The Cheese: My First Grow: INDOOR CFL


Im a Newbie and i just germinated a Cheese Feminized seed two days ago. i got it shipped from i had 4 of them but they died and they suffered from stretching. now i have the seed planted in the soil for the first time in some organic seed starting soil. the lamp i just purchased is directly over the soil about 6 inches from touching it. i have a CFL 23wat light bulb. Am i doing well so far? i am a newbie so advice would be great. i'll keep posted and take pics as well.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
ok the one light will be fine but dont over water can be worse than not enough but u will need more light i would say 6 cfls per plant


wow thats alot of light. okay thats pretty cool. but how many watts would i NEED per plant? or is it just that The More Watts The Better type thing? and i plan on vegging her til about 25-26 days. And then flower. for flowering i would use two 300Watt CFL 2700k bulbs but the light would be about 5 feet that bad?

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
I worked wit cfls my last grow done well but u have to keep them close 5 ft to far away need more like 5 inch trust me if not they will not be full i have some 300 watt ones and they are fine 111111


okay cool. thanks for the tip. i will be posting another pic of her later tonight.
but my main problem is that in the area i plan to flower in, it only has a light bulb socket, no power outlets and the light bulb is pretty high on the ceiling. :/

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
Ok this can be fixed lowes or any hard ware store has a socket plus plug in that screws in the light socket just get one of those can run cord from that and up to 5 cfls with y spliters also at hardware store!!!!!!!!


yea i had bought that yesterday from walmart. i also bought another lamp and a set of 26 wat CFLs so i now have two lights on her. 1 23wat CFL and 1 26wat CFL.


Will Be Updating with a new pic soon :) she's officially hit 1 week today!
i have also planted another cheese seed today so im growing her sister as well. now they will be a week behind each other. i have decided to name my 1week old Swissy, (swiss cheese{not the strain type though}) and the other 1 Motzerella


lol. i do too but sorry 4 the pic quality. ugh i never could get that crisp clear snapshot of her. well i think i'll be able to take better pics as they grow older. Motzerella Has not sprouted yet but she should be tomorrow. im wondering if its normal for the two leaves to look yellow like that, what does that mean?? and the center tips where another node has begun are burnt looking at the i doing sumthing wrong???

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
What kind of soil we in and are u using nuts??? What the water ph? Yellow can mean many thing give me this info i will try to help[


far as nutes, i dont use any. the soil im using is burpee eco friendly seed starter soil. as far as the water ph, i dont know, all i have been doing is taking tap water and setting it out for 24 hrs before i use it, and then using that to feed them.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
far as nutes, i dont use any. the soil im using is burpee eco friendly seed starter soil. as far as the water ph, i dont know, all i have been doing is taking tap water and setting it out for 24 hrs before i use it, and then using that to feed them.
Looks like over water then if nuts not thbe problem how often do u water should be ever 3 or4 days ph if not that try get a gallon of water from store just cheap water if that fixes it u know that was ur problem!!:shock::?