IOWA: Student Dies After Gay Bashing

I try to avoid using IF to get my point across, because usually it's not a fact or it can get rather saying "if your mother was a man would you call her dad"

good for you. :)

so you're going with "they rushed into his enclosed porch and beat him down for being gay"?
thank you......very important to get the full story

And here is what I was talking about the Epic Bearded Man: This is funny as shit. Let's all chill a little.


45 seconds in : U got knocked the fuck out LOL
dude was on the ENCLOSED porch. people taunted him. his friends started the fight he left the enclosed porch. got his ass beat to death.

YES, he is to blame for his own actions. someone is guilty of killing him, but he put himself in the position of danger to begin with.

common sense walks away. him being gay was the reason for the taunting. his friends starting a fist fight is the reason for his beating. according to the FACTS i'm reading.

i wasn't so far off with my "if" after all. in fact, i was right all along. ;)
she never should have swung the first punch...and they should never have been there in the first place teasing the guy... just sad all the way around..and for what
That's funny, because the witnesses claimed the told they police and the police are saying otherwise. Sound familiar? Kind of like the War Hero father that was gunned down and cops are claiming he was part of a home invasion gang. The cops said they blared their sirens when pulling up to the house. Witnesses are stating otherwise. Who is going to be believed? The witnesses? Not a snowball's chance in Hell.

In my asking if you read the article I was referring to the gay slurs being said before the assault not the police stance that witnesses didn't come forward. Police always seem to side with the perpetrators of the crime when it comes to gay bashing.
dude was on the ENCLOSED porch. people taunted him. his friends started the fight he left the enclosed porch. got his ass beat to death.

YES, he is to blame for his own actions. someone is guilty of killing him, but he put himself in the position of danger to begin with.

common sense walks away. him being gay was the reason for the taunting. his friends starting a fist fight is the reason for his beating. according to the FACTS i'm reading.

i wasn't so far off with my "if" after all. in fact, i was right all along. ;)

How is he going to "walk away" when they were actively seeking him out? He was afoot, they had a truck. Where was he going to go? Let me ask you this. If you see your friends fighting would you just stand there and let it happen? I wouldn't. I would do my best to break it up or defuse the situation. Yes, the girl that was acquainted with the young man shouldn't have thrown the first punch. He had to die for that? You all seem real eager to blame the victim. Which is business as usual when it comes to the LGBT community. He was murdered in cold blood. It was a hate crime.
How is he going to "walk away" when they were actively seeking him out? He was afoot, they had a truck. Where was he going to go? Let me ask you this. If you see your friends fighting would you just stand there and let it happen? I wouldn't. I would do my best to break it up or defuse the situation. Yes, the girl that was acquainted with the young man shouldn't have thrown the first punch. He had to die for that? You all seem real eager to blame the victim. Which is business as usual when it comes to the LGBT community. He was murdered in cold blood. It was a hate crime.

he was in an ENCLOSED porch of a friends HOUSE. his FRIENDS threw the first blow.

they weren't fighting until his friends started punching. he could have gone in the house.

poor gays. :(

you all want to be treated equally but can't accept being beat in a street fight. typical gay agenda. :roll:
How is he going to "walk away" when they were actively seeking him out? He was afoot, they had a truck. Where was he going to go? Let me ask you this. If you see your friends fighting would you just stand there and let it happen? I wouldn't. I would do my best to break it up or defuse the situation. Yes, the girl that was acquainted with the young man shouldn't have thrown the first punch. He had to die for that? You all seem real eager to blame the victim. Which is business as usual when it comes to the LGBT community. He was murdered in cold blood. It was a hate crime.
I wish that this man would have handle this another way.. his cousin tossed the first punch she was wrong...The police should have been called..Yes these people are wrong in every way for teasing this guy for being who he was..Everyone has the right to enjoy life being themselves as long as it does not hurt others...Calling the police would have gotten you names of the people and maybe an arrest for disorderly conduct..after you have their names you can always just seek a restraining order...coming off the porch or swinging the first punch only leads to making the situation worst..Don't get me wrong the people in the truck should have never been there and are dead wrong for doing what they did, but it was another way to handle the this.
That's funny, because the witnesses claimed the told they police and the police are saying otherwise. Sound familiar? Kind of like the War Hero father that was gunned down and cops are claiming he was part of a home invasion gang. The cops said they blared their sirens when pulling up to the house. Witnesses are stating otherwise. Who is going to be believed? The witnesses? Not a snowball's chance in Hell.

In my asking if you read the article I was referring to the gay slurs being said before the assault not the police stance that witnesses didn't come forward. Police always seem to side with the perpetrators of the crime when it comes to gay bashing.
Now who is doing the spinning? :twisted:

Q: Why would these witnesses tell the coppers one thing and tell the reporters something else?

A: Because one cannot be prosecuted for lying to a reporter.

This was a case of one gang of thugs encountering another gang of thugs.

Quite a departure from "GAY BASHING."

You used a link to a biased blog, ginning up a manufactured thought crime, in a sorry attempt to discredit Michelle Bachmann.

That's what I call PATHETIC. :clap:
In fairness to Carne Seca his views on this may be different..He may have experience things that we have not so I can't fault him for his views..I just see how this could have been handle differently, but that is after the fact..and for the record I do believe that these people in the truck were "gay bashing", but we just can't throw punches because people call us names...
i think the people in the truck were just dicks. i bet if gay dude was a big fat dude they may have just as easily taunted him. i think it was simply a bunch of thugs taking advantage of a situation.

*** truck full of dudes rollin' down the street with a stepped up 4x4. rebel flag in the back window. copenhagen in the lip. rolls up on a crowd walking down the street. "HEY, y'all seen any fags lately? we gonna go get us some." they reply "yeah, there's one right there, but you better not mess with him ... " ***

sometimes it seems gays are more for "gay rights" than they are for "equal rights". like they want to be excluded from what the rest of the world has to put up with daily. people tease and BEAT people everyday for every reason. if they weren't gay it could have been a 1000 other reasons.

let's all play along for a minute and say carne is 100% correct on all assumption ...

... now what?

I think Johnny is one of the few who read Orwell's 1984.

Epic Bearded man..his name is tom. Here is the video....
There's no indication it was a thought (hate) crime.

Witnesses at the scene did not mention to the coppers any anti-gay slurs being shouted during the fight. Those reports did not come out until afterward; and these witnesses told reporters, not the coppers.

The fact that a person who died as a result of injuries received in a fight happened to be gay does not make it a thought (hate) crime. Just another senseless tragedy.

This thought (hate) crime has the look of being manufactured, after the fact; when the dead guy turned out to be a homosexual.

The fact that it occurred in Michelle Bachmann's hometown was just icing on the cake.

Waiting patiently for Beef Jerky to label me a 'troll' just because he dislikes my opinion. :-P

i have no opinion over whether this particular incident was a hate crime or not, i was rebutting nodrama and reminding him that hate crimes can apply to anyone.

and a thought crime ceases to be a thought crime when put into action.
i have no opinion over whether this particular incident was a hate crime or not, i was rebutting nodrama and reminding him that hate crimes can apply to anyone.

and a thought crime ceases to be a thought crime when put into action.
Not true.

Why have a special designation and enhanced penalties for the THOUGHT of hate over an otherwise IDENTICAL crime without the THOUGHT? :-|
Not true.

Why have a special designation and enhanced penalties for the THOUGHT of hate over an otherwise IDENTICAL crime without the THOUGHT? :-|

why have special designations and enhanced penalties for pre-meditated murder versus involuntary manslaughter?

if i hit someone with my car and kill them, it is a more heinous crime if i planned it all out to look like an accident versus if it happened purely by accident.

and it is not just the thought of hate that they go by, johnny. that thought manifests itself into words and or actions. if they can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, they can't charge them with it. just like if i planned out my pre-meditated murder well enough to look like an accident, leaving no evidence of the pre-meditated nature of the crime, i would get off with involuntary manslaughter.
why have special designations and enhanced penalties for pre-meditated murder versus involuntary manslaughter?

if i hit someone with my car and kill them, it is a more heinous crime if i planned it all out to look like an accident versus if it happened purely by accident.

and it is not just the thought of hate that they go by, johnny. that thought manifests itself into words and or actions. if they can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, they can't charge them with it. just like if i planned out my pre-meditated murder well enough to look like an accident, leaving no evidence of the pre-meditated nature of the crime, i would get off with involuntary manslaughter.
So it is thought that is key after all.

Pre-mediation determines the level of the crime. And all of those elements are present WITHOUT a special fixation on the SPECIFIC thought behind it. Hate crimes target THOUGHTS the government finds unacceptable.

And words? Do you REALLY want to go down that road?

An outspoken White Supremacist ACCIDENTALLY strikes and kills a minority with his automobile.

Hate crime?

Based on your rationale, a case could be made.