Well it's just midday at the moment and I am still wandering around scratching my arse after giving the girls a seeing too. Had a few other bits and bobs to do and just feel like taking the rest of the day off. Got my VAT return done this week so thats out the way for 3 months, also had to sort out and pay freaking 3 years worth of inkomstenbelasting volksverzekering, inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage zorgverzekeringswet, and not to mention my messed up Voorlopige teruggave(n).
fuk that hurt, so now I can run off and spend the 10 euro cents that I found lying in the toilet this morning, lol. May be that's why I am scratching my arse, christ if I shit that out without knowing things are bad, haha. What can you do with 10cents and a load of weed = WHATEVER THE FUK YOU WANT!!!!!!!!
peace, DST
however, just to cover previously mentioned arse. my wife does of course work harder the poor girl.