Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
I'd make sure you have an area for a "sulfur Burner/pot" Every month three hours of sulfur burning should keep your PM at bay. It's a hard pill to swallow, after you have given your blood,sweat, and tears for a crop that becomes infested with PM .
had it once, used the sulfur burner and never saw it again. one tip, do not run the burner with lights on :D polo fields? the one by sherwoods? that was the first place i ever saw naked tit and remembered it after some lady lost her top while swimming in the surf, she never even knew what hit her :), she just started wiping the hair out of her eyes after getting slammed and realized she had lost her top lol, oh the memories :) aloha


Well-Known Member
got a ? for the locals in Hawaii. how do you dry and cure with the heat and humidity here without an A/C?
I always wanted to properly dry, 5-7 days hanging. But everytime I did that, mold. So whenever I harvest now I go all out and I cut every fricken bud off, trim, and lay em down. They do get flat on one side but I figure better flat than moldy. And they all going to the same place anyway, my lungs :)

To cure, I just let them get a little crispy on the outside and then throw the buds into glass jars. Next day, open the jars and let em breathe for maybe an hour. Repeat daily until the buds are to your liking. Use your judgment though, if the buds are too wet leave open the jar for longer, maybe even dump em back out. I HATE flirting with mold.


Well-Known Member
got a ? for the locals in Hawaii. how do you dry and cure with the heat and humidity here without an A/C?
I cure in glass jars in my fridge. I dry however with AC in a little room and a dehumidifier. Otherwise it never gets dry enough and runs the risk of mold. i've had mold destroy 60% during drying my first grow. had to trim away the mold bud and throw it away it sucked. BTW I think curing in the fridge makes curing take longer by a week.


Well-Known Member
honestly, all i do is hang it in my veg room and within 7 days it is smokeable...and i live on one of the wetter sides of the islands :D my friend who used to live a few miles away from me could never get hers to dry as quickly as mine, but i think it also has to do with our different growing styles.

you really just need to put it in a spot in the house where it is dry, keep a fan in the room moving the air and hang upside down...i just cut an outdoor plant tonight and it has been raining all month, it had some small mold, but i hung it upside down full in my bedroom (not veg room, don't wanna mix) and will wait for it to dry in a week. after it goes inside, i really don't have to worry about mould.

on the other hand, i have friends in the dryest parts that dry within 3 days, it hardly ever rains there :) doesn't quite keep the taste tho when dried that quick.

good luck with your harvest, aloha


Well-Known Member
as this is an outdoor thread, then i doubt you would be able to grow something thick enough outdoor to even have to worry about mold when drying because the plant would probably have let you known...if you can grow fat buds outdoors, then you gotta be in a dry area, or have the best mould resistant fat bud strain outdoors...sorry guys, just rambling, i didn't mean to come on here and talk to much, must be potogee :) aloha
babylon theives don't walk in my town...! a BIG BIG BIG F-U to the punks who stole my buds. ripped every branch off my 2 plants that were a week away from pulling.... karma is a bitch and i hope you, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your aunty, your uncle, your grandpa, your grandma eat shit and die....i hope you try and come back and steal the rest of my plants so i can catch you and slit your fucking neck and Achilles tendent and pig tie you and dump you into honolulu harbor for fish food....you fags. you don't deserve to live another day if you think you can just come to my house and steal shit from me...


Well-Known Member
I use a Dehumidifier to dry my weed. I live in East Hawaii where humidity is often more then 90% so you really need a Dehumidifier to avoid mold.


Well-Known Member
babylon theives don't walk in my town...! a BIG BIG BIG F-U to the punks who stole my buds. ripped every branch off my 2 plants that were a week away from pulling.... karma is a bitch and i hope you, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your aunty, your uncle, your grandpa, your grandma eat shit and die....i hope you try and come back and steal the rest of my plants so i can catch you and slit your fucking neck and Achilles tendent and pig tie you and dump you into honolulu harbor for fish food....you fags. you don't deserve to live another day if you think you can just come to my house and steal shit from me...
Sorry about your experience and I am sure that who ever it was is going to have some bad luck in the future. Karma is a bitch, is right!


Well-Known Member
babylon theives don't walk in my town...! a BIG BIG BIG F-U to the punks who stole my buds. ripped every branch off my 2 plants that were a week away from pulling.... karma is a bitch and i hope you, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your aunty, your uncle, your grandpa, your grandma eat shit and die....i hope you try and come back and steal the rest of my plants so i can catch you and slit your fucking neck and Achilles tendent and pig tie you and dump you into honolulu harbor for fish food....you fags. you don't deserve to live another day if you think you can just come to my house and steal shit from me...
i'm really sorry to hear that man. at least you still got some left tho i guess :( [video=youtube;IS1vBb4AAZQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS1vBb4AAZQ[/video]

got a ? for the locals in Hawaii. how do you dry and cure with the heat and humidity here without an A/C?
i wouldn't have a clue....i only got experience with dryin dem shrooms braddah :)


Well-Known Member
babylon theives don't walk in my town...! a BIG BIG BIG F-U to the punks who stole my buds. ripped every branch off my 2 plants that were a week away from pulling.... karma is a bitch and i hope you, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your aunty, your uncle, your grandpa, your grandma eat shit and die....i hope you try and come back and steal the rest of my plants so i can catch you and slit your fucking neck and Achilles tendent and pig tie you and dump you into honolulu harbor for fish food....you fags. you don't deserve to live another day if you think you can just come to my house and steal shit from me...
Bummer man! i hope you get the chance to catch them


Well-Known Member
Bummer man! i hope you get the chance to catch them
Thats why Axis video cameras and an account with a company like byremote is important. That way you get them on video and they don't even know you know who they are and that its coming.


Well-Known Member
that sucks brother, it happened to me a few years back and i was tripping out then too.

after a while your rage will pass, like you said, you will be ready if they come back, the shitty part is that now they know, they will probably come back. fuckers, i hate rippers, especially the kind that come to your house.

good luck and sorry to hear it happened to you.


Well-Known Member
waiakeauka is far up there and super wet...i guess it all depend on your particular ecosystem/environment that determines dry periods as i have never owned a dehuey and still get dried buds :) the mould usually starts for me while plant is budding, that is when i probably would need the dehuey most, but drying has always been pretty good for me for some reason, aloha.


Well-Known Member
Thats why Axis video cameras and an account with a company like byremote is important. That way you get them on video and they don't even know you know who they are and that its coming.
I wish they sold surveillance cameras with a “laser beam of death” feature. I would love to zap a would be thief at from desk at work or from my cell phone!


Well-Known Member
For stun massive bowel disruptor ray.
HAHAHAHA that would be genius!...hopefully the disruptor ray wouldn’t cause an sudden evacuation of the bowels…I’d hate to come home and see “thief shit” next to my ladies ...On a side note I’d like to get my hands on a witch! Like the one from TrueBlood!….nothing like a little hocus pocus to keep everyone honest

