Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]


Active Member
So we had to show the rest of our glass collection after relizing that we have only shown our eerl rig.
The collection all together.
The dry hit pieces.....(want a eerl spoon 4 the collection:-P:clap:;-))
The bubblers ( my favorites)
and the slides.


Well-Known Member
I just put in a custom order with dankshizzle...

I'm excited, it's gonna be my first ever custom piece...

Can't wait to share pics with y'all.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'd enjoy starting a bong making foundry with three lines of bongs, one called needlepoint that has pinpoints of air trapped in the glass all thru-out it. Another line called fluff which is a line of frosted glass bongs. Another line for silver possibly, tinted silver-esque with silver decoration possibly. :D


Glassblowing Moderator
Those bubbles are creating fracture points. You would have to be real careful with it..
I got a droor like that too. Mine are all broken used


Glassblowing Moderator
Those bubbles are creating fracture points. You would have to be real careful with it..
I got a droor like that too. Mine are all broken used


Well-Known Member
bubbles don't create "fracture points". :roll: .....

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that glass is not silver. it's just the way the pic was taken that makes it look like it is. it was done with bright lights and a black background. by making a few minor camera tweaks you can get the reflection to look like that. photoshop helps as well. that's just a clear roor with a few dots of white around the lip and bowl.