Asshole Thread!!!


Well-Known Member
id put it in that chicks pooper
You wish.:roll:.

huh? im lost?
It was a joke... you must have forgot our convo about having peoples backs.

dude, "we tarded" shes clueless. dont worry, i wont tell her you were trying to convince me to rape her with you.
That was hella funny....

If you like stupid shit.:blsmoke:.
this shit is disturbing and needs nipped in the bud. now.
Aww thanks :) Its cool though, it is the asshole thread.


Well-Known Member
i figure I have a right to have a pic of whatever i please...i was getting tired of seeing all those ex girlfriend diary pics. i swear i saw one one time of what looked like a naked chick in a hotel room. now, i don't judge, but if i were paying chicks for sex, i probably wouldn't want to post a pic of the merchandise i just paid for. but i may just be jumping to conclusions


Active Member
So here it is. It has finaly came full circle. Your picture says what I was trying to tell you before " ASS FUCK " Your post are nothing but complaining and crying about shit that does not need to be here on this site. We all want to grow,smoke,relax,and just have some fun on this site but you and your constant bullshit makes it tough if you dont relax you will be asked to leave the site. And never come back. ASS FUCKER


The Gardener
i figure I have a right to have a pic of whatever i please...i was getting tired of seeing all those ex girlfriend diary pics. i swear i saw one one time of what looked like a naked chick in a hotel room. now, i don't judge, but if i were paying chicks for sex, i probably wouldn't want to post a pic of the merchandise i just paid for. but i may just be jumping to conclusions

Whos taking it you or your boyfriend monkey lol ?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
gogaga? taking what? i was talking about some asshole's avatar of some chick they probably paid to pose naked for him in a hotel room


Well-Known Member
whats up with the 2 dudes profile..too each his own but damn....

porchmonkeyforlife...probably a white boy trying to take it back


Well-Known Member
we're all happy your a homo teenager!! :clap::clap::clap: maybe you should have named your self "Mr.Homosexual" or something. i dont recall seeing any avatars of sex on here, maybe nude girls, but that it. maybe just post a nude guys naked minus the butt sex. :spew: i guess fair is fair. this is a weed growing site, not a gay men site. if you gay, kool, whatever you do with you ass is your prerogative, whatever floats your boat! all im asking is if you could please minus the butt sex part:spew: but im no mod and cant do anything besides report you. but im not like that.... ty


Well-Known Member
your gay too? or are you even a guy???? maybe i need to rethink my sexuality. you know what they say, if you cant beat them, join em. lol jk