Thanks Dura, i'll go take a lookif u want cheap cherrybomb then just hit e-bay. lotta people dont like using it coz they worry bout cop monitoring but i've used it a few times without any hassle.
I feel like my life is coming to an end so please do me a favour.lolIf this turns into a football thread, I'm putting out a contract on every single fucking one of you.
good luck most of us havent had contracts for fuckin years manIf this turns into a football thread, I'm putting out a contract on every single fucking one of you.
Hi Guys,
First time poster over across the pond here in Ireland and I've had a Blue Cheese on the go since late March/Early April. Now two weeks ago I could have swore I saw to pistils pertruding at the 4th node, I fondled it a bit in my excitement and I didn't say any other signs since. I'm 99% this was pistil. Recently I've had a sinking feeling and today it was kind of confirmed
Can anyone let me know definitely if these are male pollen sacs or if they are swolen Calyx or just new growth? I haven't seen any clusters which is somewhat reassuring but still, these very much look like sacs of shit!
What's worrying is I've given 4 healthy clones to my friend to finish off indoors so I want to be able to tell him the bad news asap if there's any to report. Oddly, I've only noticed these bulging parts in the upper most areas, there's still no solid sign of sex at any of the lower nodes where what I thought was a flower before. Would greatly appreciate any insight!
Why are you going to Canada?Bunch of quiet fuckers todayI soent all of yesterday at the bowling alley with some friends getting stoned and blind drunk, won the first game then it all went downhill from there, it was a toss up between acuracy and power and well, power.... roar. Then got home and had lots more beer, still got myself up at 5 though
the routine is getting easier. No footy for me though
My mate keeps trying to convince me to come out and go fishing...behind the fire station. what the hell, where's a real river when you need one, not a damn pond, although fdd and his new boat have been tempting me ever so much
Courtesy of my withdrawal from tobacco, looks like Canada might be back on the map for July, should be able to put together the money in a month or twoAnd figure i'll just take my knowledge of this and that over there with me and well, bi-winning?
god, it must be about 15 years since i read that book! i'd forgotten all about it, bloody good book as i recall, good insights and it makes u re-evaluate a lot of modern attitudes towards drug use.just finished reading Junky by William Burroughs, excellent book