No More Threads About People!


Well-Known Member
personally i miss the old toke n talk... just saying... this new trend isnt right. i said my peice. off to hit the hay, have to be up in 6 hours


Well-Known Member
Can't undo whats already been done...Pandoras Box is open, till the mods whip everyone back in shape it's anarchy...Enjoy it while you can!


Well-Known Member
I dont want to. Im taking the brunt of it for one and for two, this isnt fun anymore. Every thread is drama, what happened to the funny threads?


Well-Known Member
most of the threads i start are meant to be funny, not serious, or asking a simple question... bleh.


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe you SHOULDN'T try to start any more threads, not unless they're well thought out then.......I dunno, it's just a phase, it'll pass...


Well-Known Member
eh, its usually by the seat of my pants... i should think about them more... anyway, i really got to get some sleep, so enjoy us in our hawaiian clothes until i can find a better avatar. i was gonna put up a face pic, but i figured would lead to unnessacary drama about how i look


Well-Known Member
Just stop drawing unnecessary attention to yourself...practice some of those wallflower will get over it. And yeah, make quality threads, not quantity threads...Nighty night


Well-Known Member
thanks... ill take that in advisement... yay for art history tomorrow, we're doing the renaissance... its the shit!


Well-Known Member
its simple YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF A TARGET OVER AND OVER AGAIN.... you are like that kid in school that picks their nose and eats it and wonders why you get made fun of lol not trying to strike out at you but that victim shit is getting old you bring half this hate on yourself honestly LIKE THIS THREAD


Well-Known Member
how is this victim? im saying cut the crap, no more drama, lets just be chill again


Well-Known Member
goddamn it im going to bed for real this time. lets just all chill, be loving