New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
Copy from the 6hundo my bad lol

Seeded nugs

not seeded

Close up of the tall clawing bco (it may be in a cold stream because its taller idk)

The shorter stocky bco

and the seeded bco girl she is 15 inches tall and seede top to bottom

Space bomb

BnS 1
Lolz man bump! Ahhhh thtz much better now!


Well-Known Member
hah thanks DL, I do like those shots :-D
More pr0n to come! maybe a little green light district??? it has been a few days lol


Well-Known Member
Damn bro MAN! Shitz bangin who on the real! Thanks for the pixel update WOW keep up the good work mang! Many props for sure!


Well-Known Member
Shame you can't much trich development on your buds. lol. Absolutely destroying the frost factor on those things man. Not often am I jealous of a grow... but you got me green with envy for sure. Damn I wish colorado was closer, I'd be over in a second to help trim and help sample of course, haha.

Happy birthday to all you guys around here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jig :-) I may have to ditch the ?purp due to lack of trich production lol
yeah I usually trim everything by myself so an extra hand is always welcome :-D I do have 1 or 2 people that are able to help every now and then but for the most part Im trimming everything myself.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jig :-) I may have to ditch the ?purp due to lack of trich production lol
yeah I usually trim everything by myself so an extra hand is always welcome :-D I do have 1 or 2 people that are able to help every now and then but for the most part Im trimming everything myself.
Good lord that's a chore with all that dank you have in the oven! I pay people to do it for me LOL. I do some myself depending how much needs to come down any given time but when its more than one I call in the help.


Well-Known Member
Good lord that's a chore with all that dank you have in the oven! I pay people to do it for me LOL. I do some myself depending how much needs to come down any given time but when its more than one I call in the help.
ha that would be nice... Even being legal Im still treating it like its black market meaning nobody comes over or even knows unless your fam. Only 2 people know where my grow is and only a handful know I even grow,,, hasnt failed me yet. I do want to move though... I want more room and lights and my land lord wont let me expand, what a shame.


Well-Known Member
ha that would be nice... Even being legal Im still treating it like its black market meaning nobody comes over or even knows unless your fam. Only 2 people know where my grow is and only a handful know I even grow,,, hasnt failed me yet. I do want to move though... I want more room and lights and my land lord wont let me expand, what a shame.
I do the same. Aside my family, and RIU members (family too), I think 5 people know where my grow is. And 2 of them grow. I have trimmed 80% of the 3.5 lbs I've harvested since I started growing, my wife has done probably 15% and I've had help for about 12 man hours. I would pay people, but I trim to the nth degree. Lose a lot of weight I'm sure, but I likes me some finely trimmed buds.

I would love to see what you do with more light and space. Would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Jesus those are some ridiculous buds....I can't believe I missed this grow. I'm subbed up now √√


Well-Known Member
Jesus those are some ridiculous buds....I can't believe I missed this grow. I'm subbed up now √√
Hey psychild :-) Im glad you like what you see, and welcome to me journal :-) feel free to ask any questions and post whenever you feel like :-) just no drama thats all I ask ;-)

Thanks again for the kind words :peace:


Well-Known Member
BnS day 47 for all but 1 of em.. it went in a week or two after the rest.

Space bombs :-) Day 34
One when hermy on me last week so it was pulled :-( Its finishing off in my male tent now and Im thinking I may just make it into hash... sub says SB makes his favorite hash anyway lol. Id be a little more upset about it if I didnt need the extra room anyway for the new hydro system lol

?purp day 36 chugging allong

all the seeded buds are nice and plump :-)

And some more space bombs day 1 in aunt flow #2 :-)
I whent with a more traditional scrog lol
2 of the 4 clones I had nice and ready for this system came from the plant that hermied on me so I took 2 that were in soil and gently washed the dirt away,,, its been 24 hrs and they look like they are gonna make it! yay!

I went ahead and bought this shop vac filter for 10 bucks... I probably clean my lights more often than most because my room is in a dusty shop... Even with the filters I had on it I was cleaning them almost every week lol these nicer ones should save me ALLOT of time. They fit 6 inch ducting perfectly :-)
Now that I know they fit nice I'll get one for my 1ks.


Well-Known Member
Phucking sweet WHO DAM! THAT BnS looks like it gonna be a crazy yielder too just in the day by day pix u can see it juicing up! Doesn't look like its gonna stop anytime soon! Looking hella niice whodat as always. Thanks for shareing man!