The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
why would this thread go in the sticky bit, it just alcholics, druggies and growers talking shite n insulting each other although there is a good few alcoholic druggie growers also lol


Well-Known Member
got 2x 1.2x1.2mtr ds120 secret jardin tents, 1x600hps, 1x400hps few other bits n bobs £160

gonna split them 2 big livers i was saying bout into a tent each now with 600 each, gonna be niiiice.

i no im new pics or it didnt happen n all that, but will get on the case when i get back.


Well-Known Member
why would this thread go in the sticky bit, it just alcholics, druggies and growers talking shite n insulting each other although there is a good few alcoholic druggie growers also lol
*i guess ill be one of the good non-alcoholic pothead yoda master.ers.. sir!.:hump:. get it right ;)


Active Member
ahhh weekend at last! How's it going gents? I've just checked me 8 ball kush & they're doing fine...although about another 10 weeks before I can even consider smoking some :-( having to make do with poor poor pollen due to the fact it took me 3 months to order some seeds!
At least the sun is out here -- oh, not it's not - rain..., hang on, no, sunny again!!! lol - I hate january :-S


Well-Known Member
ahhh weekend at last! How's it going gents? I've just checked me 8 ball kush & they're doing fine...although about another 10 weeks before I can even consider smoking some :-( having to make do with poor poor pollen due to the fact it took me 3 months to order some seeds!
At least the sun is out here -- oh, not it's not - rain..., hang on, no, sunny again!!! lol - I hate january :-S

alright mate , long time no see, 3 months is rediculas to wait for seeds, surly theres a head shop closer that you can buy seeds from, you'll be suprised how many there is with a bit of detective work, theres about 6 near me i never knew about ! the 8 ball kush sounding cool , i got 8 weeks before i can chop anything myself then another week or 2 drying so im with ya on that 10 week wait ! weathor wont make its shitty mind up here aswell !!! bah humbug!! lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
bookshop was shit so i bought salami, brie, fajitas, and sushi :) I had a little single skin joint of the void on the walk down to the shop and it mashed me up rather well, hangover ran off with it's tail between it's legs. That's right, hangovers have tails.


Well-Known Member
bookshop was shit so i bought salami, brie, fajitas, and sushi :) I had a little single skin joint of the void on the walk down to the shop and it mashed me up rather well, hangover ran off with it's tail between it's legs. That's right, hangovers have tails.
hope ya not planning on eating all that in one .. would be a funny tasting fajita wrap :D


Well-Known Member
got 2x 1.2x1.2mtr ds120 secret jardin tents, 1x600hps, 1x400hps few other bits n bobs £160

gonna split them 2 big livers i was saying bout into a tent each now with 600 each, gonna be niiiice.

i no im new pics or it didnt happen n all that, but will get on the case when i get back.
those tents any good then?


Active Member
alright mate , long time no see, 3 months is rediculas to wait for seeds, surly theres a head shop closer that you can buy seeds from, you'll be suprised how many there is with a bit of detective work, theres about 6 near me i never knew about ! the 8 ball kush sounding cool , i got 8 weeks before i can chop anything myself then another week or 2 drying so im with ya on that 10 week wait ! weathor wont make its shitty mind up here aswell !!! bah humbug!! lol
Yeah - I don't get online much, thanks :)
I have been ultra skint for a couple of months due to redundancy so everytime I got to ordering the seeds, I need the cash to pay for stuff i.e. fuel to drive to interviews, fix the car, pay for the other half to sit around doing f@ck all all day etc My store of seeds wouldn't germinate so I ended up wasting them
So - I finally ordered the 8 ball kush, and thanks to tips of germination on here - I have a success! Straight into the soil with cling film over 'em.
I hate paying for it - it's been so long since I had to. I finished the last of my red diesel last weekend in a massive spliff followed by a hot bath and a few hours laid on the sofa surrounded my munchies, hehe

I know man - this is summer??? Sheesh - I'm gonna take a week in June next year, always seems to be nice then!


Well-Known Member
I know I am not from the UK so I hope you don't mind me posting here (I still feel British...well Scottish more but lets not get into that).

Anyway, reason for invading your UK Utopia is that I was at the pub the other day and was outside having a cheeky pipe with some nice bubble that I had made. These 3 moroccan guys (I would say around 40ish) where sitting there and one of them turned round and said, "nice smell, weed?", (it was hash made with livers and exo so it was fairly chuffy in the smell depo). Anyway I digress, I passed him the pipe and told him it was hash. Loaded another and passed that to his friends. Next thing I know the second guy has pulled out this half brick of hash and started to give me bits he was scraping off it. All in he gave me about a gram plus. Here's whats left of it, my mates in the UK don't see much of this around their way unfortunately.

Peace, and may yer team win gloriously.



Well-Known Member
hmmm.. have a feeling this is not going to end well..

some posts from people who are now our mods...

So ehhh, i've hardly any rep, EVERYONE REP ME !!!!
Raided By The Police, Not For Growing
Kind of a really long story, and I'm posting from an iPhone.
Let me give a little background info.
My girlfriend and I got engaged on Monday and it was great. The following day her aunt and a...
I can't harm this guy, I already have before. I...
I can't harm this guy, I already have before. I jumped him in a mall like a year ago when I seen him with a buddy...
If I touch him now that equals jail... Which equals no job, no fiancé, nothing....
Hey RK, the police took that "judges gavel" bubbler you made for me.

Could you make me a more badass replacement? PM me we'll work out a price. I really loved that piece

that's right folks.. these are a few of our new mods...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Christmas crop....bugger off with your organisation skills like :p I've got whatever turns out female, which isn't a lot of late, so for now it's just looking like cheese and romulan.