Hashberry envirolite secret jardin soil grow


Active Member
ok so here it is my first grow


125w blue envirolite
200w blue envirolite
soil (not sure what it was)
secret jardin dr60 grow tent
15cm sq pots

always choosing the under dog i went for envirolite bulbs.

325w in total i think that makes for about 18000 lumens, correct me if im wrong.
the grow tent is about 150cm in height and about 2ft square. its in a cupboard as space is at a premium. i would of gone hps but the heat was an issue as the room will get hot.

growing Mandala Hashberry (cheapo) as just testing the water before i try something else.
4 plants germinated the usual paper towel way and potted up. no sex yet.

the bulbs are about 2 inches above the plant tops and linked together under the reflector. some plants are below the 200w and some under the 125w.
lets see what happens eh,

lighting is 18/6 and the plan at 12/12 is to go to the red envirolites, same wattages.

so far so good, invested in a moisture meter (recommended) and a ph meter so im doing it right.

ph currently at 6 or slightly below (6 im told is the target for soil) will alkali it slightly at the weekend.

currently on about 2 and a half weeks, have attached some pics as i know you kids love em.

will update weekly as it might help someone.

tra la:joint:



Active Member
haha slight difference in size! i really wanted a bigger one but just not got the space at the moment. maybe in a few months when i move and i'll make this my clone tent.

what do you think of the tent? its a good build but theres a few too heavy stiches and the slight shines through where the threads gone through, nothing at all major just pin pricks. is this the case with most tents. totally new so not sure.

envirolites are controversial so i'll post al weights at the end and people can add their opinions if its any good.


Well-Known Member
well my opinion on the tents are they are the most advanced best grow tent out on the market now....

side doors, thermally insulated, sturdy, better reflective material all in all great

i havent had any light leaks.....although i have heard the street models arent fully light proof!!!


Active Member
yeah i heard the street ones are gash. mines very sturdy and your right about the vents etc.

keep ya posted cheers for checkin in.


Well-Known Member
I like the reflective sides of the secret grow box.. Looking good man.. Keem em green. or purp.:bigjoint:


Active Member
yeah mate its great not sure of material but its super reflective.

plants still strong, just nuted, looking great.

fantastic fruity smell to the leaves attaching itself to my clothes haha.

adding a carbon filter and extractor fan in the next 2 weeks plus an ioniser, gonna keep the pad super fresh!

hope this works out!


Well-Known Member
Nice thread wothere, I'll be watching this one.
Just curious, why did you decide on 1x 125 and 1x 200?
Also what are you going to do for flowering, are you using hps?
Oh, you want that light about 3 times closer btw, just 1 inch of the tops, you'll notice the difference.


Active Member
well i bought the 125 and then upped it to a 200 but kept them both. no real reason.

the plants are now right below the bulbs and i had to lower them a bit as i think im getting heat stress. here is some more pics for the masses!

i am using ionic soil grow nutrients twice a week 7ml per litre.

any suggestions on the yellowing? hope you can see from the pics.



Active Member
also do the leaves look curled up to you guys? its only the latest leaves not the older ones.
i use the tenax water probe and when the meter drops below half i water, usually a quarter litre per plant. feel free to point me and assume i know nothing, dont be afraid to patronise.


The Gardener
Looks great man ive hashberry on the go also

I think they just got a little bit of nutrent burn nothing to worry about just check your waters ph levels and make sure your not causing any lock outs And lower the dosage of nute,s

take it easy .............


The Gardener
Sorry mate i dident look at the 1st pic properly and after looking there it looks like they have a magnesium lock out ..praying for mg as people on here notice it and the leafs yellowing i thought your ph levels were under control so i says nute burn but i guessing the ph levels are to high in the water u use causing a mg lock out

Get some epson salt from a aqua shop or pet store and add a bit to your water should fix it out for u ,,,,

This chart should keep you right from now on

Your plants look healthy other wise and nothing to worry about at this stage just let them grow they look good


Active Member
ar thanks for that mate!

im running about 6, hang on i'll grab the tester!

ok its about 6 in the soil and 6.5 in the water. should i lower the water down a bit?

it is just tap water settled out, any recommendations on the epsom dose? think my local chemist sells it, if not holland and barrett should stock it.


Active Member
right ok im on it,

for the record he edited his post i am not a sloth!

ps that charts sweeet nice one!


The Gardener
Just a bit of salt 1 or 2 pinches to much can be bad feed them once and they will be healthy again in 2-4 days

hashberrys the best plant on the market i think for its price

keep posting pic,s
