ICE from seed grow thread.


Well-Known Member
Great grow. Been thinking of suggesting Ice to a couple of newbies as a great strain and easy grower. Also like to grow it myself sometime. This clinches it.
Yeah its an easy strain. Not a whole lot to worry about. Well except for nutes timing etc. Great yields (at least that I can tell). And so far great taste and a nice high.


Well-Known Member
lol. I don't get why they think its ok to take thing from family with out asking. I would never trust any one around my grow. That's why I dont let people hang out with me in my room even though its almost every thing you'd need minus sink, shower, washer, dryer and few other things.
Ya dude, he's stolen money from my dad a few times so when he's here I try to watch closely! And I know hell be here today cuz its his birthday. Sad thing is his moms (my sis) is a fuckin tweaker! So regardless to his thieving ways id rather him here. Just a catch 22 I suppose. Lol


Well-Known Member
I've only left good comments. Lol
ill ne gettin pics up as soon as I get my nutes all switched. Shits hard by your lonesome! :) well, when they get this big anyway.


Active Member
I've only left good comments. Lol
ill ne gettin pics up as soon as I get my nutes all switched. Shits hard by your lonesome! :) well, when they get this big anyway.
Shit I feel you there, I had my bro helping me for a while but had to kick his mooching ass out. Had to have someone house sit while i was away for training in vegas and he and my cousin smoked basically 3gs or so of my dwindling stash and left me a ten for it! Plus he burned my plants a bit when he fed them!


Active Member
Management classes for a promotion i got. Was a market class with people from other states too. Fun to party on company time and $$!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah dude, for sure! And who says vegas?! Lol

So no pics yet, my nephew is here. As soon as he leaves pics will be up :)


Well-Known Member
Well the little shit was here all day. So no matter what ill get some shots tomorrow. If I knew how to upload from phone I would...


Well-Known Member
P1011436.jpg DAY AND NIGHT. P1011437.jpg
P1011438.jpg P1011439.jpg
P1011441.jpgsome, like with this one, are blurry. im sorry. it was dark. :)
P1011442.jpgP1011443.jpgP1011444.jpgP1011445.jpgthis is about the size of my forearm and hand.
P1011447.jpg this little nuglet is about a half bag (when dry). i clipped it yesterday. wasnt getting light and im doing an analysis on it asap :)
P1011448.jpgP1011449.jpgP1011452.jpgP1011456.jpgthis is the size of my hand. just the round part and up. :peace: nug


Well-Known Member
P1011462.jpganother overview shot.
P1011427.jpglittle plant. and a few more little plant pics...P1011429.jpgP1011450.jpgP1011451.jpg
and here are some clones.P1011455.jpg that is all for today. got a little camera happy. :lol:

Which are your favorite?