Trouble follows this guy around


Well-Known Member
Just heard that John Travolta drove his vintage Benz to a Jaguar dealership to check out a new ride, and when he went to leave discovered someone stole his Benz.

One thing after another for this guy, seriously. Other than being a Scientologist whacko, he doesn't seem like that bad a guy.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
hahahahahaha I'm sorry but I would have loved to see the expression on ol' John John's face when he realized his car was fucking gone.


bud bootlegger
what's he care, he probably flew home in one of his jets.. dudes got crazy money, what's a couple of hundred grand to a pimp like him...


bud bootlegger
How did he get so wealthy anyway? His body of work isn't that great.
i've always wondered the same thing honestly.. what has he really done?? maybe he gets made loot for grease at it replays a lot on tv, and i'm sure he gets some nice residuals everytime it airs, at least i've heard that's how it works..
what else, pulp fiction, even though a big movie, i don't see it bringing him all that much.. than the dancing flicks from the 70s, lol. maybe he gets some a nice chunk of change every time one of them replay on air as well..
i would like to know though as he does seem to have a lot of loot imo..


Well-Known Member
i've always wondered the same thing honestly.. what has he really done?? maybe he gets made loot for grease at it replays a lot on tv, and i'm sure he gets some nice residuals everytime it airs, at least i've heard that's how it works..
what else, pulp fiction, even though a big movie, i don't see it bringing him all that much.. than the dancing flicks from the 70s, lol. maybe he gets some a nice chunk of change every time one of them replay on air as well..
i would like to know though as he does seem to have a lot of loot imo..
Don't forget Welcome Back Cotter.


Well-Known Member
I think I read somewhere he's a pilot and has his own jet.
He's probably a smart investor


Well-Known Member
Oh he's a pilot allright. Started out with small planes like everyone else but then qualified for helicopter (I believe he has one) and jets. His wife bought him a 727 several years ago.


New Member
Ya and my wife has the hots for him. If I want sex or better chance, I pick a movie to watch with him in it. Sad cause I am better looking, just not as rich.


Well-Known Member
probably a smart investor, i agree.

plus, depends on what kinda contracts you make.

cash now as most actors do, or no cash now and a percentage in future profits (if he did that, he´d get loot from grease, else not, just the rights holders)

the actors from starwars did that, many of them,

made them rich :) but not every actor takes a chance on their movie becoming that big. (though personally i think id rather take percentages every time lol)

dunno why he´s unlucky.

maybe its wrong thinking ;) (buddhism, all misery stems from wrong doing, which stems from wrong thinking)

(wrong thinking also color your believes and everything, so instead of parking your car where it would have felt right and safe, you followed your fear and parked it There, and rest is history ;))

(well, if you happen to believe that sorta thing lol ;))

(and who says i dont? :))


New Member
probably a smart investor, i agree.

plus, depends on what kinda contracts you make.

cash now as most actors do, or no cash now and a percentage in future profits (if he did that, he´d get loot from grease, else not, just the rights holders)

the actors from starwars did that, many of them,

made them rich :) but not every actor takes a chance on their movie becoming that big. (though personally i think id rather take percentages every time lol)

dunno why he´s unlucky.

maybe its wrong thinking ;) (buddhism, all misery stems from wrong doing, which stems from wrong thinking)

(wrong thinking also color your believes and everything, so instead of parking your car where it would have felt right and safe, you followed your fear and parked it There, and rest is history ;))

(well, if you happen to believe that sorta thing lol ;))

(and who says i dont? :))
Dude. You're abusing the "enter" key. Don't.


Well-Known Member
didn't his son recently die to?
Yeah, biggest reason I posted. The family was abroad, the autistic son returned home for some reason, not ill though...but then died soon after. That's my recollection of the story anyway.