Want a relationship with a difference?


Well-Known Member
lmfao i typed in my city and clicked the first link...

first degree murder.

on to the next one....


Staff member
... is a little scared, i clicked the first one nearest to me , she looked like such a nice lady.... FIRST DEGREE MURDER... man she looked like the kind of girl id like open the fucking door for in the mall .....:(


Well-Known Member
every time i find a hot one, she's in there for murder.. proof that the sexy girls are always fucking crazy.

i'm going to have to find myself an urca so i won't have to sleep with one eye open.


Well-Known Member
... is a little scared, i clicked the first one nearest to me , she looked like such a nice lady.... FIRST DEGREE MURDER... man she looked like the kind of girl id like open the fucking door for in the mall .....:(
Mine was a bisexual prostitute, ha.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† wow...just....wow. don't give them your real name, they'll stalk you when they get released. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Some of them went I there for DUI and shit, so not all of them are psycho. Honestly if I was in jail I would want a pen pal, but then again some of them are just creepy, which is my I won't befriend a random chick that wants a pen pal that will sneak cocaine up their ass and sneak it in jail to make a deal.


Well-Known Member

That's the scariest female I've ever seen. I'd be afraid of being raped with a strap-on or a cucumber or something.


Well-Known Member
Race: Italian (fbop says black)
Weight: 160 (fbop says 184)
Reason For Incarceration: Following behind the wrong people (fbop says murder)
Release Date: Life sentance

Willing to relocate? Yes



Staff member
man wtf is up with americas legal system, theres chicks on there in jail for 4 years over pot, and a chick who murdered people is in jail for 2.....


Well-Known Member

"The correspondence will often include false information about the offender's age and appearance (often using photographs of other offenders who are younger, thinner, and more attractive than the author), the reason for incarceration, and the length of sentence and parole information."


Well-Known Member
man wtf is up with americas legal system, theres chicks on there in jail for 4 years over pot, and a chick who murdered people is in jail for 2.....
I bet the majority are in for life,they just want it to be easier to find a sugar daddy so there commissary will be stacked while the guy thinks shes gonna come home eventually


Well-Known Member
hopped up off the mat
threw my greens on
took a look in the mirror, say this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.
yeeeaaahhh, i'm gettin' commissary.. ohhhh

got my greens onnnnnnnn
now it's my time to mop the floors


green was color of our clothes when i was locked up so they were called greens.. we used to take rap songs and remix it jail style just to pass the time.

not really relevant or anything but dots mentioned commissary and it reminded me of that song we made up.