all that tail wagging, knockin' shit over. turds bigger than mine and they do nothing to try to hide it. in fact they pretty much sh*t right where they know you will step. so demanding. train me to do this, teach me to do that. and if you don't train or teach them then they are simply "out-of-control". how many times i've heard "control your dog". never hear that directed towards a cat. and what's with dog owners being all tough? "oooooo, look at my badass dog. i had to get him 'cause i'm a putz." we won't get into the whole breed thing but it seems like certain people own certain dogs. tough guys like pitbulls, gramma likes lap dogs. seems like an extension. and those huge stinky turds again.
control your dog. HA HA

control your dog. HA HA