KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
Glad you're starting to feel better. HATE being sick. And I am sick more often than not. Don't yet know what is wrong. Seeing another specialist today. You can post more pics of your beautiful scenery anytime...it is so breathtaking there. Never been, just seen pictures and tv and stuff. Someday...


Well-Known Member
hey kona, i dont know if you chopped the WW last night or waited..... i modded your pic to give you an idea of what to do :D

if you do it this way it will give you the basic idea of what were trying to acheive :)
Corbat AAA++++ exactly what I was trying to say tooo .. KONA that ill make your girl a happy camper :).. I know its scary hacking at your plant for the first time.. but it will make a HUGE difference ..


Well-Known Member
hey kona, i dont know if you chopped the WW last night or waited..... i modded your pic to give you an idea of what to do :D

if you do it this way it will give you the basic idea of what were trying to acheive :)
Super sweet man you just took all the guess work out of it for me thanks so much, thats fucking perfect!!!!!! Hehehe I am so glad I waited and did not do it yesterday hahaha!!! I will rep you as soon as I can again hahaha that thing is always talking back to me!!!

Edit - Ok sweet it let me rep you!!!!


Well-Known Member
Kona I loved that in your pics of the tent that there was smoke just floatin around in front of the camera and flash. LOL!! radical.

Good luck on the cloning and bending... I bet the babies are loving your tent~!

mr. bond


Well-Known Member
Kona I loved that in your pics of the tent that there was smoke just floatin around in front of the camera and flash. LOL!! radical. Good luck on the cloning and bending... I bet the babies are loving your tent~! cheers!!
mr. bond
Hey mr. bond thanks I thought it looked neat too :) Yep love it and they are soaking in all the light and later tonight when my mom gets home all the cloning fun will begin YAY I am super excited!!!

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Glad you're starting to feel better. HATE being sick. And I am sick more often than not. Don't yet know what is wrong. Seeing another specialist today. You can post more pics of your beautiful scenery anytime...it is so breathtaking there. Never been, just seen pictures and tv and stuff. Someday...
haha I was just tellin Kona about this- try getting a high quality spirulina supplement. Probably the best brand is hawaii spirulina by nutrex. They sell it at most costco's for cheap... Even the federal government warns people with overactive immune systems like me that it may increase the activity of the immune system.- so for you thats a good thing. Eat well and take care of yourself :)


Well-Known Member


by the way , i stared my own new grow/thread as well...heres the link, also in my signature, hope you likey


Green Revolution

Active Member
Whats up KG? Havin' my afterhours fullmelt session and thought I'd see how things are growing on your little island in the sun. 8-)

Now that your tent is all up and running, lets talk ventilation and grow environment::shock:

  • Have you been keeping good track of your temp and humidity? You should be.
  • How is your ducting set up? Filter at Top of Tent > Light > Fan > Outside the Home, is optimal. Seal all ducting with silver HVAC tape. Home Depot is the #1 grow store around. Leaks = Smell.
  • Is odor control in place? It should be since I see flowers poppin' on your auto's!
  • Do you have a dehumidifier? Everyone should.
  • Is your home's AC good enough to cool your tent or will you need supplementary? Summer is here and the heat is ON.

Other questions...

  • Are you planning a second veg area for mothers and clones? :weed:
  • What is your water source? Tap, Filter, Reverse Osmosis? Are you PH'ing your water?
  • Do you have a place to hang your buds while they dry? Smell and humidity are your biggest worries.
Keep up the good work and stay on top of things. Also being disabled, I know how sometimes the garden can be a bit more difficult to tend to. We are gonna make sure this grow works out flawlessly. Hope you feel better buddy. :D


Well-Known Member
Everything is going good, gonna do this cloning as soon as my lil girl goes to sleep hahaha she will be too interested and wanna come all up in my space if I try to do anything while she is awake and home!!!!!!!!!!

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Green has a good point. You live in an apartment complex right? Don't forget your nose will get used to the smell as it slowly increases, it could be alot stronger than you realize. You never know about the neighbors kona...


Well-Known Member
TRY FABREEZ!! lolz any way when i had a smell problem ad get my friend to come by mmy grow box and tell me how bad it is c


Well-Known Member
Whats up KG? Havin' my afterhours fullmelt session and thought I'd see how things are growing on your little island in the sun. 8-)

Now that your tent is all up and running, lets talk ventilation and grow environment::shock:

  • Have you been keeping good track of your temp and humidity? You should be.
  • How is your ducting set up? Filter at Top of Tent > Light > Fan > Outside the Home, is optimal. Seal all ducting with silver HVAC tape. Home Depot is the #1 grow store around. Leaks = Smell.
  • Is odor control in place? It should be since I see flowers poppin' on your auto's!
  • Do you have a dehumidifier? Everyone should.
  • Is your home's AC good enough to cool your tent or will you need supplementary? Summer is here and the heat is ON.

Other questions...

  • Are you planning a second veg area for mothers and clones? :weed:
  • What is your water source? Tap, Filter, Reverse Osmosis? Are you PH'ing your water?
  • Do you have a place to hang your buds while they dry? Smell and humidity are your biggest worries.
Keep up the good work and stay on top of things. Also being disabled, I know how sometimes the garden can be a bit more difficult to tend to. We are gonna make sure this grow works out flawlessly. Hope you feel better buddy. :D

Hey Buddy, I got a dr's appt on Fri so hopefully they can tell me more about why I have been feeling um less than energetic lol......it just kind of hit me last Friday. Everything is set-up on my lanai and it is huge I have the tent up, but not in the final set-up, but it is getting there, I do have ducting and an inline fan and all that I just have not set it up yet it is funny cause even though it is burning up everywhere else it is like a perfect 80 here all the time we don't even have to run the ac my hood is air-cooled and really I have just been leaving the tent open till I set up the ducting it does not get hot in there at all though. Yes I am setting up a second space for vegging and have already started pricing lights not sure if I am gonna get a 400w or a 600w so I can use the tent for flowering and the other part of my lanai for vegging and clones hehehehe not gonna keep any mothers :) I am not so worried about the smells right this min #1 I am legal #2 my landlord doesn't care if I grow pot #3 the way my building is set-up no one can tell where the hell it is coming from lol I have been using both tap water and bottle water and so far no compaints from my girls....the fast buds are like 60 days or something from seed to harvest, so I am def gonna have to get my place to dry ready, I was just thinking about this part the other day!! I was thinking about how my ex and I did it before and I am gonna do it better than him ;) I really need to take a trip to Cali to see you and the fam soon for sure :)

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Yeah- the water in Hawaii is pretty good overall, since it's mostly surface water from the rain, it's not nearly as hard as other parts of the world. I will say that Kona water can be harder than the rest of the state- that I did notice. It has a distinctive sulphur smell (probably from the volcano- yo) so I bet you get lots of sulphur in the tap water- should actually be good for your plants within reason...