Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Nice Nice Nice.. i dream of growing a cola that looks like that . which strain is that one? Mysteryryder?? how many inches tall is that cola?


Well-Known Member
its possible with longer veg doc ;) it is indeed the mystery. its hard to say cause it sort of straggles out at the bottom but I'd say 12" of proper bud :D

I can already tell shes gonna be an absolute mare to trim but should make some wicked butter/ hash !!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hahah, i wish. i vegged my last girls like so fuckin long (7 weeks)and still didnt get the density your getting wowzer. Im going to grow in coco next time. Im sure that will help.
Those leaves look sharp, are they? how do you grind your leaves in prep for your canna a coffee grinder? Your butter is going to super strong.


Well-Known Member
I think density of the nodes is mainly genetics and then your light spread affects it after that really, I kept my light really low (a lot of burnt tops to prove it lol). Yeh they are, shes on the limit of nutes so they're sharp. 3ml A+B per litre and 1.5ml Pk 13/14 per litre, with rhizo and boost as well :D

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
have you done any research with molassas? i started to read an intersting grow comparison of boost and molassas to see what the differences were. I have bloombastic, which i intend to use the last 5 weeks of flower. Im tempted to add a little molassas to the mix right now but not sure until i do more research. Your feed concocktion seems to be I look forward to using canna products in the future. Waterfarm is also really interesting me.


Well-Known Member
to be brutally honest doc, i didnt do much reading on them at all, i just decided to give them a go, I used them from like week 7 onwards on my last lot and it definitely helped fatten that SLH. This time I'll probably do the same, but its hard to tell wether they do make that much of a difference cause I have no comparison! flushing with only molasses makes perfect sense though, get rid of all the synthetic chemicals, and use organics :D


Well-Known Member
Ha that cola should rival mine in a couple weeks. If anything should turn out fatter! Looks real healthy. Nice and frosty too. Where's the weekly update at eh?

I started using grandma's molasses + muscovado 4 weeks into flower (alternating), pretty much with every feed (2tablespoons/10itres). Things did speed up soon after but that cud just be the timing. Buds look dense but cant say for sure cos i dont like squeezing them. Either way its done no harm and things look/smell good. Doc i say give it a go, maybe even use 1tbs/2 gallons (1/2 dose), got nothing to lose the way i see it.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
to be brutally honest doc, i didnt do much reading on them at all, i just decided to give them a go, I used them from like week 7 onwards on my last lot and it definitely helped fatten that SLH. This time I'll probably do the same, but its hard to tell wether they do make that much of a difference cause I have no comparison! flushing with only molasses makes perfect sense though, get rid of all the synthetic chemicals, and use organics :D
Thanks for being so brutal wowzer, i like pain... lol..only joking..vaped some auto blue a short time ago and im listening to the new U.D.O. cd. do you know who he is? The art work in the CD is very cool. He made into a comic book with music. Very cool.
Did i ever tell you my BioBizz nutes smelled and looked like molasses? infact it must have had a lot of it in it.. and i used that quite often so i think i will give it a go now..I love the smell of molasses
I started using grandma's molasses + muscovado 4 weeks into flower (alternating), pretty much with every feed (2tablespoons/10itres). Things did speed up soon after but that cud just be the timing. Buds look dense but cant say for sure cos i dont like squeezing them. Either way its done no harm and things look/smell good. Doc i say give it a go, maybe even use 1tbs/2 gallons (1/2 dose), got nothing to lose the way i see it.
That sounds like a good plan lilIndian. I have never heard of muscovado, but will try to find info on it.
Dont like squeezing your buds?lol.. thats pretty funny. You know i have never ever thought of ever sqeezing my buds. I would be too scared. I know that sounds really fucked up. I just would hate to damage all those delicate Trichomes. lol.. seems criminal like murder or something. hahahahahah
Im going to feed my girls some molasses tonite lilIndian, thanks for the feeback and positive outlook.


Well-Known Member
Nooo worries. Muscavado is like the closest thing i could find to something called sucanat, which u dont get here but its meant to be like really good quality molasses. Anyway how else u meant to gauge density whilst theyre still growing without a little squueeeze? MmMmmm?


Well-Known Member
sorry guys an girls, havent had time to do the update this week so ill do it next saturday which will be 6 weeks. it'll be worth the wait :D


Well-Known Member
what you doing at home at this time ona sat night WoW? las showed me ya facebook when he was down, that pic you posted in the uk thread didnt do ya justice m8, your no young jimmyhill lollolol deffo not with a missus like yours! reeeeespect! lololol


Well-Known Member
what you doing at home at this time ona sat night WoW? las showed me ya facebook when he was down, that pic you posted in the uk thread didnt do ya justice m8, your no young jimmyhill lollolol deffo not with a missus like yours! reeeeespect! lololol
haha im thinking bloody benny hill right now, dur du dur durh eeeeeeeeeeee, respe-ka-ta sambo lol, dont know how you man this everynight, im gonna be DOG rough tomrorrow


Well-Known Member
... and rough I am! just went out to water (only thing ive done today) and they're starting to pong really nicely :lol: the mysteryryder is so fruity, the psychosis is cheesy, the trainwreck is ... peppery and the OG is a rare old smell as well. Lots of calyx production now, next saturdays update should be easy on the eyes ;)

hope youve all had a good weekend!


Well-Known Member
fucking man up ya lightweight i just sent out for another half bottle lol until that arrives il smoke this early livers lol

carnt wait to see the mysteryrider finished shes a monster!


Well-Known Member
fucking man up ya lightweight i just sent out for another half bottle lol until that arrives il smoke this early livers lol

carnt wait to see the mysteryrider finished shes a monster!
told to man up from a southerner eeeeee, FUCKING HELL!

lol yeh she'll be nice man, reckon shell be done at 8 weeks as well jackpottttt!

you feel like doin an indoor update any time soon? hahah. them outdoor livers look nice though mate, thought you were in apt?


Well-Known Member
told to man up from a southerner eeeeee, FUCKING HELL!

lol yeh she'll be nice man, reckon shell be done at 8 weeks as well jackpottttt!

you feel like doin an indoor update any time soon? hahah. them outdoor livers look nice though mate, thought you were in apt?
they are at me dad house WoW aint really mine i just gave him then a few wks back and now he finks hes the bollacks lol but ive told him he still gotta fucking flower em lol and no way he will get away with it in the area he lives, yobbos would nab em as soon as they start stinking and its fucking livers lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lol thats bio bizz aint it sambo ;) grows its self dont it pretty much lol :) charly big potatoes, wonder where he gets it from lol ;) hahaha :)

whats going on wowser? thingy ma jig looks nice and slender :) cant wait for a little sample :) gonna get up the post office 2moro for ya bro with a small sample of lemon and blue and a small nug of hash for a few pipes, really nice on the pipe :)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha "thinks hes the bollocks". if hes in that sorta area they probs wont last lol, never know, might find las scuttling around in his yard lolol.