well my guess would be since he drove there...he isnt blind...so...^why would he be vomiting?
well my guess would be since he drove there...he isnt blind...so...^why would he be vomiting?
lol whats wrong with me... im not vomit inducingwell my guess would be since he drove there...he isnt blind...so...
Lol what kind of guy drives two hours and smokes a girl out, but doesnt try anything like kissing or etc?
Happened to me last night, and im glad it remained friendly, it made me wary... hmmm
your thoughts?
He even split up what we didnt smoke and sent me home with half of that.
It was cool of him... but there has to be something he got out of it, but idk what that would be
had he tried something she would be on here bitching about that...what she needs is a friend outside the internet and learn how to log off this site and figure out her problems without the assistance of strangers. high post count=popular i guess,so i dont get it lol, girls complain when guys r assholes i understand,but when they are nice lol it happens there is nice guys out thereor hes gay.
Urca your never gonna get anywhere, you post on this forum 24/7 but everything said is water off a ducks back!lol im not expecting magic, i would just like to lose it to a guy who will actually give a shit about me after everything is said and done
well shit, you do have a point. next time we hang out ill be a bit more flirty... see where that goes. regardless, he text me today and said he had a great time, couldnt have been that bad...Urca your never gonna get anywhere, you post on this forum 24/7 but everything said is water off a ducks back!
How can you say he didn`t care about you when he let you smoke and smoke, was dead kind to you and just left without making a move. Maybe he wanted you to make the move and just get the message, he didn`t even nudge you 1 bit, just gave you a good time and thought fair enough. Doesn`t sound like a guy who doesn`t give 2 shits about you to me.
Urca, your like an inbetweener lol