Club 600


Well-Known Member
The hairs will most likely turn color during the drying & curing phase.
Though red hairs add to bag appeal, it's all about the trichomes. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Could someone tell me if they see any signs of purple in these pics? I am colorblind and cant really tell. I know it doesn't look like the regular green weed i usually grow. I was told that these plants would turn purple late in flowering and i think they are.
Oh yeah, they're purple. Especially the second pic.


Well-Known Member
Club 600x Sticker-pallooza udate:
Have the song 90% down.
Logging off and rebooting into the "stripped-for-speed" version of Windows so I can get ready to record.
This will be another 2 or 3 hours, but will be done.
Will try and do a better job than the last few. :-)
But don't expect miracles: I'm going to be blazing like a solar flare before each attempt so, since it usually requires about 6 to 12 takes to get it right, I will be rocking on "unsteady" fingers and it will be what it will be. ;-)
Will post a link when it's done.
Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Ah well, after reading last nights shenannigans I feel a lot better, you lot are deffo all madder than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another storm last night with me running out onto balcony and piling bricks onto plant pots to stop em blowing over. Great fun.

BAck to my cup of tea. Laters peeps,



Active Member
looks like it could be nute burn
ya possibly guys... i feed them like this, FEED FEED WATER FEED FEED WATER ETC... usually.... should i do it other way around? plz anyone advice on this, i cannot be growing these tinyass colas lol too much electricty and i have too little plants... i cannot let my next grow get this, so sad that i will not get ounces like i rly should be getting, invested alot :(


Well-Known Member
looking good Jig and antweed.

kingdevin, I would say your problem sounds more genetic based. Get some good genetics and you are half way winning the battle. If you are doing everything you say you are. Weed does fill out more to the end so I would stay with it, harvest waht you got and move on. It's tuff but we have all probably had to do it at some point. And you will re-cuop your investment even if your yield is not so great.


Well-Known Member
stretch is normally in the first few days - week of flowering. Not all strains are going to stretch too much though.


Active Member
yeah, i was wondering the same many days will they keep on strectchin..
today i'm at 2 weeks of 12/12 and i have 2 of my plants stretchin like crazy............


Well-Known Member
The plant should continue to grow structurally while producing flower, but I would say 2 weeks in and stretching should really have stopped by now. How are the calyx and stigma production?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, I have a very large Tefal head, I always wear a white coat, and have three different coloured pens in my pocket.


Well-Known Member
I would get rid, not going to harm it, and you are not going to get anything from that anyways. Lots of energy used in the last few weeks so lots of weight packed on.