Message To April : )


Well-Known Member
no, i was just curious, because it made me think, you guys post on riu from the same room having convos with each other... and kinda a low blow that i never been in one, i know, it sucks


Well-Known Member
Message to April.


Well-Known Member
OK EVERYBODY....ive come to 2 serious conclusions....

A) april is not going to post sexy booty pics


B) this thread has been reduced to guys posting sexy pics trying to get her to do so..(i did it too,LOL)

...because of this i will be UNsubbing from this thread and i will catch all you gangstas, playas, weedheads, and canadians on the flip side....

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
OK EVERYBODY....ive come to 2 serious conclusions....

A) april is not going to post sexy booty pics


B) this thread has been reduced to guys posting sexy pics trying to get her to do so..(i did it too,LOL)

...because of this i will be UNsubbing from this thread and i will catch all you gangstas, playas, weedheads, and canadians on the flip side....
She is just a nice pair of legs. :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
OK EVERYBODY....ive come to 2 serious conclusions....

A) april is not going to post sexy booty pics


B) this thread has been reduced to guys posting sexy pics trying to get her to do so..(i did it too,LOL)

...because of this i will be UNsubbing from this thread and i will catch all you gangstas, playas, weedheads, and canadians on the flip side....
Not all the guys. :p