Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
djj, you know I would love to get up on that roof for you. But 1, my bf would kill me as your wife would you, and 2, um "fumble." lol


Well-Known Member
I ordered the medijuana seeds from the amsterdamseed company and got robbed! 60 euros for 10 and its been almost a month... I was given a fake tracking number that dosnt work and the contact us part of there site dosnt work!!! So lame.. Hey jj I was curious if you knew of a place ( club or w.e) to find some male pollen? Any idea where I should look? Not really picky just looking for something to play with.

P.S. That plants is so damn big lol
Really man that sux because i was looking at them after following JJ's progress with his girl. Did they ever come through.


Well-Known Member
Hodge told me that's where he got the seeds originally, & the seeds came right away!

Well, Hodge is making seeds & I'm taking clones, I think we'll beat them yet!



Well-Known Member
Maybe i will still try a order, every now and then you lose a order through the mail maybe it wasn't their fault. Your plant's are amazing Double JJ i have showed some of my friends your pics and they still don't believe a MJ plant can get that
happy growing...tristynhawk

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
I hate to be this way but, has anyone grow "The Black"?!?

I gotta change my ways!

right here!!!blACkk domina. 4th grow now.breed my own version tho!thats why there is dbl k.Kottonmouth plenty of seds if ya wanna go black.youll never go back!!hahaha lmfao


Active Member
It appears that doublejj can grow the roof off, literally.

It also appears that tristynhawk's avatar depicts a woman who is clearly frustrated after running out of gas in her car, its 230 pm and shes in central Phoenix and has to be to Scottsdale for sushi by 7. I do hope she makes it.

While the same time TWS's avatar depicts a young lady that needs to go to her friends house and pick out bra's,
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Active Member
Your buds are huge. I know mine won't reach quite that large but do buds continue to grow for the entire bloom phase or do they spend half the time maturing? The reason I ask is it SEEMS like week 2-3 for me my buds grew quite fast now have slowed. Is that normal? Now my buds are just going to mature or should they still be growing.


Well-Known Member
Yes bro, it's normal. They all go thru growth spurts.

Many plants will give you a last minute flurry just before they finish flowering

Good luck



Active Member
Thanks JJ. I seem to make a new thread daily on questions and also post in here from time to time. Next year I'll only have one question. What am I supposed to do with 10lbs of marijuana?


Well-Known Member
Many plants will give you a last minute flurry just before they finish flowering
man i LOVE the strains that grow big, slow down for 2-3 weeks then.... BANG, one morning you see your baby and she's growen another inch or 2 and the calyxses have started to swell..... THC prickeling with excitment and anticipation of the coming harvest.... and then everything starts to amber up nicley, and you know shes blessed you with a bountifal harvest...

dam that can get erotic fast.... marijuana is a beautifal thing :)

What am I supposed to do with 10lbs of marijuana?
well, i smoke around an OZ every 10-12 days..... thats like 3 LBS a year, and i consider myself a constant smoker......

with 10 LBS i would save 5 for personal consumption and sell 5 to patients in the surrounding area. That is, if you are legal to grow (legal to sell extra suply to legal patients), or comfortable with selling.

Personaly when i sell, i sell 1+ LBS and never sell small time. its easier to keep the heat off your back if people arn;t coming to your door 24 hours a day.....


Well-Known Member
Well officially, IT'S ON!........ripper season!

I've been staying up all night & sleeping/naping during the day. So I was awake last night.

About 3:30am Molly starts barking her, 'I see a man' bark on the front porch. I can tell when she is barking at a person. I step outside & look around don't see anything. I figure it was maybe a jogger or bicyclist. I bring Molly inside. I have a 'doggy door' & within 5 min she was back out barking.

Again I can't see anything, so I just sit down on the front porch with Molly. She keeps staring accross the street. Sure enough after about 2 min a head pops up from behind a fence across the street!

About a 20 year old kid, dressed in dark clothes. I asked him what he's doing? He said he lived on the next block over & thought he could just cut thru there. When I told him there was no way thru there, he yelled "Who the Fuck are you!" as he ran down the street!

Molly 1
Rippers 0



Well-Known Member
I think I'm gonna have to start sleeping in the living room with the door open...back neighbor had friends over yesterday and they were up on the fence just having a good ole look. I told him to quit looking over my fence. Lexi gave them a warning too.


Well-Known Member
Well officially, IT'S ON!........ripper season!

I've been staying up all night & sleeping/naping during the day. So I was awake last night.

About 3:30am Molly starts barking her, 'I see a man' bark on the front porch. I can tell when she is barking at a person. I step outside & look around don't see anything. I figure it was maybe a jogger or bicyclist. I bring Molly inside. I have a 'doggy door' & within 5 min she was back out barking.

Again I can't see anything, so I just sit down on the front porch with Molly. She keeps staring accross the street. Sure enough after about 2 min a head pops up from behind a fence across the street!

About a 20 year old kid, dressed in dark clothes. I asked him what he's doing? He said he lived on the next block over & thought he could just cut thru there. When I told him there was no way thru there, he yelled "Who the Fuck are you!" as he ran down the street!

Molly 1
Rippers 0

Tis the season....
I'm not on the protection/guard mode yet, but that starts in Sept which is this week. I've just been leaving the cage door open and unlocked this season so far, but that will change soon. I need to set up my driveway sensors in the garden. I have 3 sensors in the garden, and 2 alarms in my room, and another alarm hanging on my shed which is near garden. The thinking there is if the potential "rippers" hear the alarm on the shed it will chase them away and I avoid shooting someone. It's a lot of work digging a hole big enough to bury someone in But it would make great fertilizer in the garden for next year!

Sleep with one eye open....