• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What's your opinion on spanking kids?


Well-Known Member
What they fighting over?

Whoever's in the wrong needs to be told. They both need to know their behaviour is disturbing and upsetting you. It's not all about their grievances, you need your peace and quiet too!

I don't know if they're old enough to understand that though.

I'm probably not in a position to offer parenting advice. My mam had me at nineteen, but in retrospect I'd rather she was a disciplinarian than being a typical young mother with few boundaries.

But then again, how much is nature and how much nurture? My grandma is very good natured but a party animal and my mama was the complete opposite, keeping an eye on her in bars at 14.

To answer the later question, if my kid did something they knew was wrong and hurtful, not showing remorse, especially if they were showing disrespect towards the person that hit them, then I guess I'd be fine with it.

But I hope I wouldn't raise a kid who would need that correction, and hope it would be a trusted adut who has their best interest in mind too and spanked them because they thought it appropriate and I would have to in that instance. I'd just rather it not come to that.
Bamboo rods have their place in society

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
What they fighting over?

Whoever's in the wrong needs to be told. They both need to know their behaviour is disturbing and upsetting you. It's not all about their grievances, you need your peace and quiet too!

I don't know if they're old enough to understand that though.

I'm probably not in a position to offer parenting advice. My mam had me at nineteen, but in retrospect I'd rather she was a disciplinarian than being a typical young mother with few boundaries.

But then again, how much is nature and how much nurture? My grandma is very good natured but a party animal and my mama was the complete opposite, keeping an eye on her in bars at 14.

To answer the later question, if my kid did something they knew was wrong and hurtful, not showing remorse, especially if they were showing disrespect towards the person that hit them, then I guess I'd be fine with it.

But I hope I wouldn't raise a kid who would need that correction, and hope it would be a trusted adut who has their best interest in mind too and spanked them because they thought it appropriate and I would have to in that instance. I'd just rather it not come to that.
They're fighting over a toy. My niece tried to take my sons toy away. I stepped in, told her no, gave the toy back to him, but he continued to cry and cry and cry so I ignored him until he stopped.


New Member
I can yell until I pass out, until she sees a belt, she acts like its a joke, it won't phase her, not in the least. I know, I've tried.
I have two girls, both get spankings when deserved. My youngest is like give it to me and move on, and tries to hold back the tears as she know she wronged, even though I can see it hurt her. My oldest likes to play turn over before the strike, or put her hand in front of the belt/hand. The oldest gets the worst spankings cause it fuels the already trouble she is in, and the youngest is smart takes the punishment and makes sure it doesn't happen again.

Now the oldest is probably going to be this way until she matures and realizes what the youngest one already does. Even though I tell her EVERYTIME before I spank her. That my friend is, you take the punishment deserved and make sure you try not to go down that road again. Life lessons that unfortunately magnifies the older they get, if its not curbed with a spanking/beating/punishment when deserved.

I was spanked in school, I was spanked at home with hands, belts, wooden spoons, light chords (when I was a smart ass and showed his belt did nothing). I mean ya I hated my parents, I wanted to call the cops, all that stupid shit you think when you are young. I look back now, and wish I was half as stern with my children as my parents were with me as a kid.

I get it now, seeing the news with all these punk ass kids shooting, killing, wearing their pants to their knees etc. Spanking is a lost punishment for a parent, that society has suffered from ten fold. Sad fact.

/thread cause this was a wake and bake deep shit thought


Well-Known Member
lol, i'm the most loved uncle for my nephew and i spoil the shit out of him.. i don't know how many ipods and what not i've bought the kid over the years, but i'm also not going to let him walk over me.. and what he did was pretty off the hook, called out of school and had some friends over and they were all drinking and smoking and shit.. he was in 7th grade at the time..
lol, he is too old to be spanked. i would make that kid go home and not allow him over until he got some manners. i don't need to watch someone elses kids, if they come over, they better act like fucken angels or they r not coming over. ;)


Well-Known Member
I was spanked in school, I was spanked at home with hands, belts, wooden spoons, light chords (when I was a smart ass and showed his belt did nothing). I mean ya I hated my parents, I wanted to call the cops, all that stupid shit you think when you are young. I look back now, and wish I was half as stern with my children as my parents were with me as a kid.
that's funny, my mom was stern with me and i stll hate her for it. hope your kids don't remember.

there r better ways, seperate them, make them sit alone, take away things they like...

give extra chores


Well-Known Member
i'm talking about a teacher at school, a daycare worker or a worker at a latchkey program for after school. someone non-related.
If they don't have permission and they lay a finger on my child they better watch their back, I will hunt them, find them, and strike them down like a rabid fucking dog. Here's why. If I give someone permission, that means I trust them enough to know to do it with GREAT restraint. If I havent given you permission, how do I know you didn't beat my child badly?! Shits on. With that said, if I give permission, and their are marks, I will repay that mark 100 fold. My daughter is my light.

They become what they are around from what i have learned.

Raven may i ask how old yours is?
My daughter is 4 years old.


bud bootlegger
I have two girls, both get spankings when deserved. My youngest is like give it to me and move on, and tries to hold back the tears as she know she wronged, even though I can see it hurt her. My oldest likes to play turn over before the strike, or put her hand in front of the belt/hand. The oldest gets the worst spankings cause it fuels the already trouble she is in, and the youngest is smart takes the punishment and makes sure it doesn't happen again.

Now the oldest is probably going to be this way until she matures and realizes what the youngest one already does. That my friend is, you take the punishment deserved and make sure you try not to go down that road again. Life lessons that unfortunately magnifies the older they get, if its not curbed with a spanking/beating when deserved.

I was spanked in school, I was spanked at home with hands, belts, wooden spoons, light chords (when I was a smart ass and showed his belt did nothing). I mean ya I hated my parents, I wanted to call the cops, all that stupid shit you think when you are young. I look back now, and wish I was half as stern with my children as my parents were with me as a kid.

I get it now, seeing the news with all these punk ass kids shooting, killing, wearing their pants to their knees etc. Spanking is a lost punishment for a parent, that society has suffered from ten fold. Sad fact.

/thread cause this was a wake and bake deep shit thought
i agree 100% with your last statement..
the thing is, some kids, people don't care what the consequences of their actions are and will do what ever they feel like doing.. like i'll never understand how someone would simply shoot someone as the result of say getting into a fist fight and losing.. you pretty much know that you're going to jail for the rest of your life, yet kids and people do it all of the time.. idk, i don't get it.. there's not much i'm willing to go to jail for for the rest of my life, that's for damn sure..


New Member
Oh man if my kids act up in public or in front of family/friends, its punishment ten fold. That is a trait I carried over from my parents, when in public or with friends/family you act accordingly. Period.

i agree 100% with your last statement..
the thing is, some kids, people don't care what the consequences of their actions....
Oh I don't disagree, but all I can do is discipline and make sure I do my best to show her right and wrong. At least until she is 18, and hopefully by that time my job is done and good at that.


Well-Known Member
Oh man if my kids act up in public or in front of family/friends, its punishment ten fold. That is a trait I carried over from my parents, when in public or with friends/family you act accordingly. Period.


Active Member
if its something mild i'll have a firm talk with them but if its something not acceptable then im takin my belt off. im the king of the castle, imake the rules. if they don't listen they gettin punished. ipersonaly would take back every last beating i ever got as a kid cause it straightened me out good.


New Member
Love Kat man, yes in public and they just get the look in public. When we get home they know it's punishment time, and no I don't beat over bags of skittles. LOL.

Kat is the man (its nothin niggah its nothin):



Well-Known Member
Oh man if my kids act up in public or in front of family/friends, its punishment ten fold. That is a trait I carried over from my parents, when in public or with friends/family you act accordingly. Period.

Oh I don't disagree, but all I can do is discipline and make sure I do my best to show her right and wrong. At least until she is 18, and hopefully by that time my job is done and good at that.
†LOL† Thats no lie, my daughter does that shit, I immediately take her home, and then I come down upon her like the wrath of god. She forgets sometimes that the whole 'protection of witnesses' only works until we go home, and we WILL go home.


Well-Known Member
The best thing i have learned since being a dad...............

Children are our only true mirrors in our home.

Some thing to ponder.bongsmilie

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
My sister and I brought the kids to the store yesterday... WELL, we get to the check out and they start acting up, she had the BRIGHT idea of giving them... reeses peanut butter cups...


Well-Known Member
It depends. I would probably accept it if he really deserved a spanking. If they hit him on his face I'd go ape shit.

You spank your child for what you feel deserves it.

What if i feel when your kid drops ice cream on my floor,you know,typical little kid accidents he gets one?

No one else has your beliefs,that is what we raise our kids on.Don't let strangers have that right.


Moderatrix of Journals
do something possibly life-threatening = instant spanking. (ie. run away from mommy by the pool, playing with electrical socket)

do something that hurts mommy = have the same thing done back within reason. (ie. pulling hair, pinching, headbutting)
(some of the stuff, i can't do back.... for instance, it's logistically impossible for me to hang like tarzan off a toddler's head of hair.)

anything else = stern talking to and forcible time in the "probation" chair. fuck, i cannot WAIT to introduce unpleasant chores.

19th birthday = swift kick in the nuts for everytime i've been headbutted in the crotch. we may not have balls, but it still hurts like hell.

the people in our lives who are allowed to administer corporal punishment, know who they are. anybody else will meet the fury of a honey badger.