So the police just fucking took me in!!


Well-Known Member
did you have to bail out time or did they release you ror??? and i've been busted plenty of times and have never been read my rights... kicked in the head a few times, but never read my rights..
did they take a breathalyzer or ask you to take one? you should have submitted to a breathalyzer... i can't believe that they can hold you on suspicion... but not sure about what not taking a piss test will do for you legally, like if it was good or bad.. i didn't know that they could arrest you for suspicion like that with no proof, that's crazy indeed..
he did take the breath and walking test.I would say to the judge I passed mr.dickheads breath and sobriety tests ad he still took me in and tried to make me take a piss test and at this point i was highly offended and felt it was a waste of time to take it since I passed BOTH sobriety tests already.

Thats all the defense you need right there and I didn't even charge you lol.
Giving you the walking test fucked this cop over.Just hope he dont lie about giving you it.


Well-Known Member
and you passed a sight test lol you got this beat already.
no way a judge will think you were high after beating bothtests


bud bootlegger
he did take the breath and walking test.I would say to the judge I passed mr.dickheads breath and sobriety tests ad he still took me in and tried to make me take a piss test and at this point i was highly offended and felt it was a waste of time to take it since I passed BOTH sobriety tests already.

Thats all the defense you need right there and I didn't even charge you lol.
Giving you the walking test fucked this cop over.Just hope he dont lie about giving you it.
yah, but i don't know how the laws for simply dui work, not just for alcohol..
i know i was arrested before for dui, and i wasn't drunk at the time, but i had taken 8 zanax, lol, and of course i passed the breathalyzer as i wasn't drunk, but they took me to the hospital where they drew blood, but for w/e reasons, i got off on the dui charge as they don't have any limits to say so many mgs or w/e of zannies in your system constitutes my being under the influence..
i think he's got a really good shot at beating this.. they have no blood or a ua to say that he was under the influence, but they are just getting him for suspicion, which is crazy, idk, lol... shit varies state to state so much...
i'd just get me a lawyer.. this shit just sucks, once you get pulled over, it just ends up costing you so much money, win lose or draw, i feel for you time..
why did you give him lip? when is your court date? what county so we can come and help you? If a cop puts you in his car he HAS to put the cuffs on according to federal statutes.


Well-Known Member
yah, that's what i was wondering too... or did they pick you up last night and you're just now getting out??
if it was all he gotta say is he was tired and late for his under the table job and thats why he gave the officer a little lip lol.Just add that in when talking to the judge and it'll make you look better.


Well-Known Member
What an asshole...

but, to be fair... you did give him lip, which in return probably caused your outcome... hope it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
Damn sorry to hear of this timeismoney.

Let him call you maam bro...........if that is the ticket to being able to drive off on your own.Just words bro,they mean nadda.Alot of cops do things to try and get people to respond how they want,then the ball is in their court.

It sucks to swallow pride but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.Hope all comes out well for you bro.


Active Member
What an asshole...

but, to be fair... you did give him lip, which in return probably caused your outcome... hope it was worth it.
That's fair? Some cop randomly pulls you over and starts harassing you... and just because the attitude flares up a little (most likely because of the cop) you deserve to have court dates, costs, fines, lawer fees, time off work, blah blah blah... Not to mention when people at work are asking what the court date is about, possibly jeopardizing the job.

Fuck that - that isn't 'fair'. Disrupt this whole kid's life right now because piggy caught a little lip? He should be a goddamn professional and not haul people in just because he caught a little tude and makes him feel big.