Anyone Used Mighty Wash?


Active Member
Searched the forums for "mighty wash" advice. All I can find is people arguing about the product and their levels of expertise on growing. HAS anyone used Mighty Wash from NPK Industries and what kind of results are you guys having? Just found mites on 1 plant. It appears to have just started. Only around 20 leaves on the bottom seems to be showing problems. I want to catch it before it becomes a major problem. Last year those little bastards screwed me. Any help regarding Mighty Wash or any other products would be appreciated. Thanks everyone
i've not used it personally but have heard from multiple people that its brilliant.. you can use right up until harvest day as it's basically just water.. its been charged in way that kills mites.
I live in a large grow community. Every hydro place that I've called is telling me something different. One says don't use Mighty Wash, we've had bad reviews. The other says they cannot keep enough of it on their shelves. Another says use Azatrol, the other says stay away from Azatrol at this point in the game. One says use Neem Oil. Another syas don't use Neem Oil use Liquid Lady Bug. What the shit!!! I am more confused now than before I called the hydo shops. Once again, can someone please give me a heads up on a product that they've used and actually works....thanks
neem oil works.. fact...

its quite labour intensive though...

like i said i've heard nothing but good things about mighty wash, but i dont have first hand experience..

I live in a large grow community. Every hydro place that I've called is telling me something different. One says don't use Mighty Wash, we've had bad reviews. The other says they cannot keep enough of it on their shelves. Another says use Azatrol, the other says stay away from Azatrol at this point in the game. One says use Neem Oil. Another syas don't use Neem Oil use Liquid Lady Bug. What the shit!!! I am more confused now than before I called the hydo shops. Once again, can someone please give me a heads up on a product that they've used and actually works....thanks
i recently just slayed a mite infestation that was getting way out of control about 6 weeks into flower using mighty wash. i found out about the product here on RIU, and found probably the same things you did norcal. but from a guy whose only been in the game for a year and is dealing with his first mite problem, ive found this stuff to work WONDERS.

i tried floramite, but they came back after a month. after that, a neem regiment and a bag of a thousand lady bugs kept the problem slightly containable, but then i discovered the mighty wash threads and said fuck it, this stuff sounds safe clean and organic, plus i was so late into flower i didnt know what else to do. regardless after 10 days there isnt a single mite anywhere in the room.

i may just be a bluebelt pot grower, but i choked these mites the FUCK out late in the third for the world title!
I guess it can't hurt to try. Looks like I'm going to get some Mighty Wash. I need to choke those fuckers out too. This is only my second year and those mites really fucked me last year. Thanks metalbrad, I'll let you know what happens.
I heard about Mighty Wash a couple weeks ago, and went to my local hydro shop to buy some. The woman working there, who is helpful, but to a fault, wouldn't even let me look at the Mighty Wash bottle, as they only had one left and it was supposedly reserved. She said that Azatrol works much better. I tried it out last week, just did a soil drenching with it, as there wasn't enough to spray as well. It appears to have stopped my problem, as I haven't noticed any new leaves becoming infected, but it's difficult to say as this point.
Anyone heard of Bifenthrin? My local hydro shop talked me out of the Mighty Wash. $45 dollars a gallon for the MW and I'd need around 3 gallons of that shit for one application. They told me to use Bifenthrin. $45 for a quart and you only use 1 tsp per gallon. They said that I can use Bifenthrin until 10 days before harvest. Any thoughts?
how many plants are you dealing with? 3 gallons for everything sounds like a warehouse or 2. im only dealing with 11 plants, 1 spray bottle worth killed em all. my budtender today said pretty much the same thing i had to say, people seem to love this stuff to the point of sounding like sales reps and now he catches himself doing the same thing, it definitely works and considering how much a bottle of floramite costs (125$), its definitely worth it.

my point is im not a mighty wash sales rep, i wish tho. i need a real job.
Thanks for all of your help. I ended up using the Bifenthrin. Applied last night around 6:00 and this morning at 8:00...nothing but dead mites...sweet!!!
Its water that shocks/kills them. Safe for your plants too. Lots of people use it and are quite happy with it. kills on contact. I dont believe it kills eggs. So just pew pew for a few days, you may use it daily. Its Medium prices too like $40

miticide works great if you cycle it.(also helps if your rich, the shit is $$$.) a proper cycle for your plants is about 10days. About $130-$400 easily.

And finally No Pest Strips if your mad lazy, want fast results, aswell on a budget. 3-4 days nothing moves. about $6.49 at anywhere(safeway, walmart, lowes, ect)
neem oil works.. fact...

its quite labour intensive though...

like i said i've heard nothing but good things about mighty wash, but i dont have first hand experience..

neem oil doesnt kill mites,it just slows them down.mighty wash kills eggs and mites and mites can not built up a resistance to it.
It's actually a repellent.. I've used it and have seen multilple people use it to get rid of minor to major infestations... It works perfectly well if you are intelligent enough to know how to use it properly..

neem oil doesnt kill mites,it just slows them down.mighty wash kills eggs and mites and mites can not built up a resistance to it.
so just used this product for the first time yesterday. So far, i can t find a SINGLE egg or might on ANY of my 60 clones. and it was pretty bad (got the clones from an unclean source). will keep an eye on it, but i have tried azatrol, floramite, sns, and 3in1 (obviously not all on this crop) and have never seen ANY of them do what this did in 24 hours. I had a big problem with azatrol where it seemed to block the leaves "poors" and cause MAJOR leaf fold and curl. Floramite does the job, but you have to be consistent with your applications and fairly aggressive with your first few.

This is hands down, without a doubt (so far) the best product i have tried to get rid of mites. And its almost all water so its one of the healthiest too!!
I tried safer soap, 100% cold pressed neem, malithion , no pest strips, floamite and mighty wash. neem might be good if you use a wetting agent and feed it to your plants its a leaf shine but I hear if water with it the mites wont even try to infest the plant.Im not sure how much to give them I would start small. malithion is nasty and work for shit. safer soap pest strips work for a while but they become resistant.floamite worked good. I was very skeptical of mighty wash because it is 99% water. after one application It seems to work. what ever the inert ingredient is its awesome.
I used it after alot of sceptisizum. Tested on a infested leaf first. Had gold and white eggs. White eggs are the new ones. Spryed to on the leaf. Watched under my 100x scope. Mites slowed to no movement. Gold eggs seem to melt as I watched. Didn't have any affect on the new whit eggs. Maybe a harder shell???? But I was suprized. I spryed all my plants. Wilting happend fast. But an hour later like nothing happend. Later I found out that you need to spry with lights off and every 3 days till gone. So I did. And well after 3 extra spryings mites and eggs are gone. And it's cheep enogh so now I use it every 2 weeks and spry down my room too. Just as a preventive. I talk to the owner on the phone about ways to apply it without a hand sprayer. I was looking into the ultrasonic foggers. He said it would work and not change the frequency in the water. But suggested an atomizing fogger that would fill my room within 15 min and mist everything. Less waste and power. then at the max yeild expo I talked to him about sence it's water but dosnt say organic can organic users use it. Yes it can he said it's already being tested and within the year it should have the OMRI listing.
In short I love it and won't use anything eles. The whole line is good. And safe on clones rooted or not.
For anyone that believes that mighty wash works because of some kind of frequencies in the water please refer to any physics textbook. The reason that the product works is because the "inert" ingredients are actually the active ones. As in pyrethrins and geraniol I believe. The ppm on this stuff is 765, Medford has a local water supply of 60ppm where they make it. So you have 705 ppm of some shit they don't disclose to you as the buyer because they are shady and are dodging EPA regulation as a pesticide. To put it into perspective GH liquid kool bloom is 350 ppm roughly when mixing 2 tablespoons of it to a gallon of water. So double that is what this "frequency water" checks out at. If you dont care about what you spray on your plants and eventually ingest keep using this bullshit. If you do I suggest you file an EPA complaint against these chodes like so many people already did. There are plenty of good products out there, this one is hogwash.
i honestly cant believe all these positive posts. i bought 2 gallons last run sprayed all 2 gallons worth over a week or so period and they were lovin that shit. i dont know if i got some gnarly form of mite.. but the only thing that works for me is avid and floramite. if your late in flower and its an emergency, thats the only time i would buy mighty wash again. if its mostly water, why is that shit 40 bones a gallon?
i dont know about you guys.. but when i spray a 20 dollar application of anything, i expect results lol