Blue Mystic Indoor Grow

Its been a while now since I had this blue mystic and I don't have enough space space to grow this baby to its full potential so I figure I want to flower as soon its ready but problem is its my first grow and I'm not sure if its ready to be switched to 12/12. I have the plant on a light schedule of 18/6. I'm using a t5 that holds 2 40 watt tubes but one tube died so currently only one is working and 2 separate 23 watt cfl's. And like I was saying how old do you guys think this plant is and when should I flower.I was sorta hoping to do one of those micro grows but please do comment and give me advice an thoughts thanx.:-o



Well-Known Member
You can start flowering now. BM is a good strain, I did an autoflower version a while back. You need more light though. And since you have T5's, you should tie down your plant to maximize light coverage.
You can start flowering now. BM is a good strain, I did an autoflower version a while back. You need more light though. And since you have T5's, you should tie down your plant to maximize light coverage.
how many more lights should I get and once I switch the lights to 12/12 is that when I start counting the weeks of flowering rite?


Well-Known Member
look up lighting in the newbie forums. That BM will get pretty big. My guess is that you don't want to do HPS but that really is the way to go. I started with CFL myself, i wish I had gone straight to HPS. Especially since the one i have now was only $80. I would start counting flowering when you actually see pistils. I've read it can take up to 2 weeks to start showing.
look up lighting in the newbie forums. That BM will get pretty big. My guess is that you don't want to do HPS but that really is the way to go. I started with CFL myself, i wish I had gone straight to HPS. Especially since the one i have now was only $80. I would start counting flowering when you actually see pistils. I've read it can take up to 2 weeks to start showing.
Can you give me the link on hps I should buy and also dont you need additional things besides the actual bulb when it comes to hps and metal halide


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what I bought. Personally, I'd like to move up to at least 250W now steps.
Alright its been about 4 to 5 days since I switched the switch to 12/12 and since this is my first grow Im not really sure what to look for so im kinda hoping someone can help me.I took these pics today and I saw on top top where the new shoots come out kinda like white hairs or something but im not sure if its just me.



Well-Known Member
I got a blue mystic that im growing in a micro cab , its a small little plant lol

I have it under t5s and it has done great so far

Its just about done , all cloudy trichomes with just a few amber

Im just waiting on a few more amber to sit in then im gonna harvest it

here is a pic Like i said its a small ass plant lol

I only vegged for a week then went 12/12


I got a blue mystic that im growing in a micro cab , its a small little plant lol

I have it under t5s and it has done great so far

Its just about done , all cloudy trichomes with just a few amber

Im just waiting on a few more amber to sit in then im gonna harvest it

here is a pic Like i said its a small ass plant lol

I only vegged for a week then went 12/12
how long did it take untill you saw first signs of flowering once you went 12/12


Well-Known Member
About 2 weeks ,

Your pics are not showing signs yet

What you see in pic 3 and 5 are called stuiples ( < spelled wrong sorry lol )



Well-Known Member
either way. it would be a good experiment just for personal experience, but you can go ahead and put it on her now. basiaclly if you want better yield now, put it on her. If you don't really care and are just going for experience, it could be nice to compare. The temp is really not that hot either. It comes with a glass heat shield and it can be air-cooled. even without the air cooling, my temps don't get above 84. That may seem hot but it's really not. People stress temperature on here so much, but i don't even look at my thermometer, i don't even know where it is.
either way. it would be a good experiment just for personal experience, but you can go ahead and put it on her now. basiaclly if you want better yield now, put it on her. If you don't really care and are just going for experience, it could be nice to compare. The temp is really not that hot either. It comes with a glass heat shield and it can be air-cooled. even without the air cooling, my temps don't get above 84. That may seem hot but it's really not. People stress temperature on here so much, but i don't even look at my thermometer, i don't even know where it is.
alright so this is the plan..Im going to buy the hps but for this blue mystic ima finish flowering it off with cfl's and do comparison grow with another but this time using the hps......Sounds like a plan?
Also Im kinda wanting for my next grow to do an auto so my question was do I use cfls during seedling and vegg stage and as soon as it starts to flower do I switch it up and use hps or do I use cfls the whole time or do I use hps the whole time?


Well-Known Member
i normally do one 26W 6500K CFL til flowering. Then i hit her with the HPS. But i suppose you can do the HPS from the get-go and do a small 6500K for supplemental lighting. I like having a mix of spectrums.
Tomorrow is going to be one week since I went 12/12 on this mystic and I haven't seen any sign of flowering until today.I took some pictures but I couldn't really get that good of a shot even using the macro mode....On some of the bud sites it had like a little calyx sorta thing but without the hairs but not sure cuz if it was a male it would be a ball on a stick but this is isn't the case but please tell me thoughts and comments.

Well I checked up on my Mystic today because is the first week of flowering since I switched to 12/12 and Im not sure if Im actually seeing what im seeing might be too excited to tell if my mind is playing tricks but seems to me that pistils are starting to come out of the little calyx I saw yesterday but they are very small but cant tell if they really are. :hump:
