Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful, I like the first shot the best.
What all do you have flowering right now?
What's the lineup for the next couple chops?
in the flowering cabint i believe i currently have three tang dreams, two NYPD, two blueberry, one wonder woman, and two AK47. and i will have back to back blueberry harvest coming up. I might skip a week next thursday... I might have to let her grow a little more. I'll be able to judge it better in 3 or 4 days. one isn't the biggest and the other one is a monster!

hope the floja x ak sprouts soon man!! =( sucsk thats like the only one that didnt sprout!! well u got sum more if ya need them. =) think im gonna start sum of the cheesequake x qrazy trains as well. i wanna try sum TGA strains.
i peeked at one of the floja cups last night and they are right on the verge of sprouting... i had a couple more C4 x CB sprout today... I'm gonna go check em in a bit... I haven't looked in about 5-6 hours... I'll keep ya posted!

Shit that isn't luck, the man has skills! And agreed on the imaginary +rep!
Thanks guys, I appreciate that!!! karma rep back at ya(imaginary, won't let me rep ya either)!!

LMAO stoney's goal is an oz a week... mine's along the lines of 2-3oz 8 weeks from now. Gotta get a perpetual set up at some point!
a long time ago a friend told me the basics of growing... he said you can grow a crop out and start another one or you can grow continuous, I thought well, i smoke continuous, i have to grow that way to!!! so it has been a long dream of mine to be where I'm at... worth every minute to!!! but yea, my goal is an oz dry a plant. I like to share!

your right on that bro. Hella skills!
Thank you both for that!!

bro, bro, bro, just awesome man, way to go!! that shit is just unreal!!
Thank you very much CD!!!! your girls are soooo close to chop time!!! I'm already excited for ya!!!

that was my Nirvana White Widow.. my 1st grow actually. =) that thing was a BEAST! lol. only vegged her for 3 weeks. and flowered her for 8 under just CFL's and got a lil bit under 3 1/2 ounces of dry bud. =) sum bombbb ass bud too! heres a link to the journal from that grow. this is the harvest pic page.. page 69 ... and below that is a link to page 67 which has ALOT more pics of the plant itself right b4 i cut it... probably about 100 pics between the 2 pages... ahahha. i was very happy/proud of this since it was my 1st grow sooo i went a lil pic crazyy

**heres a few pis from that grow... hope ya dont mind stoney. =) the pics just came out GREAT!! soo i had to show them off!

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Those are some bad ass pics!!!!!! I remember seeing them when i first searched all of your started threads!!! you guys are always welcome to post anything you like on my thread!!! especially when they are that fuckin nice!!!!


Well-Known Member
damn you guys are good with these cfl's. Im giving it a try this year i have a Ak48, 2 bagseed, and im thinking of starting 10 short rider regulars. I hope i have the results you guys have achieved.+++rep to all of you.


Well-Known Member
damn you guys are good with these cfl's. Im giving it a try this year i have a Ak48, 2 bagseed, and im thinking of starting 10 short rider regulars. I hope i have the results you guys have achieved.+++rep to all of you.
CFL's ain't no joke!!! they grow the most dense buds ever!!! I had a wonder woman that was so hard you couldn't smoke it from a joint, and i have a quality grinder. I know i will be adding mine back in this winter!!!


Well-Known Member
if ur gonna try usign CFL's... just make sure u have enough! alotta ppl just stick a couple on top of the plant. and expect to get nice buds.... i had my plant surrounded with CFL's. i had about 5-7 CFL's on one plant. one on top. one on every side. adn a couple others on other areas.. the reason u get such big yields is cuz wen u have the CFL's around hte whole plant during veg... it will branch out ALOT more. so that it can reach the CFL's. and keep them about 2 inches from the plant at all times. this will help maximize the light output. once u get about 3 inches away. the lumens drop very rapidly. lemme see if i can find a couple pics of how i had her surrounded.... it makes for a very very bushy plant. i believe i had about 25 seperate branches... all full of nice tight nugs. =D


Well-Known Member
heres the best pic i could find showing the cfls surrounding the plant. wish i had a better pic. =/ adn then a few pics to show just how bushy she really was!

top shot bushy widow.jpgbushy widow.jpgBUshy widow with CFLS.jpgbushy widow 18 days flowering.jpg

thanks fr lettin me share the pics stoneyyy. =) this grow made me famous over in the CFL sub forums. hahahaha. seriously tho. i was famous around there cuz no1 had gotten a yirld like this from CFL's. =) and it was my 1st grow ever. very proud of this lady!! jsut recntly got sum WW mysetry seeds... lol. its white widow crossed with .... sumthin? lol. but im happy 2 kno theres WW genes in there. might start a few soooon


Well-Known Member
very nice CHB

What size are those CHB, i have 8 26 watt 6500k for vegging and was gonna use some 42watt 2500k for flowering once they get growing bigger i will hook up all the cfl's i figure. LIke 16 in total.


Well-Known Member
those msot of the CFL's were 42 watters i believe... w.e. the 150 watt equivalent ones are. lol. adn i ran a mixed sectrum... about 2/3 were 5600K and 1/2 were 2700K durin veg... adn then vice versa for flowering. i feel like having a lil from the opposite spectrum helps. =) and eyaa man the more u can fit the better... i got wayyyyy better yields off my CFL grown plants than i do with my HPS. =/


Well-Known Member
all i got with my alaskan haze was 34 grams. i harvested 3 days ago. 1k hps but i did get just shy 4 z's from my bomberry plant under the same light. and i do ave a bomerry in the flower room now. it looms over everything else. gonna be a big plant like the twin.

stoney ur pics are great par usual. k eep em comin. have u harvet a t/d yet? anxious to hear bout it.

chb those pics u posted are fantastic, it truely was a monster.

my internet is too slow to post pics. dont know what the deal is. cell phone signal has dinminished. hope it comes back by winter. lol
catch ya'll later have a good one


Well-Known Member
by the the way i never spend time to give you your props ,i dig your grows ,thats why i follow them ,.i see theyre all purple let me re pic lol


upside down plants seem to grow slow for me at least. and they just bend back upwards. but thats out doors so indoors could be different