Crazy riots going on, whats ya thought??


Well-Known Member
When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard." - Martin Luther King.

This is very true, very very true. If the government wants to keep up the sherrades that they're currently pulling.. and not listen to the 'people' of this country and over in London.. then, well.. what the fuck do you think is going to happen? It's going to piss off a lot of people.. and since the government won't listen to their opinions and thoughts.. and take those into consideration.. well, then people are going to do whatever they have to do.. in order to get the governments attention... period.

I said I would raid the first pharmacy I came across.. if a huge riot happened here in the U.S. - well, I take that back.. because I no longer use narcotics. I did when I was in my early 20's... I tons of narcotics when I was in my early 20's.. for example, I used Loricet (the green 10650 Watson ones - the best ones); Xanax (both the footballs; 1mg white bars; and the 2mg green bars; and of course.. the Xanax 'XR' [Extended Release]; I then moved to Oxycottins and Roxycodones (the ones I was addicted to, were the 40 and 80mg Oxycottins and then I also loved the blue/green 15mg and 30mg round tablets that have the [M] stamped on one side and the mg dosage on the other. I've done every drug there is.. except crack, meth.. and never plan on trying either one of those.

But yeah, I no longer use narcotics.. as I'm getting too old now to be living dangerously like that. But anyhow, my point is.. is if our own government won't listen to its citizens.. when we try to talk to them verbally.. well, then people are going to take it up a notch.. and try a non-verbal means of getting the governments attention.. like they have over in London with the current riots. It's just the way the cookie crumbles.. period.

So, therefore.. if the government wants the riots to end, well.. then they need to stop acting like assholes and take the time to hear its citizens and their opinions. That's basically what it boils down to.



Well-Known Member
normally i wouldn't take part in such an act, but with so much wide spred looting, it would almost be unjust to not loot....for all the store owners, if smart, has insurence that will put them back on their feet with little out of their like i said, normaly i wouldn't take part in looting, but seeing how hundreds are doing it....why not, if anything i see it helping the store owners out in a weird way, cuz the insurence is gonna fix all damages........bottom line, i dont believe in stealing, this case,,, i think im helping, lol


Well-Known Member
I believe the riots are the natural response to socialism combined withthe abolishment of physical punishment of children.
The second part is obvious to me under a generation of kids who grew up under the cane and belt, I just don't know anyone who'd do the hooligan thing convincingly.
The first part is less obvious. It takes a very static society (olde time) without people needing social help being added all the time, for dissabled etc to have virtualy the same quality of life as the healthy.
I remember growing up in the bad old days, if your folks were jobless and poor, they'd likely end up in jail for child neglect and you in the orphanage, and this made unwanted pragnancies a rarity. ( Know of only 1 girl for instance who got pregnant the whole time I was at highschool of 700 kids - she was expelled of coarse). Anyhow I digress, I have never realy tried to verbalise this thought though. But when I look at historic pictures of soup and job lines etc. of previous depression eras. You see a sort of desperation in these peoplelife offers them nothing and they show the greatest appreciation for any job, any opportunity, shit they'd call their boss boss. The generations of people brought up by means of invisible source of income has taken that part of life that realy propelled people from trying their damndest not to end at the bottom of society. I almost want to say the further one goes down the food chain the more tough love you need to stand any chance to break the cycle.

Combined with the abolishment of the middleclass there is basicaly no where for the "problem" to migrate to.
Many of the old haves are now the barely hanging on's, the the gap between ritch and poor becomes an ever growing chasm that once used to be filled by a middleclass white collar worker.

Also there is something else which stands clear, when government in the UK disarmed its population it took upon it the responsibility to protect the public as well as the public would have protected itself.
And herein the government gravely broke their contract with the civilian population and citizens. You know what stopped the wild west? Communities shot the living piss out of bandits.


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