NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
Where are all these party cup entries? Come on people don't be scared! I told you all I was going to win from the start so you shouldn't be afraid to post your pictures! Waiting on upload to finish, video update almost here! Spin fixed and showing how far away from my 1000w hps it is (will be even closer in a few days)!



Well-Known Member
Where are all these party cup entries? Come on people don't be scared! I told you all I was going to win from the start so you shouldn't be afraid to post your pictures! Waiting on upload to finish, video update almost here! Spin fixed and showing how far away from my 1000w hps it is (will be even closer in a few days)!

I love the idea with the string ill be tryin that out thanks ngg.:idea::clap:


Well-Known Member
Slim j they are lookin shit hot man,good stuff rep+:blsmoke:
Those aren't my entries just some that i grew wanted to show cranker what they can do when fim'd at such an early age its fun to LST and train then into whatever shape ya want:-) I only have 2 entries and im not to sure if i will keep them in 16oz i already switched one of to a 2 liter pop bottle and i think i might just switch over the rest due tot he fact im almost 2 weeks or more behind and i dont want to be "That Guy" that whines and say well mys not finished yet But i will still do updates and it might be interesting to see the difference for 16oz to 2 liter pop bottles. Also im doing a micro hydro as a test run maybe we could have a party cup showdown with a 2 liter entry and mini hydro get more stuff going and make it more interesting next time around just some thoughts hope everyone is growing! Also different categories Clones, 16oz, seed and dro. Also i think there should be strick guide lines that one must follow and we could relie on the honor system and the weekly updates to keep contestants in line if we catch ya in any sort of bullshit your out but you CAN not show any hard feelings for getting the boot and it should be at least a group of 5 that want one contests entries removed ect. Just some ideas let me know what ya'll think we could go real big with this contest branch it out more;-) After this go around of course.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
yea im a bit behind too buddy got a bunch of seedlings just crackin off and my skywalker stunted bad cause of shit soil til i repotted it. Ill throw up some pics a bit later


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Whats your beef with rockwool ?

Have you tried those rapid rooters ?
I just tend to kill plants in it somehow. No matter what I do I either over water or they dry out, so I'm sticking to jiffy pellets. It's completely my ineptitude but I just can't stand the stuff. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Royal Hash ,

12/12 from seed with some fine tuning to my lights to keep my node spacing tight ,

Sorry the pic is blurry

