What Do You Tell Women When They Ask?


Well-Known Member
For the people that do not have the luxury of growing in an off location, what do you tell women that you are dating, when they want to come into your house? It is common to see a person only a few times before figuring out they are not compatible and moving on. I do NOT want anyone knowing about my grow and always make first, second and third dates away from my house. Beyond that it is hard to think up a good excuse to keep them away.

Lets be honest, these days it is common to start a relationship that you think is going to work out, only to have the other person not be who you thought they were. I find myself hesitant to pursue a serious relationship out of fear that if it doesn't work out, I will have to kill all my plants immediately or risk getting busted. The plants could be used against me, if ya know what I mean.

What do you tell the girl when she wants to see your house, and at what point do you risk showing them?:-(


Active Member
i just dont tell them at all its your house not hers

my gf at the moment dosent know at all i smoke weed or grow it i dont think she know what a weed plant looks like tbh haahah

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Is the grow sealed and hidden within the house? Or would it be easy for her to stumble into it? I have visitors over but it's in a cabinet in the den so it's not easy to find. I personally wouldn't tell her until you have to for whatever reason


Well-Known Member
I hear you, but once you get upstairs my hydro setup is in your face. I can't hide it currently.
It is in a closet, but have an AC in the bedroom along with ballasts, timers, drying box, RO system in the bathroom, boxes of supplies in the spare room, etc.


Well-Known Member
there is no way around it. either tell her or don't bring her home. u can put it off for months with a million excuses but u will come to a point when u either trust her and tell her or don't trust her and don't tell her. shit...mb she's got her own grow going and u just dont know it yet.
that would be devine intervention wouldn't it?


Active Member
At the very least it will force you to break things off on good terms. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Keep a level of respect in the situation, that way you won't have to worry about retaliation of any kind.


bud bootlegger
i'd just lock or keep any doors closed to where she would see something that you'd not want her to see... if you have a bathroom downstairs that she could use, it really wouldn't be much of an issue imo..
otherwise, just do what i do, and keep the door closed so no prying eyes can see your wonderful grow.. you'd be surprised at how easy it is to hide a grow with a lil thinking.


Well-Known Member
Hide your shit better man,life is more important than growing pot and it shouldn't be a negative factor of it. It's gonna cock-block you until you hide it. And NEVER tell a woman until you put a ring on her finger/she moves in with you. Loose lips sink ships,and a new woman tends to tell their friends EVERYTHING about their new man. Don't reveal your vulnerability till your sure your safe cos growing is the biggest vulnerability you'll ever have.
there is no way around it. either tell her or don't bring her home. u can put it off for months with a million excuses but u will come to a point when u either trust her and tell her or don't trust her and don't tell her. shit...mb she's got her own grow going and u just dont know it yet.
that would be devine intervention wouldn't it?
depends on the female...is she a cool chick? don't know? make some kind of marijuana/stoner joke and see how she responds. could be something simple about 420 or whatever.

*if* you plan on furthering the relationship and it starts to become serious- just ask her if she would interested in growing and/or smoking marijuana with you. explain to her your intentions about how passionately you are to the hobby. she actually might reciprocate and see it as something the two of you could do together. the more emotions and feelings you put into the pitch the more women associate those emotions to themselves.

it is better to be upfront early on than to let her curiosity find out later


Well-Known Member
For the people that do not have the luxury of growing in an off location, what do you tell women that you are dating, when they want to come into your house? It is common to see a person only a few times before figuring out they are not compatible and moving on. I do NOT want anyone knowing about my grow and always make first, second and third dates away from my house. Beyond that it is hard to think up a good excuse to keep them away.

Lets be honest, these days it is common to start a relationship that you think is going to work out, only to have the other person not be who you thought they were. I find myself hesitant to pursue a serious relationship out of fear that if it doesn't work out, I will have to kill all my plants immediately or risk getting busted. The plants could be used against me, if ya know what I mean.

What do you tell the girl when she wants to see your house, and at what point do you risk showing them?:-(
Honesty is the best practice, Thats why I simply state that "I have a couple roomates that really dont like company. The funny thing is no girl has called me out on only having a one bedroom apartment.


Active Member
Your next date bring up the war on drugs and ask what she thinks about it, and maybe get to the new bill that Ron Paul and Barney Frank has introduced. With a few innocent questions you might get the feel for her in that department.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to anyone telling you to just tell her,that's plain foolish if your not legally doing it,what happens if she freaks out and calls the Police? Growing might be normal to you to and I,but to a normal person it's a big big deal. Also what if it doesn't work out? "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

Seriously,be careful and read my previous post on pg1,especially if as your avatar suggests your in Israel cos they don like drugs at all!


Well-Known Member
pretty sure no one said come right out and say ur growing marijuana....i like the idea of just seeing if she will smoke with u or if she smokes and then find out how she feels about it


Well-Known Member
Growing is still 100 steps further down the road than just smoking...tell noone is the first rule of growing,and if you break that rule the only loving you're gonna be getting is off your 300lbs cellmate named Butch.


Well-Known Member
If she truly loves you, even if she leaves you, bitterness shouldn't warrant ratting you out. You are trying to be sensible but really and truly, she will have to know eventually.

There are plenty of women out there who will want to marry you and help you tend/smoke those buds until you are old and wrinkly. And that is a lovely avatar you have there <3


Well-Known Member
i've been lucky with girlfriends, as they either smoked themselves, or didn't care if I did. But I'm jumping into the dating game again, so having a plant on my balcony can be an issue. Like others have said . . . it depends. If I met a girl that I was head over heels about, and growing pot was a problem, I would quit growing. That's easy. If the same girl had a problem with me smoking pot, I would probably do what my married friends do - they smoke every now and then on the sly wilthout their significant other knowing.


Active Member
Most guys who get busted for growing weed indoors in Australia can thank a jilted lover. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say...

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Most guys who get busted for growing weed indoors in Australia can thank a jilted lover. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say...
he is right. best bet is to go gay. that way u can just kick each others ass if your fighting. problom solved.