HELP! I accidentally sprayed my clones with bleach!


Well-Known Member
HELP! I accidentally sprayed my feminized clones with bleach Cleaner instead of organic mite killer... I immidiatly washed the little plants with tap water twice... I don't smell the cleaner after I washed them and 6 hours later they look fine. What are the chances of these dying or trning hermie? Please help!
Well if they are fine after 6 hours i dont think you have anything to worry about to be honest, was it pure bleach or diluted?
nope they will die. i have done it as an experiment with 25% bleach. i never tries spraying her with plain water to try and rence off the bleach.. have you tried that yet.
it was a bleach all purpose cleaner... So there are definitely more chems in it than bleach, but the pungent oder really gave me a scare.... No more medicating before killing mites
it was a bleach all purpose cleaner... So there are definitely more chems in it than bleach, but the pungent oder really gave me a scare.... No more medicating before killing mites

no shit, put down the bong....LOL

have they dropped baddley don't take long
Best you can do is wait and see. Try taking clones quick becasue the bleach not have reached the top of the plant yet? just a thought
they are only 3 inches tall and yes they were sprayed till dripping wet. Than submerged right away with clean water... They haven't dropped any leaves and seem okay...
well I'm usually not so brain dead and am quite aware of what I'm doing... This is why I'm so nervous because I've never fucked up! This is a potentially big fuck up. 6 white skunk clones
HELP! I accidentally sprayed my feminized clones with bleach Cleaner instead of organic mite killer... I immediatly washed the little plants with tap water twice... I don't smell the cleaner after I washed them and 6 hours later they look fine. What are the chances of these dying or trning hermie? Please help!

Well, I won't roll my eyes at you because I did the same thing this morning. I have six seedlings just sprouting (1/2 inch sprouts - white widow, LSD, Jack Herrer, Sharksbreath, Acupulco gold & kandy Kush.) and accidentally sprayed them each with a few mists of a diluted solution of 70% water, 25 % Mr. Clean dissinfectant and 5% Bleach...:shock::shock::shock::shock:. I have all my bottles labelled but they all have the same graphic design and look the same (NO EXCUSE). I have 8 different bottles either containing water, water & NPK solution, Neem oil, Dissinfectant, Spider mite control, etc... I am usually maticulous, but I screwed up royally being half sleep this morning. I flushed all six our with water a few times until no smell could be detected running out the bottom. Then I emergency transplanted them all into larger containers with fresh Pro Mix and staight PH balanced water. Put them back in the chamber. I hope they live but the shock may be just too much for such fragile plants. I have learned my lesson. ONLY keep water based products accessible and remove don;t aggregate all your bottles together on one shelf - put any harsh stuff AWAY. Hard way to learn... but it has woke me up to always being focused with every act when nurturing these ladies. :cry::cry::cry::cry:
lol.......wouldnt it make you question what is what if it ends up being REALLY trippy smoke? lol..........Hell i'd join ya lmao
lol.......wouldnt it make you question what is what if it ends up being REALLY trippy smoke? lol..........Hell i'd join ya lmao

Forget about a "clean high"... my plants could produce a "Mr. Clean high". Shortly after 1 bong hit, all your hair would fall out leaving you completely bald and you would have a craving to wear a white T-shirt and clean up the Kitchen.

Okay, so I just fucked up really bad. I have a 2ft tall LA confidential plant that I ACCIDENTALLY sprayed with a water-bleach mixture. As soon as I smelled the bleach I freaked out and sprayed with water and then cleaned the leaves off.

I feel a god damn idiot. Will it survive you think? or what else can I do?
once i had a plant
the plant was a male
i stopped giving it water
it would neither wilt nor die
several days(at least 9) went by
i felt sorry for the little trooper and decided i'd share my orange juice but not my tequila, cuz tequila would be bad for a plant
i gave the plant in the 6 inch pot about 8 ounces of orange juice
about 3 days later, the plant and container were both completely cvered in this greenish white fuzzy shit
i decided to kill it with rubbing alcohol
i poured 24 ounces of 98% isopropyl alcohol into/onto this plant and its alien fungus
the mold died and "melted" almost immediately
i finally threw the plant away because of the stench coming from the pot from the shit i had poured in it
plants are tough