Well-Known Member
i m here. not 2 cool but around. i miss pony too. he was my partner in crime.
Ya man.. True ganja soldier lol..i m here. not 2 cool but around. i miss pony too. he was my partner in crime.
I never hung out with the cool kids. I was always in the art room with the kids who had the connections. It didn't make me cool but it made me high as shit.
I think you're cool, beautiful :3i m here. not 2 cool but around. i miss pony too. he was my partner in crime.
Omg i wish pony was here, man it's still hurts when i watch his videos, hearing him say my name always brings a tear to my eye, wow the mold was broken when he was created, i can only wish to meet another man as sweet and genuine as he, pony will live on forever, just check out youtube!!!!!!!!Ya man.. True ganja soldier lol..
pony loved you too.Omg i wish pony was here, man it's still hurts when i watch his videos, hearing him say my name always brings a tear to my eye, wow the mold was broken when he was created, i can only wish to meet another man as sweet and genuine as he, pony will live on forever, just check out youtube!!!!!!!!
There all over at my place you dropping by?? LOL
Je suis francais lol Dude i'm from NB, now ur even more awesome!!!Take off eh! you can't tell, well in Canada I am considered other, no not a Nufie you ready "French" D'où venez-vous?
You going to hold that against me or we still friends...
Je suis francais lol Dude i'm from NB, now ur even more awesome!!!
J'me demande combien de personne sur cette site peut nous comprendre sans utiliser google translator, mais quand meme ca melange toute lol
Harper looks like a creepy dick dye ur damn hair u look funny, but when faced with voting for a douch ,dick, and an asshole people are not given man choices, ya i decided voting was a waste since picking one seemed like wtf NO April NO!!Hell I use it for some of the English on here lol
NB great place, nice people, don't rock the boat, give you the shirt off your back, Canadian as you can get without being odd like Que, Alb. BC, Toronto, Nunavit to name a few. Shame about the gov, Yo Harper cut the crap on pot!! He's going to out law growing by med patients in their homes.
LMFAO no my alter whore ego pardon super whore egoApril what are you doing up this late you a dancer just getting home?