Club 600


Well-Known Member
hahaha, you know our colours are green red and gold!!! lol. And everyone in our army has a care package or two available for asylum seekers.

I would smell you out, sneak up on you, surrender to you, and then petition the UN for my mandatory Green Cross care package.:leaf::weed:


Well-Known Member
New strain name. "The Force"
Oh man, I forgot to tell you guys about this collective down in San Diego my friend goes to. It's called galaxy, or something like that. I think actually it's planetary. Anyways, the weed they sell is all called a planet name. So the other day we smoked some Jupiter, and he's had Mars, and a few others. I guess they only get 'Earth' every once in a while and it's supposed to be the shit. I don't know if the whole thing is ridiculously stupid, or kinda cool. I'm leaning towards stupid, but if it sells more pot can you argue.


Well-Known Member

And another classic:



Well-Known Member
Electric Avenue!!!! Freakin awesome. When I was a lad (omg, here he goes again) The town I grew up in had a street called Fraser Avenue, now that was the place to go and score as well. So using the Eddie song, we all use to sing...Am gonna rock down to....Fraser Avenue!! Well you can imagine the rest. Fukkin Fraser Avenue was the first place a Narco decided it was time to look up my bum, hahahaha. Will never forget Fraser


Well-Known Member
hey 600, heres my garden growing right along now that i go the timer working right and man o man is it smelling sweet..i love ganja...i love my ganja and all other good ganja..peace be with all in the 6 hundo tonight and all nights to come. and since its easy enough lets do a side by side of the begining and now amd as you can see from time date that its been 3 weeks



Well-Known Member







Well-Known Member
Well it's just midday at the moment and I am still wandering around scratching my arse after giving the girls a seeing too. Had a few other bits and bobs to do and just feel like taking the rest of the day off. Got my VAT return done this week so thats out the way for 3 months, also had to sort out and pay freaking 3 years worth of inkomstenbelasting volksverzekering, inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage zorgverzekeringswet, and not to mention my messed up Voorlopige teruggave(n). :shock: fuk that hurt, so now I can run off and spend the 10 euro cents that I found lying in the toilet this morning, lol. May be that's why I am scratching my arse, christ if I shit that out without knowing things are bad, haha. What can you do with 10cents and a load of weed = WHATEVER THE FUK YOU WANT!!!!!!!!

peace, DST

however, just to cover previously mentioned arse. my wife does of course work harder the poor girl.


Well-Known Member
it was just sitting there looking fukked. then some wind blew it onto the ground. It was moving but something was not making it feel too great.
Looks like that lucky bee got into the DPQ, too. ;-)
Hope your day went well, and hope your night goes even better :-)


Well-Known Member
So guys, whats going on, I have only seen the 600 in a few pics so far and nothing that I would call taking it to the edge. Come on, there ain't no rules, as many entries as you want. Remember, this is what it looks like:


Peace and pictures please!:)



Well-Known Member
slow down lil daddy,its to hot in my parts to be out takeing pics,but when this heat wave is over
its going down.