It's Class Warfare Alright.

Your issue is that you're not looking at the distribution of wealth from the top.
Your issue is that you believe wealth is distributed, and not earned.

I'm all for closing the tax loop holes, including those I benefit from (mortgage interest deduction, etc.). I want to see a fair tax system, to where everyone has equal standing, regardless of income, age, assets, etc..
Everyone pays a flat fee per person (no exceptions)? Fine by me.
Everyone pays a flat rate on income (without deductions)? Fine by me.
Everyone pays a flat rate on consumption (without exemptions)? Fine by me - in fact that is my favorite.

While I'm against the concept of compulsory taxation, I am more against a tax code that is not applied equally to each person.

Our biggest problem is not how we derive government revenues, but the amount we spend as well as what it goes to pay. One of the ways to fix this is to return the government to what is in the constitution, then call a constitutional convention. That document is in need of an update, but we need to follow it before we modify it. We wouldn't have half of the issues we have now if we didn't allow our government to violate its own charter.
unless you are VERY well to do, all this nonsense just shows how good a job the wealthy have done to keep the masses undereducated so they believe anything told to them...

all you have to do is travel south. see what a lack of social programs does to a population.....
what is most depressing about all of you statist dupes is that you simply cannot see the charity within human nature. you greet each instance of greed and deception with the greatest glee, but completely ignore the sacrifices that people make every day for the sake of others. you see only the state as capable of making any real difference in people's lives, ignoring the fact that government is merely a collection of self-centered thugs, jockeying for control over the masses. do you folks actually believe the dreck spewed out by these campaigning class warriors? can't any of you see that the same folks who insist on legislating away the rights of americans to keep what they have earned are squirreling away the wealth and power they suck from the public's teat?

you should be proud that so many of your fellow americans are so willing to give of themselves, but all you see are the negative aspects of a system that has created more wealth and genuine charity than any other. what you harp on is that we won't allow ourselves to be forced into bondage to the whims of the state and of the mob, that we would prefer to choose for ourselves how to give what we feel we should.
yeah, thing is the 'rich' don't feel like giving away shit.

they just want to take take take take.

that's how they got so wealthy....

change your take take take to make make make.
they know how to make money, why punish them for that?

I like having someone richer than me around, gives me something to strive to be better at in the future, somewhere to aim for in my life. I dont like to sit around and hope someone will bail me out and just give me money because I am too fat and lazy to get an education or make something of my life.
this has nothing to do with sitting around and hoping for somebody to give you money.

welfare is about preventing extreme poverty from overtaking this country.

a good 1 out of 5 kids already live in poverty in this country, and it's only thanks to social welfare programs that doesn't get worse.
Hey Pete name one flat tax scamnario that covers investment income and Capital Gains

Just one

How is it FLAT TAX doesnt make sense in your example

any income is subject to a flat tax, and when our economy is finaly doing great because of it our dollar will be worth more, weird how the value of our money is never really in question instead its looked at like the problem

real easy guys bring back the jobs and the economy will flourish, world wide economic partners will just have to do the same oh and weird then their economies will be better . . . .. . . .

how does the saying go, if you cant take care of yourself you cant expect to help anyone else
.....because of progressive welfare programs, quality of life in the US is better than it is elsewhere.
as the cost of supplying a better life to everyone causes the economies of the west to come crashing down, the shortsightedness of those progressive programs becomes more and more apparent. that the growth and well-being of european welfare states was inextricably linked to and dependent upon the growth of america's economy became apparent when our own crash resulted in their near total collapse. our salvation may be that we have lagged behind their dependence on the state, but you would have us believe that increasing that dependence is necessary for the well-being of our own society. on this i call bullshit. a strong private sector has been what allowed us to endure these progressive policies of redistribution. thanks to the wealth created by those private sector industries you love to consider greedy and obsolete, we have had the funds to waste on these pie in the sky fiascoes. well, that is quickly coming to an end. the insistence that the public fund these programs has sent wealth and jobs fleeing from our shores. a lot of those folks who found that better life through the auspices of the state are now tasting poverty one again. one generation, two generations, three generations of state enforced redistribution and the house of cards is already tumbling down. cheaper labor, a lower cost of living and a lower cost of doing business are making moving to more friendly climes a better bet. building limited infrastructure is far less expensive than dealing with the threats of a business hostile government and this is what we have created by demanding "the good life" for all. how long can this better life created by the welfare state exist without industry to fund its excesses?
most people on welfare are actually truly messed up emotionally and or physically whether this was happening before aid was given or happened directly or inderectly is the real debate if you as me, its obvious when almost half the country is living near or under poverty level that their is a problem

most of these people pr products of modern society push toward materialism and possession i blame society fix our values and the rest will follow
oh really??

guess you forgot the minimum wage is 7.50 per hour.

if you work a good 40 hour workweek you get to live just below what is considered 'poor'
and all we're getting are minimum wage jobs, b/c the rich bosses have convinced the undereducated idiots that it is NOT everybody's right to have a decent life
as the cost of supplying a better life to everyone causes the economies of the west to come crashing down, the shortsightedness of those progressive programs becomes more and more apparent. that the growth and well-being of european welfare states was inextricably linked to and dependent upon the growth of america's economy became apparent when our own crash resulted in their near total collapse. our salvation may be that we have lagged behind their dependence on the state, but you would have us believe that increasing that dependence is necessary for the well-being of our own society. on this i call bullshit. a strong private sector has been what allowed us to endure these progressive policies of redistribution. thanks to the wealth created by those private sector industries you love to consider greedy and obsolete, we have had the funds to waste on these pie in the sky fiascoes. well, that is quickly coming to an end. the insistence that the public fund these programs has sent wealth and jobs fleeing from our shores. a lot of those folks who found that better life through the auspices of the state are now tasting poverty one again. one generation, two generations, three generations of state enforced redistribution and the house of cards is already tumbling down. cheaper labor, a lower cost of living and a lower cost of doing business are making moving to more friendly climes a better bet. building limited infrastructure is far less expensive than dealing with the threats of a business hostile government and this is what we have created by demanding "the good life" for all. how long can this better life created by the welfare state exist without industry to fund its excesses?

Hey smart guy our economy started to fail when corporations started receiving tax cut for money spent on overseas operations(clinton) and when our political system and corporate system become bed fellos(also clinton)

and when the main source of Americans equity was entrusted to the housing market, GREENSPAN made a speech about it on in 95 about how this economic decision will eventually lead us to a peak then tumble all the way down
the economies of the west came crashing down b/c the rich decided that hiding their money through de-regulated securities markets was a GREAT idea.

Muyloco reminds me of that selfish asshole who comes flying up the shoulder and cuts off all the drivers who patiently merged. He didnt create thetraffic, why should he be punished for it?

This great country would not be great if the people who came before took the same petulant and self centered approach he does.

What a cunt.

Like I said, when your guilt trip is rejected and the fact that you have NO RIGHT to take from those who have to give to those who don't is exposed, like most simpleton liberals... you resort to insults. That's fine, vent away. Coming from you and the slobbering fools that "like" your posts, your open hostility to those with differing views truly expose you for the intolerant douchebags we always claim you to be.

The problem with your argument is as stated, you are imposing YOUR morality on free men. Men who most likely give more to charity than you cretins will ever earn in your lifetimes. But that's not enough for you, there is no limit. As long as there are poor individuals and successful individuals, your Robin Hood mentality overrides the fact that that poor person might be poor for a damn good reason.

And by the way, your take on this country's history is a complete fallacy. While the US has always had programs to help the poor, there was always a distinction between those who couldn't work due to health/injury and those who were unemployed. Workhouses come to mind. Welfare was just one of the lovely Progressive children of FDR. And it's all been one shiny new suicidal redistribution and ponzi scheme after another since then.

What a Douche.
unless you are VERY well to do, all this nonsense just shows how good a job the wealthy have done to keep the masses undereducated so they believe anything told to them...

all you have to do is travel south. see what a lack of social programs does to a population.....

What you don't seem to comprehend is the difference between supporting the greed/selfishness of a wealthy prick and supporting an individuals RIGHT to be a selfish/greedy wealthy prick. If being a lonely, unloved miser is his/her choice, at least in this country, they have every damned right to live that life. Your position, simply put, is that because the individual accumulated wealth, he/she isn't afforded the same protections as an individual who isn't as successful.

Class warfare, plain and simple. It's ugly and it's Un-American... just like all Progressive initiatives.