Ok I did some number crunching and here's the cost to run the lights for 180 days for 12 hours per day
400w HPS = $77.76
Four 70w HPS - $54.43
The amount that you can save running 4 70w HPS $23.33
400w HPS cost per month = $12.96
Four 70w HPS cost per month = $9.07
----- Cost of the Bulbs -----
70w HPS = $10
400w HPS = $20
So you can buy roughly 2 70w HPS lights for the same cost as a 400w HPS light. Now yes that's only 2 lights but take into account the amount you save running 4 70w HPS lights you have $23.33 savings so buy 2 more bulbs and that's $3.33 you saved in your pocket.
Another thing that is good if you want to use four 70w HPS is that you can time them so that they come on all at once or you can do what I'd do is to have 2 of them come on for 12 hours but stager then so that when 1 of the first 2 turns off the one that is off can turn on then when the 2nd one turns off the 2nd light that was off can turn on. Or you can have 2 of them come on for 12 hours (1st flowering section) then when those turn off the other 2 come on for their 12 hours (2nd flowering area). My method could help you with heat problems depending where you live.
hey tool i like your number crunching man, the only thing i disagree with is your not accounting for lumens per watt so lets look at this from another angle,
400w hps =50,000 initial lumens
70w hps =7,000 initial lumens
x4 70w hps's=28,000 inital lumens
so right away you can see x4 70 watters are nowhere near the amount of light a single 400 is. now here is another way to look at it (lumens per watt)
400w at 50,000 lumens breaks down to (50,000L/400w=125 lumens per watt) so every watt you pay for your getting 125 lumens
x4 70w at 28,000 lumens breaks down to (28,000/280w=100 lumens per watt) so you can see you have just lost 25 lumens for watts you pay for
now just for kicks 600 and 1000 watters
600w at 95,000 lumens breaks down to (95,000L/600w=158 lumens per watt) WOW what a increase
1000w at 140,000 lumens breaks down to (140,000L/1000w=140 lumens per watt) we are now back pedaling
see how it breaks down although something seems like a better deal on the outside when looking into doesnt seem so good anymore so basically pay for a little less power and get absolutely robbed for your lumens, so save that 3.33 in your pocket and save up for better lamps

not looking to offend anybody just the truth.