For Rep Trivia


Well-Known Member
wow, seriously? you defended me against everyone who was doing shit, but then you attack crypt under the pretense of helping me. I told you to stop, cause it would get you in trouble, but then you started acting funny. dont blame me for your actions


Well-Known Member
wow, seriously? You defended me against everyone who was doing shit, but then you attack crypt under the pretense of helping me. I told you to stop, cause it would get you in trouble, but then you started acting funny. Dont blame me for your actions
girl you jus haven't been around men........girl id bend you over......ill stop here


Well-Known Member
Buckminsterfullerene was the first fullerene molecule discovered and it is also the most common in terms of natural occurrence, as it can be found in small quantities in soot. It’s also the largest matter to have been shown to exhibit wave-particle duality


Well-Known Member
I built one of those out of styrofoam and toothpicks in AP chem in high school
that's awesome... i watch a lot of discovery and science and read a lot of both on the net... love the shit not smart enough too understand all of it...