more brutal teabaggers

It's fun to see the talking point buzz words filter down from the Rigth Wing Media to the mouths of their sheep.
That is Fascist Nazi Tea-orrists!

Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power. Benito Mussolini
"We must close union offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike" - Adolf Hitler
"The International Longshore and Warehouse Union believes it has the right to work at the facility, but the company has hired a contractor that's staffing a workforce of other union laborers."

Of course they believe they have a RIGHT to work the facility. After all, they created the company... oh wait, they didnt. Well, they run the company...oh wait, they dont. Surely they don't expect to get paid the same if company's profits go down... oh wait, they do.

The company is using "other union laborers" not even scabs. Shouldn't these union thugs be supportive and happy for the union members that got their old jobs? They thought they were irreplaceable, just like so many of the turds I've had to fire over the years.

The company is better off now that it is rid of them. And they can jump on unemployment and get paid for the next 99+ months, good little liberals.
The right has mastered the echo chamber and bombs public forums with sock puppets. These are the results. Enjoy the new fascism
buzz words and sock puppets? is this really the best you can do? did you even bother to get the message that this is a matter of union in-fighting and not union-breaking? the one and two line responses from the left fringe of the forum are wearing thin. no substance, no weight, nothing but idle insult and talking points from a tattered playbook. for decades the unions have run amok, often demanding more than their members are due and filling the pockets of corrupt officials. bloated pensions, those funds regularly raided to push agendas through left leaning bureaucracies. constantly demanding more, even in the face of financial disasters and economic collapse. threatening slowdowns, walkouts and strikes over a percentage point here or there, the refusal of a seat on the board or any number of entitlements they see as their due. and all that the mouthpieces and acolytes of modern liberalism can say is that evil management is to blame.

on the other side we have corporate bigwigs in bed with bureaucrats, large and small. paying out vast sums for a congressman's ear, promising cushy positions once these political animals can no longer suckle at the taxpayer's teat and swallowing up the proceeds of ill-conceived political ploys. allowed tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas, company after company flees the antagonistic climate of a revenue hungry federal establishment. caught between over-regulation, increasingly steep labor costs and the constant threat of a new tax every other week, one begins to wonder why any but the most favored industries bother to build anything in this country at all. the pressures of the cost of living and a population that has been led to believe in the entitlement mantra of the new left have made only our infrastructure a selling point for industry and that too is crumbling around our ears.

the common thread in all this is that ever growing bureaucracy. playing both ends against the middle, they have nothing to fear but a public made aware of their deceptions. we are, all of us, in the middle. every citizen is a consumer and each item we consume has, tacked onto its real price, the cost of the games our unresponsive representatives play. each new tax on the goods we produce is passed down to the end user, the consumer. the cost of each new regulation multiplies the expense of production and raises the price to the end user, the consumer. each subsidization and labor entitlement made manifest by mandate of the state is a further burden borne by the end user, the consumer. the notion that it is only these political animals that keep the wolves of corporate america at bay is one of the great lies of the century. washington insiders are firmly in bed with the most corrupt of these predators and depend on the havoc they create to frighten the sheep into convenient, government sponsored folds.

and here we have the statist dupes crying for more of it all. convinced of the altruistic nature of their leaders, they demand the state's heavy hand be placed squarely on the shoulder of american industry. they scream for more entitlements, more regulation, more bureaucracy. never once do they stop to consider that the cost of all this micromanagement is surely driving away the very means by which the good life they demand is acquired. never once do they wonder what will happen when, with all the powers of the omnipotent state, the agenda of their leaders turns against them.
sorry if i missed it, but the article doesnt seem to say why they are doing this. did they all get fired or wage cuts or what?
sorry if i missed it, but the article doesnt seem to say why they are doing this. did they all get fired or wage cuts or what?
management simply went with another union. greed got the better of them and now they're pissed at the results.
Very bad idea to refuse to work in this economy. There are too many people without jobs who will gladly take the job. I be there are a lot of workers now without a job and are sorry their leadership put them in this position. They can now thank their union for putting them out of work.
I bet there are a lot of workers now without a job and are sorry their leadership put them in this position. They can now thank their union for putting them out of work.
there are plenty of unions out there that advocate for their members in a rational and responsible manner. there are also many that have been leveraging their position for years, using a position made dominant by often uneven labor regulations, and now find themselves with full halls and no one willing to pay for their exorbitant demands.
there are plenty of unions out there that advocate for their members in a rational and responsible manner. there are also many that have been leveraging their position for years, using a position made dominant by often uneven labor regulations, and now find themselves with full halls and no one willing to pay for their exorbitant demands.
You dont know what your talking about you dont even come close to having a clue
You dont know what your talking about you don't even come close to having a clue
no, i must not know what i'm talking about. i only came out of california's construction industry, an industry that has seen the rise and eventual fall caused by such exorbitant demands. i watched first as the price of labor skyrocketed and then, as management sought out less expensive labor in the form of illegal immigrants, fall off dramatically. when i left that industry i had seen workers living high on the hog one day and then sitting in union halls and unemployment lines the next, undercut by their own avarice. had the unions not demanded constant increases, many of those jobs and the wages they paid might have stayed with american citizens. instead, construction sites became the playgrounds of the undocumented and their wages went to dig mexico's citizens out of the poverty created by their own corruption. the fate of american workers may not matter to you, but i'm still one of them and i have a vested interest in maintaining the healthy and fully employed workforce that could have been ours, if only moderate increases had been demanded instead of catering to our greed.

i sometimes wonder why i bother to respond to this annoying little gnat. answering his posts is more trouble than they're worth and i can be sure he will simply ignore any worthwhile points in favor of meaningless party line garbage and underwhelming posturing.
Oh so you blame todays real estate market and lack of new construction on unions
Ok i understand now
You really are retarded
Oh so you blame today's real estate market and lack of new construction on unions
no, the fall came long before today's dilemma. the bursting housing bubble and the collapse that instigated our current woes are only an echo of the mentality that has led us to this point. it's an entitlement mentality that demands more returns for less investment, whether that investment is of labor, capital or time. try not jumping to such conclusions, you'll only tire out those overworked braincells.
you'll only tire out those overworked braincells.

cells? i guess you are just giving him the benefit of the doubt.

the amazing part to me is its so hard for the left to see that they are doing this to themselves.

the same folks that want ridiculous demands from the company, then bitch when the workforce is farmed out to illegals, and eventually over seas.

they are real good at pointing fingers but terrible at looking in the mirror. and obama keeps blowing sunshine up their ass, and they keep spreading their cheeks.