Carport GreenHouse 2011

Sorry for changing the subject but wife is so proud of her melons, she insisted I post


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Wow, those look great Hodge, I'll bet they taste good too!

Looks like you have a lot of them!

I'd drive for miles for a fresh melon like that!

Dogs are Queensland Heelers plus I have a Pomeranian. JJ, will try to get down to my storage this Friday and pick up some Medijuana. Have plenty of blackberries ready if your willing to pick them? Plums are ready and there is lots of squash....
Do you still want a fogger? How about I pick one up for you? It was a little over $200, I'll take it in trade?!?

And I can pick a few berries & maybe a squash.

Thanks bro

Sorry for changing the subject but wife is so proud of her melons, she insisted I post
I always enjoy looking at nice firm melons. Especially when the wife demands the husband to post her melons on line......Nice melons your wife has there Hodge.....LMAO.

Side note: I have 2 Watermelons that are the size of a football, and 5-6 cantaloupes that are bigger then a softball, but not quite there yet.
Quick question JJ. Take a look at this pic. A few of my plants are doing this. Since I'm new to the outdoor world I thought I'd ask you if you had any idea. Thanks buddy.
I don't know bro, that looks pretty bad. How are the roots? The last time I had a plant do that, it had root rot.

What's your soil? How often do you water?

Good luck

Quick question JJ. Take a look at this pic. A few of my plants are doing this. Since I'm new to the outdoor world I thought I'd ask you if you had any idea. Thanks buddy.
Hey Big-
They look a little heat stressed to me. They look to be in pots, are they black or white pots, I see both? Black pots will heat up and cook your roots, check that. Maybe root bound too, how big are those pots they're in? How often u watering them, and how much?
Answer these questions, that will sure help.
100 gallon smart pots and a few in 30 gallon smart pots.
5 gallons of ro water a day. Its strain dependent though. Only one strain. ( boysenberry )
I've had a few strains that just didn't like my grow environment for some reason. All others did well.

If it's just that strain, maybe it's just not gonna grow for you. It really don't like something! I wish I had more for you.

Sometimes you've just got to pull them out & try a different strain.

Good luck

100 gallon smart pots and a few in 30 gallon smart pots.
5 gallons of ro water a day. Its strain dependent though. Only one strain. ( boysenberry )
What's ro water? I agree with treeman that it looks like lack of water, what's the day temp and do you water only in the a.m.? Does the plant perk up after watering? Try increasing water ratio up to 10 gallons if it's in a 100 gallon pot and only water in the a.m. if at all possible. Luck to you.
I have some of the same thing going on with some of my plants, that I know is partly over fertilized and heat stres at the same time. I had some horse manure(bad idea) and started it, but I have some plants that did it at the same time but not as bad when we had that heaty wave. Some have recovered, some havn't. I've got some that the roots are into the ground where some of that horse shit was, and I added more dirt to it and everything, and some of them are just now starting to do that, cause their feet got into that horse shit (I'm assuming).Here's a picture of one one of mine.IMG_2551.jpg
Thanks everyone I really enjoy sharing with you & reading your comments. I try to keep up with as many of your threads as I can. Thanks again for making this a two way street, as I have received tips & info that I have found very usefull.

Here's some shots of a couple of the girls, from today.

P.S. My wife says to tell you guy's, "Go Giants!" Had to open a nice bottle of California Pinot Noir after last nights Giants win.;-)


Her sister OG Kush:




Your plants are looking absolutely woderful man.

The stalks and root ball are so massive i love it.

Do you ever have problems with spider mites, or powerdery mildew???
Ro water is reverse osmosis. The water in the bay area is full of chloramine. Temps sow here in san jose have been in the 70's lately and low 80's. I checked the roots and they are white where I can see them. Im thinkin maybe over fertilized now. I feed just once a week with maxsea 5 gallons with 5 tablespoons.

Soil im using is mushroom compost and screened topsoil with perlite. The plants have done great until recently.

Thanks guys for your help.

Much Respect!

100 gallon smart pots and a few in 30 gallon smart pots.
5 gallons of ro water a day. Its strain dependent though. Only one strain. ( boysenberry )

Maybe let your roots dry out for a few days then start feeding every other day? Just a thought...

More water, but less often is what I'd do.