I think you hit it there. It's proof of a pretty low degree of maturity that the single statement they choose to project about themselves is "huh huh, boobies."
I think it's tacky as fuck, but I've never been one to infringe on the rights of others to behave foolishly when it's not costing me. They way I figure, if I want the right to be arrogant and condescending, I can only respect your right to be ignorant and immature...
dude its not black and white like that
obviously a long time ago you fell on a stick, it went up your ass, and no one has ever taken it out for you
lemme break it down buddy
see, you dont have ana avatar. that obviously means you have nothing to say. you dont want us to know anything about you, you are extremely lazy or you just dont give a shit
like i said my avatar is a great memory i want to share with everyone
now say you had a wife, say you and your wife were extremely kinky
maybe you believed your wife had the most amazing body ever and you wanted to share her body with your good friends at riu
that is your choice
see but say you dont want to look at his wife
then dont look, it is as simple as making the effort to ignore something
when a baby cries at a restaurant do you gag it?
no you politely say nothing
now if you see an avatar with breast whats the most harm it does?
gives some guy reading posts a new pet peeve?
whatever dude