Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?


Well-Known Member
The experience was cool, but all i had was one lousy joint of some mediocre, it was raining bad, and we had to cover his drum set with a big blue tarp (thats where we all sat and smoked,). the fucking rain delayed the show so long we had to load all their equipment back up on the truck. They left with out playing a set. they apparently had someplace else to be. it was a long time ago, not even sure if I was 18... Had a great time tho, and still got to see Quiet Riot play.


Well-Known Member
In the 60s the airplanes still had ashtrays and exhaust fans. I had a little hash on a night flight sitting in my seat. Really trippy.

In a portajon on the tarmac of an international airport. One of the busiest in the world. What a rush.

In a portajon on a firebase in Afghanistan.

Here is one I'm not proud of. When I was 17 on a holiday with my family I loaded cigarette tips with enough for a hit before it got to the tobacco. I sat in the backseat of our Rambler Station Wagon ( rear seat faced backwards) rolled down the back window a little and sparked it up. Yeh...Dad smelled it but only for a second and then it was tobacco. What a disrespectful little shit I was sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Here is one I'm not proud of. When I was 17 on a holiday with my family I loaded cigarette tips with enough for a hit before it got to the tobacco. I sat in the backseat of our Rambler Station Wagon ( rear seat faced backwards) rolled down the back window a little and sparked it up. Yeh...Dad smelled it but only for a second and then it was tobacco. What a disrespectful little shit I was sometimes.
Damn you confident motherfucker.. For soem reason I had this idea wher eI was like 'let the weed make you paranoid' then it did. So much to where I wouldnt even get high wihin hours radius of going home.. It kept me safe.. Til I got into other drugs lol


Well-Known Member
When I was like 20 I was working in a fileroom at an oil company. A corporate building, pretty high security. I made a one hitter out of foil and stuffed about 2 hits in it, took the stairs, went all the way to the bottom, and went under the last stair case. tried to keep it covered best I could, even took an empty roll of toiletpaper with fabric softner stuffed in it to blow my hits out of. I was so damn paranoid the whole time, then sprayed myself with a body spray before I went up. I would do that on both my breaks.


Well-Known Member
I just got really baked last night in a porta potty. Talk about hotbox...
I did that once! I was driving in this place I didnt even know where I was because I was so hgih, it was just off some construction area and I couldnt find my way out. I had to shit soooooo bad, so the porto potty I saw I as like oh shit Im gonna go poop NOW! So I went in there and was like hey I have a joint, then I smoked it, got even higher. It was pretty kewl :p


Active Member
a whore house in korea, with 4 canadians, a korean, and a new yorker. everyone was coked out. no one was a whore.


Well-Known Member
In my bosses office with my feet up on her desk, talkin shit LOL
†L† where you've actually smoked, not dreamed of smoking. ;)

Another one came to mind. At a renaissance festival here in Texas, the only one with permanent buildings they have a stage called the Castle Theater, 296076856_474d104a47_m.jpg

The tower actually has stares and an opening behind the Stained glass, I've gotten high at most of the stages that existed there, but that may have been my favorite one. Normally at night when everyone was gone, that was before they got super strict and the only people having fun are the patrons. :(

Good times, though.


Active Member
Just under a train bridge on one of the support legs about 10 meters above the water.crazy loud when the train went over.