Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Gave my girls there first dose of flowering nutes yesterday. It looks like they finally comitted to flowering. They have had preflowers for almost two months. I was starting to get worried.
There looking healthy as fuck, all between 6 to 8 foot tall and bushy as hell. The base of a few of them is almost as big around as a pop can. Ill have updated pics in a couple weeks.
On a side note. My buddy that I gave a bunch of clones to earlier this year just went to a medical meeting and found out that his enclosure is not even close to legal. There in his backyard in the ground with a locked makeshift greenhouse over them. Apparently where he lives they have to be inside your house. Is it possible to dig up and transplant big mature plants without stunting the shit out of them? hes pretty concerned about having all this dope growing illegally right in his backyard. They just started to flower too.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys flush your plants before the harvest? My girls are showing 10-20% amber trichomes. I think in a week or two It will be harvest time.

My plants are in Ocean forest in 5 gallon buckets. I've been feeding them with bat guano tea once a week. watering them every 2-3 days.

I have to carry my water out to them. I've been carrying 4.5 gallons out to them in a backpack all summer. I think Ill flush them with about 12-13 gallons of water per plant and hope that flushes the nutrients out of the soil.

what do you guys think?
I honestly would not bother flushing when growing organically. Just hitting them with straight water the last week for feedings would be sufficient IMO, even though I typically continue my feeding until harvest with organics.


Well-Known Member
james - Youy do not want your buddy to rip them roots now. There is a very good chance your buddy will stunt the heck outta them. I would build a new GH over them before I ripped em out "if I had the cash". Tell your buddy to run with it this year and hope like hell santa thinks he is still a good boy


Well-Known Member
Thats kinda what I was thinking. Id really hate to see him get pinched though. Hes a really good guy.
I told him not to put them in such a obvious place but he didnt listen. I hate to say it but I regret giving him the clones. Im not sure he has enough sense to not fuck up and get in trouble.


Active Member
Gave my girls there first dose of flowering nutes yesterday. It looks like they finally comitted to flowering. They have had preflowers for almost two months. I was starting to get worried.
There looking healthy as fuck, all between 6 to 8 foot tall and bushy as hell. The base of a few of them is almost as big around as a pop can. Ill have updated pics in a couple weeks.
On a side note. My buddy that I gave a bunch of clones to earlier this year just went to a medical meeting and found out that his enclosure is not even close to legal. There in his backyard in the ground with a locked makeshift greenhouse over them. Apparently where he lives they have to be inside your house. Is it possible to dig up and transplant big mature plants without stunting the shit out of them? hes pretty concerned about having all this dope growing illegally right in his backyard. They just started to flower too.
Are his neighbors living right on top of him? You would think the smell would give it away before anything. I have four plants about 100 feet from the front of the house that I can smell from time to time. I am in the sticks though. Michigan Supreme Court is suppose to be hearing a case soon about growing outside in a greenhouse "locked kennel".

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
I kinda figured the flush was more for the chemical fertilizers. I think I'll keep doing what im doing.

how do you guys get your product from the field to the house to dry?

do you trim them up out in the woods and bring them back home to hang up?

Its about an hour trip from where my girls are growing to where I'll be hanging them out to dry.


Well-Known Member
I kinda figured the flush was more for the chemical fertilizers. I think I'll keep doing what im doing.

how do you guys get your product from the field to the house to dry?

do you trim them up out in the woods and bring them back home to hang up?

Its about an hour trip from where my girls are growing to where I'll be hanging them out to dry.
Honestly, I don't do outdoor, I do mine all indoors 100% legal. But if I did it outdoors I would chop the whole plant, stuff them in a bag and get the fuck out of there! hahaa


Well-Known Member
Are his neighbors living right on top of him? You would think the smell would give it away before anything. I have four plants about 100 feet from the front of the house that I can smell from time to time. I am in the sticks though. Michigan Supreme Court is suppose to be hearing a case soon about growing outside in a greenhouse "locked kennel".
Yes. Very cool neihbors but therr right on top of him.
his "greenhouse" is actually a kennel too.
They went to some meeting that said they have to be so many feet from another building and in a commercial zone. Im not firmiliar with the laws myself


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't do outdoor, I do mine all indoors 100% legal. But if I did it outdoors I would chop the whole plant, stuff them in a bag and get the fuck out of there! hahaa

Do it like he said. The more you invest in the grab the less room for error there is. Begin going over all options now so you know the best plan of attack come the time.


Well-Known Member
heard some bad news today. Our sherif is stepping up there aireal survailance this year. It sounds like its starting as early as this week.
There also going around inspecting medical peoples grows. 19 people were arrested in the last week.
They say that in our county 70% of medical dope makes it on the street and they aim to stop it.
I wont be going the my spot for another two to three weeks just to be safe. There roots are deep and I think they will be ok.
Stressfull time to be in my county


Well-Known Member
I know this has been discussed already but if any one has any knowledge of what the cops will actually do once a crop is spotted would be apreciated.
Is it likely that they would leave the plants and stake them out for any significant period of time?
I have 11 big plants in the one spot. Im not sure if thats enough for it to be worth there time or not. I think I did a pretty good job of blending them into the surounding veggitation and the odds are pretty slim of them being spotted but id still like to know what would happen.
Ive been searching the internet and not coming up with much.


Well-Known Member
why dont you just say what county your referring to? it could help some people. i for one would like to know.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Good luck guys , just play it smart and hope for the best . that is all any of us can do

hi did you smoke the gift yet? if so a report would be nice , like I said its hard to judge your own smoke


Well-Known Member
Good luck guys , just play it smart and hope for the best . that is all any of us can do

hi did you smoke the gift yet? if so a report would be nice , like I said its hard to judge your own smoke

You mother fucker GD I did give a report 2 weeks ago.. Yea smoked on it for a few days. I like the stone..Tis a heave medicinal stone indeed.
Comes on like a shadow over a landscape.. No instant hit in the head a slow powerfull overtake is what you hold.


Well-Known Member
Easy james, your shit will be alright. Thanks for letting us in on the info. I would post your finding of med patients going to jail in the med section... They would like to know as well. Find a link or something?