Well-Known Member
I seen and followed that thread for a while.
The Connoisseur is kinda high and I doubt the results they claim.
I would be tempted to try the Dyna-Gro as well, due to the price and the results that were shown by HB.
Everyone has their own opinions. I'm sure all the brands work fine, but from everything that I have read and heard.
I have not heard that AN did not produce results.
The price of AN IMO is not too high as long as you get good results from them.
I am using the Sensi Grow/Bloom and have had good results with them.
I have never tried any other brand so I have nothing to compare the results of AN to.
As far as the vacuum for getting the water out. That will work.
Not sure how convenient it will be tho.
I have a auto float valve in my rez with an exterior rez, which always circulates fresh water into the rez.
I didn't have to change the rez during my flower cycle as there was always fresh water.
When I do wanna get the water out of there I take a hose and stick it down in my rez and place a bucket a little lower than my rez and siphon the water from the rez into another bucket. Then I add more water back to my exterior rez which fills my rez back up.
Initially I had a water hose running from my drain valve which ran under my house.
Flip the drain plug and it empties.
I like the float valve alot better. It makes things alot easier to maintain and change.
Lots of little green words to read.. Haha!
Yeah, I pretty much feel the way you do regarding different nute brands. They all work. How well they work depends on the person and how they apply it. It sounds like we're pretty much in the same boat. I've done nothing but the GH micro all this time and you've done nothing but AN Sensi. Like you, I have no major problem with the results GH has given me, but am ready to try another major brand so I can have a hands-on comparison between the two. I also like that the AN Sensi doesn't turn your solution all coffee color.
Ha ha. I have a float switch activated external res topping automatically with fresh water too. I know with this kind of active auto-refresh, I probably don't even have to change my water at all, but I like going the extra step. Plus, I like doing freaky things with vacuum cleaners. Lol.