Marijuana + Catnip = OMG


Active Member
Hallucination is change of mental state impairing perception of reality, once more your wrong, I never once disagreed with the fact weed doesn't make you trip, but it is still classified globally as a hallucinogenic.
Are you learning impaired in a way? No specific reason for asking.
Your former statement contradicts the latter...
Impairing your perception of reality is "tripping"

You are correct as far as cannabis being generalized as a Hallucinogen, but that is a GENERAL term and subject ambiguity.
the CORRECT classification of cannabis is Quasi-Psychedelic.

and to answer your question, no
I'm actually attending college majoring in Biology
specifically Molecular Biology with a GPA of 3.7 and a 129 I.Q rating
Advanced classes in middle school through highschool until i decided to get my GED to pursue Cosmetology at 16 which in school i also recieved a 99% GPA
I'm now 19 and in college WITH my own house, car, weed, girlfriend, money, and just about anything a grown man can ask for.
I believe my life portrays my intellect.
Now if you will please stop insulting me id appreciate that.


Well-Known Member
my god you people are still arguing in this thread?

go out in life and get in trouble....get some pussy.

fuck, go to a movie.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone posted this yet???

It's like a Jaguar on Ayahuasca(DMT) And it's like Catnip for it.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately when i was real young like, 8th grade around my weed start, me and my buddy tried the whole catnip thing. it didnt/doesnt work, just made me feel stupid that i was actually smoking catnip-not high stupid, but a feeling of being an idiot. It was expensive cat nip as well.
It will work on most people.

You gotta get like a g minimum in you per person for it though.


Well-Known Member
i sold catnip as weed in jr that bad?
Not bad, but not cool.
Pencil shavings... WTF?

You don't want to smoke nutmeg, you want to eat alot of it. (There's a whole thread on it)

I wouldn't recommend nutmeg unless you have alot of free time to kill because it lasts ages...
And you'll be throwing up if you take too much. I haven't done it but from all I've heard it's like getting drunk with a lot more puking
fruits are anything with seeds in it. if the part your eating contains seeds. its a fruit. even a tomatoe is a fruit. a WATERMELON is a fruit. look up definitions before you start defining things, just because some stupid ass enator from oklahoma thinks that cucumbers and watermelons are vegetables DOES NOT MAKE THEM VEGETABLES. GO smoke ome catnip.

I thought the same thing but your wrong. A vegetable is defined as coming from a plant.


Active Member
by the way saying STUPID TYPICAL AMERICAN, will piss off the other americans that still like you. so try to not blame everyone for one persons mistakes.
I'm an American, seems though all my friends are set in there ways and not willing to see the world from somebodies prospective other than their own, I think most Americans could admit most of our country is close minded lol.


Active Member
my god you people are still arguing in this thread?

go out in life and get in trouble....get some pussy.

fuck, go to a movie.
SHIT SON! id get some pussy if my girl wasn't passed out next to me from smokin too much hash!!
She sleeps more than our cats baha!
and bro its fuckin tuesday night? who goes to the movies on tuesday night....
I see you are still trolling so obviously you don't have anything better to do just like the rest of us
what makes you so special?


Active Member
Your former statement contradicts the latter...
Impairing your perception of reality is "tripping"

You are correct as far as cannabis being generalized as a Hallucinogen, but that is a GENERAL term and subject ambiguity.
the CORRECT classification of cannabis is Quasi-Psychedelic.

and to answer your question, no
I'm actually attending college majoring in Biology
specifically Molecular Biology with a GPA of 3.7 and a 129 I.Q rating
Advanced classes in middle school through highschool until i decided to get my GED to pursue Cosmetology at 16 which in school i also recieved a 99% GPA
I'm now 19 and in college WITH my own house, car, weed, girlfriend, money, and just about anything a grown man can ask for.
I believe my life portrays my intellect.
Now if you will please stop insulting me id appreciate that.
Your complete lack of listening to proper reasoning is an example of your intelligence.


Well-Known Member
You do realize Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi) has no DMT content right. lol
you know I was gonna re post that video and say "so this big cat tripping or what"

but then I re read his post...and it said "It's like a Jaguar on Ayahuasca(DMT)"

i saw "like" and said...nvm.

but itsnt it two plant, a bark and root? mixed in a stew...sorda?