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What's your opinion on spanking kids?

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I'm a twin so my sister and I were ALWAYS getting into trouble. I was always the one to get spanked too.

I remember getting spanked on my bare ass when my father told me to stop splashing water out of the tub. I didn't stop, I caused some water damaged, and in return he beat my ass.


bud bootlegger
morgan lynn, you should check out this thread i posted awhile ago one night after i caught a neighborhood kid spray painting on another neighbors fence, and the same night my sister was walking in our town, and this group of kids threw soda and shit at her across the street, getting her all wet, and just basically scaring her for no good reason..
i was pissed about both of them, and came to the conclusion that i think a lot of kids are horrible today as their parents got away from spanking them when need be.. i don't think a kid should be beat 24/ 7 either, but there's some times in a kids life where they aren't respecting you and just need a general smack to bring them back to reality, lol..
i was beat as a kid, do i think i was abused?? hell's no.. do i think i deserved it at the time, 9 times out of 10 yes.. i hate the time out thing today, wtf is that?? i was afraid to be bad as a kid as i knew my mom wouldn't take any of my bs, nor should she have.. it seems a lot of parents today want to be their kids bff, and not a parent, but what do i know, i have none.. :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with it.Kids can be physically punished with out fucking up their heads.I'm not sayin beat the shit out of them.I feel the effectiveness of it depends on how the adult handles the situation.You give your kid 10 years of ass kickins with all the yellin and talkin down to them they will more than likely turn out to be one of those candy ass cops that abuse their position.I have a 13 yr old.1 time she got a big fat hand print across the cheek for bein extremely disrespectful.Shocked me more than her i think.


Active Member
try getting spanked by a well built military guy, it hurts like fuck
i don't think his intention was every to hurt me, and i fully believe the clique line "it hurts me worse then it hurts you" when coming from my dad. I can only remember a few times when he wasn't crying harder then me.


Active Member
I'm a twin so my sister and I were ALWAYS getting into trouble. I was always the one to get spanked too.

I remember getting spanked on my bare ass when my father told me to stop splashing water out of the tub. I didn't stop, I caused some water damaged, and in return he beat my ass.

Thats just not fair! =(


Well-Known Member
I've spanked my son and he turned around and just smiled at me like I was playing a game or something. I was so freaking mad I walked away and cried. I felt awful for spanking him and on top of the awfulness I felt he didn't even get the message.

You gotta talk and explain things to your kids just as much as you spank them.A calm talk about rules and how they WILL be enforced can make things alot better,for the kids.


bud bootlegger
do you know what drives me nuts though, and i don't know what i'd do if it were my kid, but what about some kids who are violent towards the parent, and i mean some kids can be really violent at times towards a parent, wtf would you do??
i don't think i'd return violence with violnce in a situation like that, but man, that's rough..


Well-Known Member
I'm a twin so my sister and I were ALWAYS getting into trouble. I was always the one to get spanked too.

I remember getting spanked on my bare ass when my father told me to stop splashing water out of the tub. I didn't stop, I caused some water damaged, and in return he beat my ass.
I used to throw daggers all the time at a post at night, and when I woke up before school I would throw it at the wooden boards of my waterbed (keep in mind I was 13) The matress just BARELY came over the edge of the wood, but one morning I managed to stick it right in the mattress. I pulled it out, it started gushing water, so I put it back and tried to hide it... †LOL† I came home and my carpet was SOAKED and my dog was on a pillow like it was an island looking panicked. I GOT THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF ME!!! In general my mom was a psycho, but I have to grant, I ssoooooo had that coming.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
My kid hits me but he's a little kid.

If he was 14 and hit me I'd A) Hit him back or, depending on the severity of his strike, B) Call the police and send his little punk ass off.


Well-Known Member
do you know what drives me nuts though, and i don't know what i'd do if it were my kid, but what about some kids who are violent towards the parent, and i mean some kids can be really violent at times towards a parent, wtf would you do??
i don't think i'd return violence with violnce in a situation like that, but man, that's rough..
FUCK THAT, my kid steps up like their going to try to hurt me, they better make that first swing good, because thats the only one their ass is going to get. My daughter is my light, seriously, my light. Will I punch her, NO, but her ass will be so red you could use it for a flashlight by the time I'm done. I'll beat that ass till my arms worn out, take a break, and beat her ass some more. NO FUCKING WAY that goes unpunished in a severe and instantaneous fashion.

EDIT: She swings at me to, but she's 4. She does that when she's older, see above. Even now when she does it I wear that ass out.


Well-Known Member
do you know what drives me nuts though, and i don't know what i'd do if it were my kid, but what about some kids who are violent towards the parent, and i mean some kids can be really violent at times towards a parent, wtf would you do??
i don't think i'd return violence with violnce in a situation like that, but man, that's rough..

That is a hard one.Usually ya gotta look at the parents though.
But to answer the question..................I'D BE BACK IN PRISON,for BEATING my kid.I don't play no bullshit like that.


bud bootlegger
My kis hits me but he's a little kid.

If he was 14 and hit me I'd A) Hit him back or, depending on the severity of his strike, B) Call the police and send his little punk ass off.
so, i'm not sure what i'd do.. my gf's son has hit her in the past, but he was ilke 6 or 7 i think at the time, but even still, kids can seriously hurt you if they really want to.. i don't know what i'd do honestly..
and i never think it's good to get the cops involved in anything, but that's just me, i hate the cops, and it always seems that things only get much worse and costing me and everyone else lots of money when they are called in..
my one friend was threatening to kill himself, so his mom called the cops as i guess she was worried and didn't know what to do.. don't you know my friend ends up getting arrested for like making terroristic threats, against himself, lol... so not only do you have to deal with some big drama in your life like thinking about suicide, but now you have to go to courts and pay for that and what ever else they may throw your way in the way of fines, classes, etc... f the police is what i say, lol... sorry about the rant, but god, i hate cops.. :)


bud bootlegger
You should try to change that while he is still young.
yah, but exactly how do you go about getting a kid to stop that shit?? my gf ended up taking her son to a shrink as he was having some other problems too, but he has seemed like he's gotten somewhat better in the last few years..


bud bootlegger
Morgan, chick, you started something with this thread...:blsmoke:
lol, i think it's a great topic though honestly, and it almost seems to be taboo in todays world to be beating your kid, and i for one wondered why?
and i always love the kids that will say call a cop after you hit them, there's some crazy shit right there.. i could see me calling the cops after my mom hit me, lol.. she'd be telling me to call an ambulance while i was on the phone i'm sure, lol..

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
so, i'm not sure what i'd do.. my gf's son has hit her in the past, but he was ilke 6 or 7 i think at the time, but even still, kids can seriously hurt you if they really want to.. i don't know what i'd do honestly..
and i never think it's good to get the cops involved in anything, but that's just me, i hate the cops, and it always seems that things only get much worse and costing me and everyone else lots of money when they are called in..
my one friend was threatening to kill himself, so his mom called the cops as i guess she was worried and didn't know what to do.. don't you know my friend ends up getting arrested for like making terroristic threats, against himself, lol... so not only do you have to deal with some big drama in your life like thinking about suicide, but now you have to go to courts and pay for that and what ever else they may throw your way in the way of fines, classes, etc... f the police is what i say, lol... sorry about the rant, but god, i hate cops.. :)
Well, I don't hate police officers. The decent ones anyway. I have met so many decent law enforcement folk that I can't claim to hate them all. Believe it or not most of them are decent and they are just doing their job.

I wouldn't want to call the police but if the kid was about to beat the shit out of me I would have no choice. If he punched me in the face or slapped me you best believe he's getting it back from me or his father.


Well-Known Member
My parents never hit me, and to this day my friend's parents are actually scared by the way I behave around them.

They say I'm too polite and it makes them uncomfortable. I do not speak out of turn, remember pleases and thankyous (even if they tell me to just have what I want) ask permission before entering the fridge or leaving the house, come immediately when called etc

My mother sits down and puts her leg up and I take my cue to remove her boots for her. My dad walks him and I get up and make him a cup of coffee. No ifs, no buts, I do it.

On the very rare occasion that I do talk back if I think my parents are being genuinely unreasonable (they are very used to being unchallenged) their screaming or just 'the look' terrifies the fuck out of me. They do not need to hit me, I have seen them beat the shot out of eachother enough to know what they are capable of. The times my dad has tried to take a swing at me I bit him very hard, the last time I ran off for three days.

He realised he was totally in the wrong when I came back he apologised and life has been better.

I think spanking can teach a child the way to dominate others and get them to do what you want is to hit them. This behaviour is often carried into adulthood, and gets people into trouble.

But, that being said, it depends on the nature of the child and their own intrinsic sense of morality. Sometimes the only way to et through to them or perhaps stop them from doing something stupid in the moment is to strike them. Repeated, deliberate acts of destructiveness or defiance may need that kind of correction. But my brother and I have always been kids who it was not in our nature to consciously be bad when our parents weren't standing over us threatening. It's a good thing for a child to want to be good because it's nice to, not because they want to avoid punishment. Something needs to be instilled on the inside by parents.

Too much discipline leads to rebellion, and too little discipline results in recklessness. It's a difficult balance to maintain, and my mother had learned this after many years working in a school. Knowing my mama would go nuts If I arrived home at 8:45pm instead of 8:30 at the age of 17 only made me dread calling her to tell her if I'd be out late at all, which only worried her. He acknowledged it was stupid to get so angry and I acknowledged that regardless,I should have called her to let her know I was held up on the bs another 15 minutes. No screaming, no spanking, but it took 17 fucking years to reach that 0_o

It really depends in the child, their age, maturity, desire to please and level of compassion for others. I'd like to think some kids can learn to avoid displeasing others out of their own heart and not through fear of someone bigger hitting them.

I am by no means a perfect child- a short-tempered, potsmoking flirt- but I try. I know my parents love me, but if they took the step of hitting me, I would probably say 'fuck it' to my usual subservience towards them. That would be the last straw and I would have been a more rebellious teen.

They seemed to think I was some awful kid before I left and they missed me, what other kid runs around the house cooking and cleaning and removing boots without having to e told? X3