Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

some j lee glass!










dude that rig is sick! reminds me of a dosa rig....those millies and the work are so clean and the honey comb in the back foot is dope can u get me one?!? :D

maybe. i can ask him next time i see him. :)

i love it. haven't put it down since i got it. just made 3 more runs of BHO. :cool:
Gnome! Brah, am I glad to see u. I need an opinion, and I know u r the Sovereignty master. Looking at getting a Sovereignty bings, but can also get a great deal on a mobius. What should I do? I know Sovs are the shit... But whaddya think about Mobius? Thanks man :peace:
Here's a real interesting piece, its blown under the name Equilibrium and is called their double inline, because smoke is fed to an 8 cut inline from both sides. Its blown by an artist locally in dallas/fort worth who goes by the name earl jr. He had an earlier bubbler version his name sand blasted, but a headshop chain in dfw worked with the dude to put a patent on the design and in order to sell them more as a scientific piece and to other shops around the country they changed to a new name. Since, I got it from the shop that dispenses these to other potential sellers, I got wholesale price of $210, which was a steal in my book.

Pros- Since you get equal airflow from both sides the inline really works to its full potential. I like the design of the tube its eye catching. The bowl although a little deep, is a nice ice pinch bowl and it has that big flat circle handle, so no burning fingers and you can lay it flat with no worries of it rolling away or anything. The inline's cuts are also done so they face more toward the back instead of top or bottom, which creates a real nice flow of bubbles.

Cons- The bore size is large for my preference, it just feels slightly awkward when creating the seal with my mouth. Then there a few scratches on the glass, but for an up and coming new blower its expected by me at least.

Overall- I love this double inline. It gives you that real smooth inline hit and sends the smoke straight to the lungs. I throw my toro circ trashcatcher on her and its my main daily driver right now.

herbal iron! nice!

The double inline is a sweet idea. Unique.

I love the iron, its been the best 60 bucks I've spent in awhile. Especially for the rare times some hash comes my way, it just burns so nice on top of a little bud, makes my bowls last about 3x as long.
I love the iron, its been the best 60 bucks I've spent in awhile. Especially for the rare times some hash comes my way, it just burns so nice on top of a little bud, makes my bowls last about 3x as long.

sir I hope you know about HASH oil and oil domes and oil skillets :D

nuggets into amazing extract :)
I do, and I'm very excited to move out to a medical state within the next year so I can get much better access to oils and even just better bud to make oils from, not that I get shit bud just not medical. I've got a little butane extractor that I'll do a couple runs with here and there, but unless I'm making it myself I don't have access to any. I'm heading to cali over christmas to meet up with some friends and just chief fat, I'm expecting after that trip I'll have an even harder time not investing all my weekly bud money for bho runs. I'm going to pick up an oil piece on that trip too, so it will make smoking the oils much easier, and then I'll really start exploring the wold of concentrates!
hell yeah dude..

I just use really frosty shake that i get off big sacks... i got a few oz's saved up to make oil.. i run all my own oil and vacuum purge it... only way to know it's clean is to do it yourself I say :)

Plus it's the smoothest and tastiest I've tried, so I like it vs what others make it. Costs me a little less than $40 to make a gram of oil too.

I've still gotta run all this tangerine dream trim into BHO too! :lol: what the fuck will I do with all this oil! I need some dishes :?
Gnome! Brah, am I glad to see u. I need an opinion, and I know u r the Sovereignty master. Looking at getting a Sovereignty bings, but can also get a great deal on a mobius. What should I do? I know Sovs are the shit... But whaddya think about Mobius? Thanks man :peace:

depends on what sg u want compared to what mobius and the price..but if it were me id take the SG no questions asked! ;)

BTW- thats not a double inline..double means 2 and thers only 1 inline perc in that tube lol...stil pretty cool how it spilts in 2 diff.ways straight off the joint and goes into each side of the inline...def. unique!
depends on what sg u want compared to what mobius and the price..but if it were me id take the SG no questions asked! ;)

BTW- thats not a double inline..double means 2 and thers only 1 inline perc in that tube lol...stil pretty cool how it spilts in 2 diff.ways straight off the joint and goes into each side of the inline...def. unique!

I do understand that when you hear double inline you do think two inlines, and when I first heard about this design locally thats what I imagined of course. When I saw the actual design in person, I realized its not a true double inline, but is an easy way to describe the perc. If I hear a more proper name for the design around me I'll definitely correct myself!