Club 600

I know we got some gamers out here in the Six, anyone picking up a copy of this in October??

OK, plants grown from seed planted 34 days ago. Half in Fox Farms, half in Miracle Gro soil. Nutes are the same split. Two plants (#1,2) are Barney's Farm LSD, the rest are bagseed. Under 2 X 600w MH now, first three weeks under 216w T5HO (4 X 54w 4" flouros). Started 1500ppm CO2 3 days ago. In two pics, #361, 358, you can see a pot marked #7. What's causing the leaves to curl inward like that? It's only the one plant doing that.100_0364.jpg100_0363.jpg100_0362.jpg100_0361.jpg100_0358.jpg
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nice many will that be now ...
whats up brutha...i used to have a six hundo and a four hundo. But in the spirit of good growing i donated my someone who couldnt afford to buy one......i told him it will grow AWSOME tommatoes since it wouldnt be right to incite growing weed...wink wink....
anyway the nugs were insane in the room with the thousand this time i wasnt able to grab another light because of time or whatever so i just used the six hundo this time...i am kicking myself for being lazy now though because with the additional 400 in my five by four and a half foot room the buds were alot bigger..i didnt.think itd make that much of a dif but it i ordered a sun lite supply set up..same company made my 400. So im gonna hope the addition six hundo will bring me to the next level....but im still happy as hell with the six
I know we got some gamers out here in the Six, anyone picking up a copy of this in October??

I'm getting it for the PC man. Do you know if there is cross platform support (i'm guessing you are getting the ps3 version?). My dad just built me a fucking SICK gaming rig and I can't wait to try this game on it. Supposed to be the only game out (when it's out) that uses dx11 properly. Can not wait!

ALso, I must say I'm quite disappointed I missed you giving the smack down to some deserving twat. BC is a good man indeed. You got a good radar slonez.

EDIT: just watched the video again. Holy shit. I get a little turned on by the graphics, lol.
Oh by the way i chopped a tiny nug off my purple kush plant three days was smokable this now and im fuckin ripped after two hits and i am SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY RIGHT fuckin sucks buying ganja in the streets so to say..and it was a long ass wait buying fucking 3.5 for sixty god danged dollars when all those wasted dollars could have bought my son a video game or a new f ing i am jumping for joy right now and i may just call the dealer to tell him his mothers a whore and hang up...nah hes my.good friend but paybacks a hell want ozs for like a hundo...i dont think so homie...i aint sellin one blizz...if i do ill just be giving him my money in a month
then you'd be buying your stuff from him, lol. It's funny, I go into clubs sometimes to try and sell my stuff (cali) and I'll see some really really good looking herb and think. I'll just get a gram of it, try it out. But fuck me. I ain't paying $20 for a gram of pot. I did the math and my last grow cost me $23/ oz to grow. That sounds more like it.

Glad it is turning out good.
So I found this article about encouraging college students to smoke weed instead of drink alcohol. The argument is students are going to party, plain and simple fact, so why not give the safer alternative?
Here's some quick stats from the article. I highlighted the red one. If you can't trust your friends...?

Every year:
—1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related injuries, including motor vehicle crashes.
—599,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are injured under the influence of alcohol.
—696,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who they had been drinking with.
—97,000 victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.
—About 25 percent of college students report academic consequences of their drinking including missing class, falling behind, doing poorly on exams or papers and receiving lower grades overall.
—Over 150,000 students develop an alcohol-related health problem and between 1.2 and 1.5 percent of students indicate that they tried to commit suicide within the past year due to drinking or drug use.
—More than 25 percent of administrators from schools with relatively low drinking levels and over 50 percent from schools with high drinking levels say their campuses have a “moderate” or “major” problem with alcohol-related property damage.
—31 percent of college students met criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse and 6 percent for a diagnosis of alcohol dependence in the past 12 months.
then you'd be buying your stuff from him, lol. It's funny, I go into clubs sometimes to try and sell my stuff (cali) and I'll see some really really good looking herb and think. I'll just get a gram of it, try it out. But fuck me. I ain't paying $20 for a gram of pot. I did the math and my last grow cost me $23/ oz to grow. That sounds more like it.

Glad it is turning out good.

My last grow pulled 8-oz (had root issues with half of my plants so yield was a lot less than expected) in 90-ish days.
$81 for lights & fans through PG&E in Oregon, $15 for Jack's Classic nutes, $15 for soil & perlite, and used about $3 of my Strategic Neem Oil Reserves, and I'll add $10 for miscellaneous things like bamboo sticks and little plastic name stakes, etc.
I didn't use supplements, other than a few teaspoons of epsom salts used for a few foliar feedings.
So $124 divided by 8(ounces) = $15.50 per ounce of primo bud.
And I don't know how much usable trimmings I threw away (I kept about 2-ounces of sugarleaves, but am saving it up until I'm done with the next grow to add to it before I process it out)
This grow I spent a little more by getting a pound of mychorrizae and a gallon of Berry Sweet (smells JUST like the raspberry patch in the back yard when I was a little kid), and upgrades to the grow box, a new Hortilux bulb, etc.
So this grow will be "much" more costly, but I'm physically better equipped to keep on it and the mychorrizae & Sweet will boost the yield up to normal levels.
Even if it doubles the cost, it's still only $30 an ounce ;-)
Growing has been one of the single most enjoyable and therapeutic things I've gotten into as an adult, not including the recreational, medical & psychological benefits ;-)
Enough of my yapping, time for some bongage.
Carry on!


If I had not decided to grow my own (and been allowed to by my Boss Lady), I'd never met so many cool, interesting, and smart people by seeking info online and coming here to RIU and Club 600.
Eyup peeps some pics of my up and comin 600w girls, slh, blue cheese and livers/blues....ill chuck some more up in a few weeks
