it was on our tv stations, and national newspapers.

I really don't like being called a liar, or even intimated as being one, especially as I abhor such a trait in other people.


New Member
That's exactly right. I'm not calling anyone a liar at all. All I'm saying is ... if you make a statement, be prepared to back it up with some facts.



New Member
"he's not saying you're a liar. he's saying be careful what you believe." Are you guys holding hands or what. One posts and the other right away backs him up, sounds kind of fishy. maybe the chance encounter in the gay Bar wasn't so chance after all!