Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?


New Member
Well i have about 10 seedlings and over the past few days i have a corner in my fenced in yard were i always go out and smoke a cig + shit, what im wondering is should i take the shit mix it in with my soil and plant them in that my next transplant? I heard this could be very beneficial, and dont tell me to get bat shit cause i cant afford it.
You shit in a corner of your yard? Thats intense, dude!
I like to shit and piss outside, there is something relaxing about it, infact its the whole reason i fenced in my yard, before that i got arrested and i guess somebudys lil girl almost saw me pissing but dident, or thats what the cop said, cause usually im nakid while i smok my cig, and i like to smoke on my steamroller while im out there. any ideas on the fertalizer?
Don't use your own shit...well, maybe you could if it was completely and thoroughly composted, but don't just mix your shit into the a matter of fact, just steer clear of human feces all together when it comes to growing weed. If you're really that hard up for some fertilizer, Miracle Grow is cheap and you can find it anywhere...I'd use MG before my own shit...Then again, I'm not a tree hugging shit composting organic farming hippie, so whatever floats your boat. I'm all for organics too, I still wouldn't use my shit.
OMG this is too fucking funny!! I have never heard of a human poo compost... LOL! One time I did hear that kids in south america would take shits near plants to help fertilize them, but i heard that when i was like 14 and it sounds like complete bullshit to me in retrospect. Personally, no human fecal matter is getting near my garden. thats just fucking gross homey. Compost is pretty cheap man...
lets get past people thinking its gross, i infact think it smells really good with the mix of a nice cig and the ocasional rip of a steamroller, i set my chair right next to it, now the big question is would it help my plants to grow despite it being just sickening?
i think i shit on my plants they would die...

what is up with pople shitting and pissing all over their plants :lol:
I don't think it's a real thread...he puts his chair next to the shitpile in the corner of his yard cause it smells good...
...and dont tell me grow up, i really wish i could just kick your ass...

Thats I say "good luck with your shitty weed", that is what is called a know, since you wanna put your shit in the soil, and it would be growing in shit, it makes it "shitty" weed even if it were to turn out dank...Can't take a fucking joke? So hot headed...sorry you got a stick up your ass, buddy...Maybe try a little deep breathing and some
And i would never wish budrot or mold on your plants...You're not a very nice person to say that, what did my plants ever do to you? ;)
And i would never wish budrot or mold on your plants...You're not a very nice person to say that, what did my plants ever do to you? ;)
it was just the way you said and i totally mean it, good luck with you shitty weed, that i dident get a good vibe off of, it wasent the same as when u said it the first time
Don't know if it would be much of a selling point. "So man, is this hydro or arganic", says the buyer as he tokes on the joint. "Its organic man, I shit in the corner of my garden and feed it that" is the reply.

BANG - the guy smashes you in the face with his iphone4

Morale of the story - DON'T USE YOUR OWN SHIT FOR SHIT. lol
is this from personal experience billy lolz

Don't know if it would be much of a selling point. "So man, is this hydro or arganic", says the buyer as he tokes on the joint. "Its organic man, I shit in the corner of my garden and feed it that" is the reply.

BANG - the guy smashes you in the face with his iphone4

Morale of the story - DON'T USE YOUR OWN SHIT FOR SHIT. lol