Living in the forest for the next two year's, aboriginal style. Is it unpractical to


Active Member
Your retarded.. don't do it. the bud will be shitty and so will your life

So I am going on a trip, to get away. I want to go back to my roots, and live in nature.
Is it possible to have a marijuana field without any vits, nutes, and other growing supply's?
a person i met in my life talked bout his aboriginal life, He said he started with 1 plant out in the woods, And all he had was what nature gave him, He said all it took was love and care, He watered and took care of it everyday, Boiling pine needles, Huckleberry skin's, and every other scrap/abundant plant with vit/minerals in it and then cooled the water before watering his plant, he said by the 3rd year he had more plants then he could ever need, I really think its possible after all weeds a weed and grows wild anyway's, But would i be getting any good bud from the plant?


Active Member
have you actually tried cloning by cutting a branch and puttin it in soil. that shit does not work.

good luck hippies.. oh yah and cannabis is legal now .. soo.... if you tried to sell your woods weed it'd probably go for somethin like 40 bucks a Oz (that's how bad it'll be compared to the shit your average next door neighbor has)

get'a job or go rob a bank

if he gets a female he could clone and get a bunch of plants going..


yea mcandless was unprepared (i actually grew up in alaska), but at least he had the balls to do what so many yearn for in their hearts but never do. I say go for it man! and you should document it! if it's something you're really passionate about - research as much as possible, take survival classes, start studyin the local fauna of where you want to live, learn how to trap, etc. If nothing else - and if you don't die - it will be a great learning experience. Stop watching survivor man or whatever else and start getting out there and getting hands on experience. ----- where are you thinking of doin this btw? tropical regions would be best of could practically live off coconuts! :)
Well I agree with this, taking the time to learn and prepare yourself for survival and then testing yourself in the wilderness is one thing, heading for the woods for two years on a whim is another.


Well-Known Member
My friend a "Gateherer" uses deer poop and droppings. He did a tea with bear poop once!
Why do you think they call it "Fox farm" ? We use fox poop also.

I have my legal limit and we left one plant in the shade with nothing but water and its got several ounces on it with nothing but soil.

Huminure, compost your poop!
shit's gettin' deep aRound here, let me get my shovel........Fox Farm BA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Well-Known Member
have you actually tried cloning by cutting a branch and puttin it in soil. that shit does not work.

good luck hippies.. oh yah and cannabis is legal now .. soo.... if you tried to sell your woods weed it'd probably go for somethin like 40 bucks a Oz (that's how bad it'll be compared to the shit your average next door neighbor has)

get'a job or go rob a bank
Not true! you CAN root a clone in dirt without a humidity dome, if you live in an area where the humidity is 80-90% all the time, like Florida. I used to live there, andgrowers root clones bown there outside in the dirt. Your right, it doesn't work in Cali cause the humidity is too low.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants had a broken stem from the wind. It was a small stem so I didn't bother repairing it. I broke it off and just stuck it into the soil and it grew!


Well-Known Member
I think it's a great idea, how practical it is depends on your skill levels. Starting with only 1 plant isn't a good idea, get a pack of seeds or start collecting, and if your growing that you might as well bring seeds for veggies as well and get a garden growing.

Clean water will be your biggest concern. Food is abundant in most areas, depending on what your willing to eat.. do you like ants and worms? Spiders,maggots, small mammals, frogs,turtles,etc. Learn how to identify poisonous plants, there is a procedure for testing toxicity, but it takes days to do- I don't remember it exactly but you start by rubbing some plant material on your skin and wait "X" amount of time for a reaction, then you rub it on you lips and wait again, then chew a little, spit it out and wait... look into it.

I personally think it's an awesome idea, I feel too many people don't have the basic skills to survive nowadays.

Document it, get a film deal, and don't forget to give everyone at RIU props when your famous( hopefully not

Well-Known Member
My friend a "Gateherer" uses deer poop and droppings. He did a tea with bear poop once!
Why do you think they call it "Fox farm" ? We use fox poop also.

I have my legal limit and we left one plant in the shade with nothing but water and its got several ounces on it with nothing but soil.

Huminure, compost your poop!

WHAT EVER THIS GUY SAYS DONT FUCKING USE YOUR OWN SHIT TO FERTILIZE THE CROPS, thats how they do it in places like Somalia or Uganda to fertilize fruits, then when you go there you come back sick as fuck.... Using your own shit is a good way to get sick... Fucking gross, would you ever fertilize something you ate with your own shit. Ok then how about something your smoking? I mean it is your own shit, so it would be better than someone elses lol...

If i ever lose my job and have no were to go, I am going to get a spear, and live in the woods to, no fucking joke... Sounds sooooo tight.. have fun!!!! Dont let the bugs crawl all over you, make a twig formation around you to keep dear and bear out lol. or pee all around you.

Its ok to use animal shit though.

Well-Known Member
So I am going on a trip, to get away.
Sorry for the double post, but are you planning to trip while you are out there, preferably trip balls the whole tip. Cause its gonna be hard to care for plants when your always on acid. :) Also can you bring a traveler? Disregard this if hallucinogens are not involved. :)


Active Member
have you actually tried cloning by cutting a branch and puttin it in soil. that shit does not work.

good luck hippies.. oh yah and cannabis is legal now .. soo.... if you tried to sell your woods weed it'd probably go for somethin like 40 bucks a Oz (that's how bad it'll be compared to the shit your average next door neighbor has)

get'a job or go rob a bank
i cut some lower branches of my plant two weeks ago and just threw them in the ground..glad to say she is growing great!!


i repeat .... get prepared with the mushrooms .... mushrooms are everywhere and some are good and some are bad ..... get to know the plants in the area yer going in. knowing the plant life around you ahead of time will and can save yer life


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Staff member
If one were really serious about living in an isolated situation - I would highly recommend you watch and learn from a real master, Dick Proenneke.
Aside from all the skills a guy must have to do this, you also have to be mentally prepared. Most people cannot live isolated from others with out going stark raving mad.