Taught My German Shepherd To Search For Weed.


Well-Known Member
I have a German Shepherd, like what the cops use for drug dogs. I also have drugs, so I figured why the hell not? She started finding treats and then I replaced treats with a nug jar. Let her smell a different jar of weed, ordered her to "search" and gave her treats when she found the jar.

After doing that for a few weeks, I put a bowl in a small pipe and started hiding that. After a few days I took the weed out and she was able to make the connection between fresh cannabis and old resin and will find an empty pipe or a sealed nug jar when ordered to search.

I am currently trying to train her to sit and bark if it's in a place she can not get to, otherwise she picks it up with her teeth and wings it at me when she finds it.:-P
She enjoys it, because I made a big game out of it and I enjoy it because it is cool having my very own drug dog. Anyone else do this?
Thought about it, but how would that be useful except to rip people off and that's fucked.

What a dumb post dude...

To op thats awesome! I miss my german shep :( best friendly dogs ever! Yours a boy or girl?

Good thing to teach your dog incase ya loose a nug or two
What a dumb post dude...

To op thats awesome! I miss my german shep :( best friendly dogs ever! Yours a boy or girl?

Good thing to teach your dog incase ya loose a nug or two

Girl, she is three and a half years old. Just like you said, she can find weed if I or a friend ever misplace a jar.

It also makes for a cool party trick.

you have a search dog now, anybody that gets into your car can be subject to search!!

no more, ' don't stop man, there's weed in my bag!' now you'll know before you leave.

good job. it's not too hard either... GS are EASY to train...
Point out in my OP where I said anything about wanting to rip people off. Don't put words in my mouth.

Yeah man cause having a drug dog has so many uses beyond ripping people off. plus rep for you guy

Plus if you knew anything about training you don't use treats to train an animal.
I'm jealous, that'd be awesome... I lose little nugs and pieces all the time! I have a golden retriever, he only finds balls and hates the smell of weed, it makes him sneeze hardcore (maybe a allergy)
They talked about this in barry cooper's video I believe. It can be used for more than just ripping people off. If you needed to travel somewhere with weed you use your dog to make sure that it would not be sniffed out in a traffic stop. Also, if you misplace your bag it could be very useful.
I'm jealous, that'd be awesome... I lose little nugs and pieces all the time! I have a golden retriever, he only finds balls and hates the smell of weed, it makes him sneeze hardcore (maybe a allergy)

The technique is to put the drugs inside the ball or toy. That way, he associates the smell of drugs with his favorite toy. I always wanted a money sniffing dog like the cops have. They say that it's the drug residue on the money that the dogs sniff out but I call bullshit.
Lol thats fuckin awesome, wish my little ankle biter could be trained to do that. And how the fuck could training your dog to search for weed help you rip people off? lol wtf. People on this board are retarded
Thats pretty sick, I don't see how you could use it to rip any off, and I definitely trained my dog with treats and in everyone I know trains their dogs with treats, except mike vick. SO I'd go ahead and continue using treats
:lol: i thought about this....

find all the weed ive lost over the years....

shit I have a friend who lost like 14oz in his house - couldn't find it anywhere... stashed it tripping nuts forgot where he put it the next day...... :lol: i could use your dog to find that!